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12/10/2022 5:24:30 PM

15 Super-Charged Alternatives to Built-in Windows Apps

Did You Know?: The prehistoric shark megalodon could bite down with up to 182000 newtons of force—approximately ten times more force than the bite of a great white shark. Read in Browser Logo for How-
11/12/2022 5:24:31 PM

25 Gifts Your Techy Friends Actually Want in 2022

Did You Know?: Bourbon is a spirit made from a grain composition that is at least half corn–by US law, bourbon made for US consumption must be made with a mixture that is at least 51 percent corn with
5/28/2023 4:25:21 PM

Is a VPN Worth Paying For?

Did You Know?: Most people take great care to not scratch the bottom of their CDs and DVDs, but in reality, it's the top that you should protect. The actual data on an optical disc is stored in an