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6/1/2023 4:24:50 PM

10 Mistakes New Android Users Make

Did You Know?: An approximately 14200 year old grave site uncovered in Germany in 1914 is the earliest evidence we have of the domestication of dogs. The site had two humans along with the body of a
6/12/2023 4:24:41 PM

RSS Readers Are Better Than Ever, Thanks to Twitter & Reddit

Did You Know?: The 1937 supernatural comedy Topper was the first black-and-white full-length feature film converted to color via digital colorization—the color version was released in 1985. Read in
6/12/2023 3:24:50 AM

Here's What's New in iOS 17, iPadOS 17, and macOS 14 Sonoma

Did You Know?: The Hope Diamond glows blood red when exposed to ultraviolet light (typically, blue diamonds glow white when bathed in ultraviolet light); this is one of the many factors that have