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6/26/2022 4:04:29 PM

Android Weekly #524 🤖

View in web browser 524 June 26th, 2022 Articles & Tutorials Compose sample app: UI state with Flow, offline first James Shvarts goes over the details of a simple app built in Compose and Kotlin
6/26/2022 5:54:28 PM

Kotlin Weekly #308

ISSUE #308 26th of June 2022 Announcements Introducing Kotlin Build Reports Starting with Kotlin 1.7.0, you can create build reports for Kotlin compiler tasks. Reports contain durations of different
1/23/2023 2:24:31 PM

Digest #87: Testing AWS Infrastructure 😍

Digest #87: Testing AWS Infrastructure 😍 #87: Testing AWS Infrastructure This week, we'll take a look at some common Git commands that you probably don't need. Next, we'll dive into the