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4/19/2023 10:04:27 PM

📺 You might have Netflix all wrong

ASML could finally be feeling the chip market downturn | Inflation just won't leave Brits alone | TOGETHER WITH Hi Reader, here's what you need to know for April 20th in 3:15 minutes. 💰 Women
4/24/2023 10:04:27 PM

⚔️ The US-China chip war

Coca-Cola's results were well worth a toast | The US fired up tensions with China | TOGETHER WITH Hi Reader, here's what you need to know for April 25th in 3:11 minutes. 🙋‍♀️ Investing's a
5/4/2023 10:05:16 PM

🍎 Apple’s looking ripe

Apple's still juicy | China's thirst for oil kept growing | TOGETHER WITH Hi Reader, here's what you need to know for May 5th in 3:14 minutes. 👂 When the world gets this unpredictable, wise