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6/5/2023 11:04:38 AM

VR's "iPhone moment" 🌎, AI frontiers 🤖, ChatGPT teaches CS 👨‍💻

Apple's highly anticipated AR/VR headset could push the technology to the mainstream. Sign Up|Jobs|Advertise|View Online TLDR Together With Fern TLDR 2023-06-05 Fern - The Future of API Development
6/13/2023 10:54:28 AM

Protests crash Reddit 📱, Twitter CEO's first email 🐦, Chrome for Testing 👨‍💻

The large number of subreddits shifting to private to protest Reddit's new API pricing terms caused Reddit to crash Sign Up|Jobs|Advertise|View Online TLDR Together With Swarmia TLDR 2023-06-13 Non
6/12/2023 2:25:45 AM

Zuckerberg on Apple's Vision Pro 🥽, Instagram's leaked Twitter competitor 📱, understanding GPT tokenizers 👨‍💻

Mark Zuckerberg says that Apple's Vision Pro doesn't present any major breakthroughs in technology that Meta hadn't already explored Sign Up|Jobs|Advertise|View Online TLDR Together With