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12/8/2022 11:04:29 AM

WMG Launches Web3 Project; Netflix’s ‘Wednesday’ Dance Goes Viral With The Wrong Song; Neil Young Radio High-Res Launched on SiriusXM

View online WMG launches Web3 project LGND Music including 'virtual vinyl' WMG launches Web3 project LGND Music including 'virtual vinyl' Warner Music Group is collaborating on a new
3/23/2023 4:25:26 PM

Why Shows Are Too Dark on Your TV (and 9 Ways to Fix It)

Did You Know?: The chocolate between the wafers of a Kit-Kat bar isn't the same chocolate used on the exterior of the bars—it's made from mashed up Kit-Kat bars that failed their quality checks
11/10/2022 11:44:52 AM

The Death of the Key Change 🎹

Why the pop charts moved away from key changes. Here's a version for your browser. Hunting for the end of the long tail • November 09, 2022 Hey all, Ernie here with a piece from new contributor