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4/11/2022 4:24:34 PM

PSA: Your Old Gadgets Are a Fire Hazard, Here's What to Do

Did You Know?: After the “flair” that servers wore—buttons and other adornments—was made the butt of a joke in the popular movie Office Space, TGI Fridays, the restaurant the joke was modeled on,
3/5/2023 5:25:36 PM

10 Reasons DVD Movies Are Still Worth Collecting

Did You Know?: During periods of hyperinflation after World War I, German workers would be paid twice daily and would shop during their midday breaks to avoid getting further dinged by rising prices.
11/27/2022 5:24:28 PM

Why Do TV Speakers Sound So Bad?

Did You Know?: Hanlon's razor is an eponymous adage named after Robert J. Hanlon that states: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Read in Browser Logo for