Longevity Minded - Habits: Breaking Destructive Behaviours
Habits: Breaking Destructive BehavioursHow to systematically interrupt and break destructive habits.Implement & Out
Look Inside: The 4 Components of a Habit
Habits are a powerful force for change and the best predictor of our performance. We don’t rise to our expectations, we fall to the level of our daily actions. Our systems. The nature of those actions or inactions will depend on your individual goals. However, the structure of every habit, good or bad, remains the same. Understanding this structure is crucial to breaking destructive habits that left untouched would push you further from your goals. 1) CueSomething one notices, consciously or subconsciously, that sparks the habit loop. Example:
2) CravingThe meaning associated with the cue or the prediction of what will happen if you engage in the behaviour. This occurs rapidly or automatically after exposure to the cue. The favourable outcome we expect from engaging in the behaviour causes a dopamine spike that inspires the next step. Expecting a displeasurable outcome will have the opposite effect and discourage us from taking action. Example:
3) ResponseThe physical action of engaging in the behaviour. Example:
4) RewardThe realization of pleasure that you anticipated in the craving stage. This is what keeps you coming back for more or scares you off if the reward is negative. Example:
The more often we engage in this loop for a certain habit, the stronger it becomes and the more difficult it is to break. Not every habit rewards us in a positive way. Some are neutral while others are negative. We proactively seek and engage in habits that reward us positively and avoid those that result in displeasure. Neutral habits, such as taking the same route to work every day, are necessary parts of life we don’t associate with. How to Break Destructive Habits
Before adding positive habits, take a thorough inventory of your negative or self-destructive behaviours. Setting well-defined anti-goals (where you don’t want to end up) is equally as important as setting forward goals (where you want to go).
Remember, everything in our lives from the people we associate with to the foods we eat is a result of the habit loops and behaviours we’ve developed. Use these questions or mimic the structure to create your own. The point is that 80% of our results arise from 20% of our behaviours (in reality, it’s often skewed much higher). Identify the 20% so we can eliminate it using the following process. The Process to End Self-DestructionSelect one of three approaches based on your desired end state and apply it to this four-step process to turn your ambition into reality. Focus on breaking one habit at a time, beginning with the most destructive. Alternatively, you could build momentum by starting with the easiest habit to break. Success breeds success. Choose the path that works best for you. Three ApproachesA) Cold turkey: Eliminate entirely, and never do it againDecide to never indulge in the target behaviour again. B) Taper down: Reduce the behaviour to your desired frequencyDetermine how often you’ll allow yourself to engage in the target behaviour over a specified time period (weekly, monthly, quarterly). C) Replace the behaviourSeek an alternative to the behaviour you want to eliminate. For example, constructive friends to replace toxic ones. The Four-Step Process1) Make the cue invisibleSince cues can be difficult to identify, the most important part of this step is noticing the cues of the habit you’re trying to break. To cultivate this self-awareness, observe your behaviour over the next five days. When you engage in the target behaviour, make a note on your phone detailing…
Be honest, but don’t judge yourself. The goal is to identify trends and isolate the cue that’s sparking the habit loop. Sometimes, the act of observing alone is enough to change your behaviour. Once you’ve identified the cue, make it invisible. Reducing your exposure to the cue decreases the likelihood you’ll engage in the habit you want to eliminate. 2) Make it unattractive3) Make it difficultIf your destructive habit is stress eating, scavenge the cupboards for unhealthy food and toss it out. Having to drive to the store should provide enough of a gap to regain mental clarity and reevaluate your actions. 4) Make it unsatisfyingHead to Amazon.com and find a leather-bound self-flagellation whip… Okay, that was a joke. But it is important to have an immediate consequence for engaging in unwanted behaviours. Social stakes (accountability) and loss aversion increase habit adoption exponentially. A company called StickK capitalized Not only that, but you can put financial stakes on the line that are automatically donated to a charity or anti-charity if you fail. Scrap the charity idea. It’s effectively rewarding you for failure. An anti-charity is an organization you so despise that you’d rather peel your fingernails off than donate to. As Tim Ferriss writes Simplicity Inspires Greatness
Destructive habits aren’t always apparent nor as grave as smoking or eating into obesity. Small, non-obvious changes make a big difference. We can make monumental improvements to our lives and substantial jumps towards our goals by modifying or eliminating destructive habit loops. How would your life improve if you rewired your behaviour to prevent slipping into a negative spiral after a work conflict? Would you be better positioned to attain your goals if you tossed out trigger foods and disassociated with toxic friends? Much love, Jack If you liked this post from Longevity Minded, why not share it? DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on the Internet. Speak with a medical professional before doing anything medical-related. |
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