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India's feeling electric... finally | Tesco wants you back |

Hi Reader, here's what you need to know for June 20th in 3:11 minutes.

✅ There are tons of reasons to invest in green energy, you know like – heeey, you nearly got us there. Join Morningstar’s Tancrède Fulop for The Pros And Cons of Investing In Green Energy Today on Tuesday, and then you’ll find out why you would – or wouldn’t – want to buy into the green energy transition. Grab your free ticket

Today's big stories

  1. A third of all vehicles sold in India could be electric by 2030
  2. Our analyst has laid out 10 of his top recession-proof stocks – Read Now
  3. Tesco's UK sales fell as its customers tried to save some cash

Charged Up

Charged Up

What’s Going On Here?

A report out on Friday predicted a third of all vehicles sold in India will be electric by 2030.

What Does This Mean?

India’s been slower to embrace EVs than most other major markets, which won’t be helping the world’s third-biggest emitter of greenhouse gas reach its target of being net carbon zero by 2070. But that might change soon: a new report projected that foreign investment in the industry will rocket from $6 billion in 2021 to $20 billion by 2030, as globally established companies seek to make the most of the world’s fourth-biggest car market. Layer in some hefty government subsidies, and India could soon be cooking with gas – or, uh, electricity. In fact, the report predicts that Indian EV sales will pass 10 million – equivalent to 10% of the world’s EV sales – by 2030, way up on last year’s paltry 400,000. That’s not all cars, mind you: two and three-wheel EVs will likely lead the charge, as their four-wheel counterparts will still be too expensive for many of the country’s drivers.

Why Should I Care?

Zooming in: Power up.
India will have to upgrade its sparse charging network if it really wants EVs to take off. After all, an electric scooter’s no use if there’s nowhere to charge it. But it’s got a long way to go: India’s proportion of charging stations to EVs was just 6% in 2021, lagging behind the UK’s 9% and China’s whopping 18%.

The bigger picture: Eco-consciousness costs.
But there’s a wider issue threatening EV adoption: inflation. See, carmakers – like everyone else – have been upping their prices recently, bringing the average cost of an electric car to $61,000. Now here’s the thing: the average price of a new vehicle – including non-electric ones – is $46,000, and that’s already out of reach for more than half of all Americans. That doesn’t bode well for electric car sales, and suggests EV adoption could be stuck in park until prices come down.

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Analyst Take

The Top 10 Stocks To Hold Ahead Of The Upcoming Recession

The Top 10 Stocks To Hold Ahead Of The Upcoming Recession
Photo of Stéphane Renevier

Stéphane Renevier, Analyst

Economists, indicators, and the tea leaves are all saying the same thing: a recession is more likely than not right now.

That’s especially true after the Fed went all guns blazing with its 0.75% interest rate hike on Wednesday, revealing a panicky central bank at the center of all this.

So let’s assume it’s a sure thing, and start preparing your portfolio accordingly: by defining what all the best recession-proof stocks have in common, and finding those that fit.

That’s today’s Insight: how to pick recession-proof stocks, and the 10 recession-proof stocks your portfolio might need.

Read or listen to the Insight here


Crypto, uncomplicated

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So while your bank can only offer you a minimal interest, you could earn up to 65% interest on your bitcoin, ether, and stablecoins. Sounds like an upgrade to us.

Discover how simple crypto can be with YOP.

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What’s Going On Here?

Tesco gave a disappointing results update on Friday after its customers cut back a little.

What Does This Mean?

Looks like Brits have been taking Tesco’s “every little helps” motto seriously: they’ve been saving money by doing everything from making fewer car journeys to swapping pricey products for cheaper alternatives. That’s not quite what the UK’s biggest supermarket intended: Tesco reported a greater-than-expected 1.5% drop in UK same-store sales last quarter versus the same time last year.

But while everyday customers kept their purse strings suitably tight, more caterers and businesses flocked to Tesco’s Booker wholesale business now that lockdowns are nowhere in sight. The segment boasted a 19% uptick in sales from last year, which – along with a solid performance from Tesco’s Central European stores – helped keep overall sales growth in the green at 2%. This year will still be tough, mind you: Tesco already warned in April that profits will probably be squeezed this year, as it plans to cut prices to keep customers from checking out cheaper rivals.

Why Should I Care?

Zooming in: Bigger is better.
Still, most analysts believe Tesco has enough size and sway with suppliers to survive the downturn better than any of its UK retail rivals. So far, so good: monthly industry data shows it’s consistently outperformed the wider market and Sainsbury's, Asda, and Morrisons – its three biggest rivals. And sure, German discounters Aldi and Lidl might’ve grown the fastest in the three months before mid-May, but Tesco still managed to expand its leading market share to 27.4%.

The bigger picture: Fine dining.
Tesco said its product prices have increased by under 7%, but that might not last long: grocery researchers predicted this week that UK food price inflation would likely peak at 15% this summer, and stay high until 2023. You’ll probably feel the pinch: they predict the average family of four will spend $529 a month on groceries by January 2023, up from $487 this January.

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💬 Quote of the day

“Everything seems simpler from a distance.”

– Gail Tsukiyama (an American novelist)
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Hedge inflation with… farmland

Farmland’s historical stability during market uncertainty makes the asset a great store of value during a recession.

And you don’t need to buy the entire farm outright to reap the rewards: FarmTogether lets any accredited investor take fractional ownership of different types of farmland.

Farmland has averaged returns of nearly 11% over the last 30 years – enough to rival gold, real estate, and stocks.

And get this: it has experienced less volatility than both traditional and alternative asset classes.

Find out what farmland could do for your portfolio: check out FarmTogether.

Find Out More

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🌎 Finimize Live

🎉 Coming Up This Week

All events are in UK time.

♻️ The Pros And Cons Of Investing In Green Energy Today: 12pm, June 21st
⛔️ How Not To Invest In The Next Luna: 1pm, June 22nd
🥕 Investing In The Rise Of Plant-Based Food: 1pm, June 23rd
🤗 Investing In Metaverse Opportunities: 5pm, June 23rd

💪 And Then After That…

♻️ Analysing Emerging Trends In Green Stocks: 5pm, June 27th
🇺🇸 How To Prepare For A Recession: 1pm, June 29th
🏠 Blockchain And Real Estate: What’s Next?: 6pm, June 29th

🎯 On Our Radar

  1. Should a three-year-old hike 500 miles? We’re not all agreed.
  2. Loans can help you get a job. They can also make you lose it.
  3. Come on, Barbie. Ryan Gosling sure looks different.
  4. We’re not doing well these days. Here’s why.
  5. Meet the ocean’s next fashionista. This creature really knows how to stand out.
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