7 Reasons to Collect More Moments Instead of More Stuff

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Last weekend, I strolled along the Chicago River, husband by my side, baby in my front pack. Low, evening sunlight filtered between the towering, black skyscrapers ahead. The water held their reflections, a glistening image sustained by small waves of the Windy City.
The view was breathtaking. And quite a contrast from our usual rural Kansas scenery, so I paused, grabbed my iPhone and snapped a picture.
Stuffing my phone back into my purse, I lingered. Eyes on the water. Soaking in each ripple, absorbing every ounce of reflected light. My mind put words to what I was seeing. My heart cemented the feeling. And the moment was captured, mine.
Ever since adopting a minimalist lifestyle—when I stopped collecting stuff—I've been collecting moments instead. At the end of each day, I document at least three moments from that day in a journal. My list now surpasses 4,000 entries—I've been recording them for around four years.
These are moments that, to me, make life truly rich. Moments that hold more meaning than any possession I could accumulate. And the more I've detached from my stuff, the more I've been able to see these moments.
Truth is our lives are full of collectible moments—I call them “moments that matter.” And part of living life more intentionally is being present for them by anchoring ourselves in the now, and opening our eyes to what it has to offer.
Time and time again, studies show that owning excess material possessions doesn't equal more happiness. Moments of connection and meaning do.
In a society that applauds busyness and consumerism, focusing less on stuff and more on moments that matter in a countercultural practice. It takes work and commitment to unify yourself with the present moment and wait to watch how life unfolds.
But it's worth it—collecting moments instead of stuff, for me, has been nothing short of life-changing.
I think it would be for you, too.
Here are 7 reasons to collect more moments instead of more stuff:
1. You realize life isn't about stuff
The number one regret of people on their deathbed, as explained in palliative care nurse and author Bronnie Ware's book, is: “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Another is “I wish I wouldn't have worked so hard.” And another is: “I wish I would have let myself be happier.”
Notice that “I wish I would have accumulated more stuff,” or “I wish I would have lived with newer, bigger, and trendier possessions,” didn't make the list. 
Why? Because, while we all need basic possessions, life isn't about our stuff. You can't take it with you. And chances are, when you get to the end of your life, you're not going to wish you had more stuff or dedicated more time to it.
Moments of connection, of beauty, of generosity, of being fully present, those are what matter and what are worth collecting.
Julia Ubbenga is a freelance journalist whose teachings on minimalism, simplicity, and intentional living have reached thousands of people worldwide through her blog. Julia practices what she preaches in her Kansas City home with her husband, two extremely lively young daughters, one-year-old son, and newborn baby girl. You can also find her on Instagram.
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  Have a GREAT weekend! With you on this journey,
— Julia

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