Maybe you loved The Matrix. Or maybe you thought it was a mediocre movie at best and struggled to make it to the end (it’s okay be honest).
Either way, the core theme has stood the test of time. The Matrix is “the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”
You’ve heard it a million times, so let’s all say it together . . .
You take the blue pill. The story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill. You stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Those words have only become more prophetic in the last 20 years.
Like we’ve always said, Main Streeters have simple priorities: family, faith, and freedom. They love their country. They want to leave their kids better off than they were.
And elites have equally simple priorities: own the future and rent it back to you on their terms. Accumulate money and power. Become the lords of society, overseeing us peasants.
But maybe something darker is going on with these elites.
Maybe - just maybe - they actually hate you and your “family, faith and freedom” thing.
It’s seems outlandish that the ruling class would prefer chaos, depravity, and tyranny. But sometimes events unfold in such rapid succession that the Matrix becomes visible to anyone willing to look.
We get glimpses of truth, confronting us with a decision. Blue pill or red pill?
We’re in the middle of a glimpse right now.
It all started when a once-highly-celebrated billionaire decided to buy Twitter in the name of restoring free speech.
We all saw what transpired the previous few years. The Hunter Biden laptop coverup. COVID “misinfo” censorship. People getting banned for pointing out child grooming.
The Babylon Bee got banned for making jokes for crying out loud. Jokes, Jerry.
Twitter wasn’t always like this.
By taking Twitter private, Elon Musk would now have the power to unban censored accounts, expose internal communication, and uncover the leftwing bias at Twitter. Even though Twitter is one of the smallest Big Tech companies, it’s built around sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions. So it has a huge impact on the flow of speech in our society.
From day one of Musk’s takeover, we got to see some interesting things. According to the new owner, Twitter was every bit the censorship machine we thought.
So Musk cleaned house.
We endured a weekend of media pundits telling us Twitter couldn’t function without all those soyboy hipsters. But somehow it’s still here.
Then simple stats showed us things were changing.
Some banned accounts were brought back. Jordan Peterson. James Lindsay. President Trump.
It seemed like we could return to a fair exchange of ideas, which is all conservatives wanted.
And as an added bonus, we got to see celebrities humiliated by their own ignorance.
It was fun. But you didn’t think elites were just going to let you have free speech back, did you?
To elites, this freedom of speech thing is dangerous and needs to be stopped at any cost. We’ve seen it play out before.
Elites and their media troops went all in against free speech. They told us the gates of hell were opening. That violence would break out, people would be killed, and the government needed to monitor the situation.
It’s odd because Musk was clear about the rules all along.
And the people crying about potential hate speech were - as usual - accusing others of what they do themselves.
It was unhinged, but not surprising. What’s at stake is their ability to control the narrative.
It’s just odd given that journalists have historically been defenders of free speech.
But absolute power corrupts absolutely. The ability to control narratives - and in turn control people’s thoughts and beliefs - is a superpower.
It’s not just power they chase, it’s money. That became obvious when FTX blew up. SBF scammed people for billions, flew to the Bahamas to hide out in his million-dollar properties (bought with stolen funds), and then . . . well, nothing.
But somehow the media tried twisting the story right in front of our eyes. SBF was a good person who just messed a few things up. Poor guy.
Why would the media spin it like this? Oh, yeah. They were bought off.
Old Twitter could have suppressed this story and we’d have to rely on these corrupt media outlets for our information. But we got to see the truth — the ponzi scheme, the money laundering to politicians, and the attempted coverup — all because Elon Musk is simply allowing free speech.
When you notice these things, you wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to find out. And the truth was darker than many of us would like to admit.
For much of this year we’ve learned about “family friendly” drag queen shows, pornographic children’s books in our school libraries, and confused teens being mutilated by doctors.
Those who objected were told it was a dangerous overreaction. Others were scared to speak out at all. The pre-Musk Twitter was banning accounts for even using the word “groomer.”
Then that disgusting Balenciaga ad campaign - and everything that followed - gave us a glimpse of The Matrix. Again.
(This is a family show, so we won’t discuss the particulars of the campaign.)
At first, the left tried their familiar routine:
It’s not what you think.
It actually is what you think but it’s no big deal.
You’re doing harm by pointing it out at all. How dare you, bigot!?
It didn’t work this time. A firestorm ensued, Balenciaga pulled the ads, and posted a lame “apology.”
Then they deleted their account.
That’s when it got really interesting. There was a strange lack of outrage from the usual elites.
Kim Kardashian - a promoter for the brand - phoned in an apology.
The easily-outraged corporate class was strangely silent.
Ultimately, the biggest celebrity to speak out was an NFL player. Which is sad.
We need to protect our kids. Aren’t we all united on that?
Haven’t we heard the rumors that pedophiles have to be separated from other prisoners because even violent felons can’t tolerate child abusers.
But somehow, we get this.
But again, if you point it out you become the target of hate.
Or they’ll go back into propaganda mode and label you a conspiracy theorist.
Why such vitriol toward those trying to protect kids?
Maybe it’s simple . . .
Which brings us back to Elon Musk. After years, he’s finally cleaning up Twitter.
And one wonders if that’s one of the reasons so many elites are out to destroy him.
There are no conspiracies.
But there are no coincidences.
Old Twitter was banning people for saying “groomer” and would have likely suppressed this conversation. But new Twitter is allowing us to see the truth.
Based on their odd compassion for pedos, elites clearly aren’t huge fans of family. They apparently aren’t too fond of your faith either.
But what they hate most is your freedom. How do we know?
At roughly the same time the FTX scam was being covered up and pedos were being defended (or their exploits ignored), a revolt began in China over zero-COVID lockdowns.
To review, tens of millions of Chinese citizens have been quarantined for months. Entire cities in lockdown. Thousands relocated to camps. Drones fly over cities and spray people down with something (nobody is sure what). It’s insanity.
So protests sprung up all over the country.
And the CCP cracked down.
But again, here’s where it gets curious. The Biden Administration offered a weak statement in support of the right to protest. No direct criticism of the CCP.
Then Canada weighed in with this equally weak response.
Then it became clear that Apple was siding with the CCP. Not just in words but by actively providing the infrastructure for social control.
Which is something Apple’s done before.
Isn’t Apple an American company run by an American CEO? Sure, but . . .
It’s depressing to fathom that Tim Cook isn’t all that into your “freedom”. There’s too much money to be made.
But they don’t have much incentive to care. Not with all the power they have.
China is important to Apple and you gotta play by the rules. Apparently, Elon wasn’t playing by the rules.
So they seemingly threatened to shut him down.
Although, Timmy met with Elon a couple days later and said it was all a misunderstanding.
We’re not sure what to believe, but maybe even Apple realized the double-standard was too much.
Perhaps the folks at Apple just really love the CCP.
But maybe there are other factors as well . . . (Reminder: The left’s favorite left wingers were all in charge of Twitter in 2021.)
This rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper.
Finally, there’s the whole COVID issue. Closed schools, closed churches, and bankrupted small businesses. Threats to take the shots or lose your job. The President encouraging discrimination against a whole segment of Americans by calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
It was all based on lies. And we couldn’t talk about it.
If you doubted the narrative, you disappeared from the digital world.
The scope and harm of this censorship is unfathomable. But it all changed in an instant.
Now we get to talk freely and find out what the heck happened.
But we should - of course - expect the usual hilarity to ensue.
We have a chance to finally get to the bottom of all this, but only because we were given a sliver of free speech back.
The whole thing is gonna be a hoot . . .
It’s been quite a journey:
The unhinged response to Elon’s purchase of Twitter
The ridiculous spin about FTX
The defending of pedos
The siding with the CCP
The COVID censorship regime
It’s revealed a lot about our world in a short amount of time.
Now that we’ve seen this glimpse of the truth, it’s easy to see the importance of what Elon Musk is attempting to do.
Yes, he’s a different kind of guy. He’s not actually a Main Streeter. But he’s trying to protect something fundamental to freedom in a world that’s trending toward tyranny.
It’s important and something we used to all agree on.
Elon gets the urgency.
And he’s up against a lot.
We can help by realizing that our friends and neighbors aren’t as aware as we are.
They’ll never become aware if we don’t say something. Gently. At the right time. But something.
Eventually they’ll see how deep the rabbit hole goes too. They might still decide to take the blue pill, but at least we tried.
We can’t leave this up to one billionaire.
Recent events and a freer Twitter have showed us what we’re up against. But also how quickly it can change.
We can be a part of that change.
This is the way.
God bless and God bless America.
-Jeff and Luke