#449 — February 24, 2023 |
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I'm not sure what's up, but Charm's projects have popped up all over the place this week, so get ready for the most Charm-ing issue we've ever sent.. 🤭 __ Peter Cooper, your editor |
All Your Comparable Types — The introduction of generics was bound to create edge cases. One is described here around interface implementation vs. constraint satisfaction. “As we’ll see in a bit, in Go 1.20 constraint satisfaction is not quite constraint implementation anymore.”
Robert Griesemer
Go! Experts at Your Service — Do you need help filling skill gaps, speeding up development & creating high performing software with Go, Docker, K8s, Terraform and Rust? We’ll help you maximize your architecture, structure, tech-debt and human capital.
Ardan Labs Consulting
Type Embedding: Go's Fake 'Inheritance' — Inspired by a “Keep Your Java Out of My Go” Reddit post, Zach shows how leaning too hard on object oriented ideas can cause hard-to-track-down bugs. But if you’re probably going to do it anyway.. read this to help debug later.
Zach Musgrave (DoltHub)
If you're curious, the not-particularly-edifying Reddit post that inspired the above was 'How to deal with Java developers polluting the Go code?' |
go test and Parallelism — “Because I feel the concurrency behavior of go test is non-obvious .. I wanted to write something up here.”
Bryce Neal
Opossum: A Basic Web Browser Written in Go — A fun project, though you might need to have (or set up) a Plan 9-derived OS to get it running (though someone claims success on macOS). As user liotier said on Hacker News, though: “any sufficiently brave or delusional soul that ventures into even the most rudimentary web browser development is a hero to me”.
Philip Silva
Gin 1.9: A Fast HTTP Web Framework — We don’t often link to Gin because a) it doesn’t often get big updates, and b) it’s hugely popular and you probably use it already ;-) If you do, v1.9 is out, and if you don’t, it’s worth being on your radar.
Gin Web Framework
VHS 0.3: The 'Home Video Recorder' for Your CLI — A tool plus scripting language for performing actions on the terminal which are then recorded into an animated GIF (or an MP4, webm file, or series of PNG frames). “Write terminal GIFs as code for integration testing and demoing your CLI tools.” v0.3 adds support for hosting said GIFs on Charm’s own vhs.charm․sh service.
.. Is this the last mention of a Charm project this week..? |
Site Reliability Engineer — Join our "kick ass" team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we're always looking for more exceptional engineers.
Sticker Mule
Find a Job Through Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now.
♣️ Solitaire's the only game in town.. |