[Electric Speed] Dream interpretation | Rotating sandwiches

Digital tools and resources for creative people
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Electric Speed from Jane Friedman
A note from Jane

One of the challenging parts of my job is remembering what it feels like to be entirely new to writing and publishing.

It’s not merely the curse of knowledge. It’s also about empathy and appreciation for all the wild emotions that people experience, plus the questions that come along for the ride. What if an agent or editor steals my work? How do I know if I’m good enough? When should I give up? (Tip on that last one: Writers who publish didn’t give up.)

These days, it’s rare to find myself in a publishing situation that is entirely new. But it still happens in my non-publishing life, of course. Recently I underwent a routine medical procedure—at least routine for the doctors and nurses—but it was my first time being put under and having an IV inserted. And everything happened so fast. As one person asked me a bunch of questions about my medical history, someone else was attaching a heart-rate monitor, blood pressure cuff, and IV. Clearly they had done this a million times. But I was overwhelmed and, if I’m honest, scared. What if I don’t wake up? What if there is a complication?

As experienced professionals, they must be accustomed to managing such fears. Other than reassuring me "It would be a piece of cake," their best remedy was probably to faithfully execute their checklist, keep it all as standard and calm as possible, and get me on my way. And they did.

P.S. Most popular blog post this month:
How Bad Publishers Hurt Authors

Cartoon by Bob Eckstein: in a medical examination room, a doctor props his foot against a patient's back while struggling to swathe the sitting patient completely in gauze like a mummy.
Bob Eckstein
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Jane’s Electric Speed List
Here are some of the latest things I’ve discovered. (I am not paid to mention any of these resources; there are no affiliate links.)
Clean up your audio recordings with Adobe
While I avoid Adobe products for quick tasks, they now offer a Noise Removal tool for audio recordings, which does not require downloading or buying any of their software—although you will need a free account.
The Dream Interpreter AI
I find it difficult to write coherent descriptions of my dreams, especially something that feels true to what’s in my head. But I’ve used this dream interpeter tool with brief, fragmented, not-that-sensical descriptions, and it comes back with reasonable and sometimes helpful interpretations. H/T Recomendo newsletter
Get an automated summary of your Zoom call
I’ve been using Grain for a long time now, although not for private calls. Whenever I run an online class using Zoom, I create chapter marks in real time using Grain—which are later added to the final recording.

Grain is more commonly used for meeting notes, and now it’s able to generate automated summaries. If you spend a lot of time doing stuff on Zoom, Grain is worth a look.
Just for fun: Rotating Sandwiches 🥪
This site that features solely rotating sandwiches reminds me of the early and fun Internet days, such as the Tom Selleck Waterfall Sandwich site, perhaps the greatest creative endeavor of all time.
Master Point of View with Tiffany Yates Martin. $25 class. Wednesday, March 22, 2023. 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Eastern.
March 22: Master Point of View with Tiffany Yates Martin
Having strong point of view in your manuscript is about more than whether to write in first person or third. Whatever your chosen voice, the key to an engaging, vivid story is to bring readers directly into it, rather than leaving them on the outside looking in. Instructor Tiffany Yates Martin will clarify the different types of point of view, and show how to strengthen character, deepen reader engagement, and bring a story to life by developing a strong, clear POV and perspective.
Your turn: Keyboards (for typing)
In the last issue, I asked you to recommend keyboards, and boy did you come through! The model I heard about most frequently: the Qwerkywriter (see below). Here’s a selection of what you said:

  • RYMEK typewriter-style by KnewKey. As a person who learned how to type on and grew up in the world of actual typewriters, but who also enjoys living in the computer age (ha!), I love the look, the touch and authentic mechanical typewriter sound! Holds a charge a long time, has a place to prop up my tablet, and has a backlit keyboard for typing in lower light conditions. It’s lightweight, too. —Beth Nieman
  • A shout-out for the Qwerkywriter keyboard. It’s expensive (got it as a Christmas gift a few years ago) but I could never go back to a regular keyboard again. I love the tactile feel of the mechanical keys, and the old school return bar. It’s Bluetooth so you focused writer types can use it with a tablet, too. —Guy Gonzalez
  • The Logitech MX Keys Mini is my go-to for portability. It’s lightweight, super rugged despite the slimness, and it has an insane battery life. It’s the perfect complement to writing on the go, whether it be on mobile or tablet or even laptop. —Patricia P.
  • I recommend the RK84 mechanical keyboard from Royal Kludge for anyone looking to explore mechanical keyboards as a hobby. It’s affordable enough to test, but can be customised down the road with off the shelf parts like switches, keycaps and even stabilisers to go from first keyboard to endgame. That was certainly the case for me—after using it to explore different switches and keycap profiles, I’ve reached the point where I no longer "chase the thock" as they call it, but enjoy the writing experience. Plus it’s wireless, so you can take it with you! —Patricia P.
  • My friend loves mechanical keyboards, which have a physical actuator under each key. She also wanted something that would work with her iPad, i.e., cordless. Azio IZO is a Bluetooth mechanical keyboard that also comes in beautiful colors. Not cheap, but maybe a nice splurge gift. —Abigail Welborn
  • I have been keyboarding essentially full time since the early 1960s, many years as a programmer, more recently writing and correspondence. Fifteen or twenty years ago I began having significant wrist pain. I switched keyboards to a split keyboard like the Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard. Viola! No pain. I would never ever go back to a regular keyboard. I use a wired unit. —Dave Studebaker
  • I looked into mechanical keyboards, but they’re quite pricey if you’re not sure you’ll like it. Then I found the relatively inexpensive and amusing Logitech POP Keys. It does help switch my brain out of work mode, although it takes a while to get used to high-finger typing style, which is the point! Made tons of typos the first couple of months but am improving. It has a satisfying clicky-clacky sound as you type. There are lots of demos of it on YouTube, so check them out before you buy because it might not be for everyone. —Judy Renouf
  • My favorite keyboard is the one I am using now, a Model F keyboard that came with the IBM AT personal computer. I’ve used my Model F since the 1980s when the small company I was programming for gave me an AT as a bonus one year. I’ll bet I’ve connected it to over 30 different computers since then. I have to stack two different converters in order to connect to a USB socket like most current personal computers use now. … For me, Cherry MX blue switches are the closest to a Model F. —Marv Waschke
  • Big thumbs up for the C959 ErgoTKL from Cloud Nine. Designed for gamers, it’s got color light options, comfortably clicky keys, and padded angled wrist rests. What sets this apart are the split keyboard that pops open from magnets, the center scroll wheel, and left hand edit functions. Super flexible for taking the burden off the mousing hand. Pricey, but worth it. —Wendy Lyons Sunshine
  • I just started using the Perixx PERIBOARD-613B keyboard, and it’s working well. The keys are noisy, but it’s a great price point for a wireless, compact, ergonomic keyboard. —Corrine Li
  • I’ve had a solar keyboard almost 7 years now, Logitech K750. It’s nice not to have to change batteries.  It’s never run out of charge and does not need a lot of light to continuously charge. —ZG

Next question: Do you use a portable charger? Tell me about it! Hit reply to this message, or head on over to Discord to post your recommendation.
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"At electric speed, all forms are pushed to the limits of their potential."
—Marshall McLuhan
Jane Friedman
Created by Jane Friedman
I report on the publishing industry and help authors understand the business of writing.

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Ginger spice brownies, using three types of ginger! 💓
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[Electric Speed] The courage to be disliked

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