Good morning! Technology adoption in banking has been uneven across the world. While some countries like India have grown by leaps in payment systems and transaction processing, banks even in advanced economies often persist with systems on the verge of obsolescence. In a connected world, these banks greatly enhance the risks to the global financial architecture. Today’s story argues that when they are massive entities with global operations, the risks are too high to play down and require coordinated tech upgradation at a global scale. Additionally, we have curated a list of unmissable reads. |
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With UBS finalising its acquisition of Credit Suisse earlier this month, the multinational investment bank now oversees a reported $5 trillion in assets across the globe. |
It may be richer but may also now be riskier. |
Large mega-banks are more prone to operational risks from the increased complexity of their business processes and products and the diversity of their information systems. |
The basic problem is that large banks have too many standalone systems supporting complex front-, middle-, and back-office processes delivering sophisticated products. |
They and the data they produce are not well-managed and are vulnerable to a range of threats, from fraud and money laundering through to cyberthreats. |
The much larger UBS may now be more exposed to multiple individual systems that were not designed for intercommunication, meaning their data cannot be easily accessed and integrated. |
Large banks also rely on outdated legacy systems dating from the 1970s, with high risks of failure. |
Systemically important financial institutions, like UBS, whose failures might trigger a financial crisis, can threaten the stability of the global banking system. |
Much of the data in these large multinational banks aren't easily available, making it difficult to identify existing or emerging risks. |
These risks lower banks' market values, causing a threat to the stability of the financial system. |
Based on a study by US researchers, the total direct annual losses to operational risks for the global banking sector is estimated as $190 billion globally, with indirect losses projected to be much higher. |
As banks are interconnected, devastating knock-on effects can happen — evident in the 2023 banking crisis when three small-to-medium-sized US banks went insolvent within five days, triggering a sharp decline in global bank stock prices. |
These problems are made much worse by the banking industry not having a common language to communicate financial information about products, processes, accounts and various forms of financial and operational risks. |
Andrew Haldane, former Chief Economist at the Bank of England, refers to this as the 'Tower of Babel' problem — an analogy based on the Bible story from the Book of Genesis about why the world has different languages. |
"Most financial firms have competing in-house languages, with information systems siloed," he said in a 2012 speech. |
"Across firms, it is even less likely that information systems have a common mother tongue … today, the number of global financial languages very likely exceeds the number of global spoken languages." |
Because of the absence of a common language, global banks are littered with significant data governance problems, with related difficulties in data access and processing. |
These issues make effective management impossible and many banks are unable or unwilling to disclose the full extent of financial or operational risks. This, in turn, hampers regulators' ability to assess systemic risks facing the banking system as a whole. |
The UK's Prudential Regulatory Authority, the country's financial services regulatory body, found deficiencies in banks' risk management are "symptoms of a broader root cause … where lessons from the global financial crisis had not been sufficiently learnt" due to a "historic lack of [prioritisation]". |
One reason for this may be that risk committees at many banks "have neither the clout nor the expertise to push back against corporate leadership" and are content with the status quo of increasing the bottom line. |
Historically, board members of financial institutions also lack adequate digital competencies which impact their decisions on ways to best use information technologies, leading to unnecessary risks, according to the European Commission's Regulatory Obstacles to Financial Innovation Expert Group. |
To assess risks, banks have mostly relied on periodic, historical and subjective or biased self-assessments from managers. This has led to systematic under-reporting across the industry and a systematic failure to account for losses. |
Artificial intelligence may provide a solution. |
Using AI's semantic and graph technologies, banks can integrate and virtualise data from multiple information systems and make it accessible for strategic risk-based decisions. |
At least one globally significant bank in the UK is in the process of creating an integrated virtual platform based on Graph AI which stores different types of data with different types of relationships. |
To fully leverage the power of graph database technology, AI semantic technologies based on ontologies are required. |
An ontology is simply a metadata model with added semantics and rules. It can be used to reason, make inferences and create new knowledge. |
Ontologies provide a common language for the different languages used across information systems, so they can be communicated as one — they provide the semantics (meaning) and rules (grammar). The graph databases provide the technical means to integrate, link and store related data from different information systems on one system. |
Together they provide the means to make the data from multiple visible and available as if they were on one single system. |
AI technologies such as inference engines, reasoners, machine learning and natural language processing provide powerful capabilities to query and process the data to provide answers to complex questions — think ChatGPT. |
But building an ontology can be time-consuming and managers of large banks think only in the short term. |
However, the Enterprise Data Management Council and the Object Management Group's Financial Domain Task Force developed the Financial Industry Business Ontology as a common language for the industry. |
It is the only standard human and machine-readable common language for banking. The group is a standards body for the software industry, while the council was formed to help banks address their data management and governance problems. |
The language was developed incrementally by subject matter experts from large banks across the financial industry under the sponsorship of the council. |
It is perhaps ironic that Credit Suisse was active in developing the language to address data integration and solve the issues in the banking system's Tower of Babel. |
It's now hoped that UBS retains and builds on these competencies to tackle operational risk and compliance reporting issues that bedevil large global banks. |
Tom Butler is professor of Information Systems and Regulatory Technologies at University College Cork. He works closely with UK and EU banking regulators, global banks, law firms, and the big four professional services firms on risk and compliance as a part of his research. |
Daniel Gozman is the director of Engaged Research and an associate professor at the University of Sydney Business School. Currently, his work focuses on the intersection between policy, emergent technology and innovation. Prior to academia, he worked for Accenture and Deloitte. |
Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™. |
Now is the time of AI-generated monsters: Antonio Gramsci’s quote was about the cruel uncertainty of the 1930s, between the two World Wars. This essay in The Verge uses it to describe how artificial intelligence is changing the internet. The sheer scale of AI-generated content is choking human-made real stories, facts, and art online. The essay explains how this is forcing the likes of Google, Reddit, and Wikipedia to reconsider the way they’re built. These companies must now choose between rejecting AI altogether, or embracing it with all its flaws. At the heart of it all is a simple but powerful shift in the nature of the internet: it is no longer a place for anyone anywhere in the world to share something they made or know. |
America’s original sin: According to a Reuters investigation, five living US presidents, two Supreme Court justices, 11 governors, and 100 legislators are direct descendants of ancestors who enslaved Black people. These include Joe Biden, Barack Obama (through his white mother’s side), George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham. Donald Trump’s ancestors moved to the US after slavery was abolished. The findings come at a time of intense debate about the legacy of slavery in the country, and whether lawmakers should do more to address it. On Thursday, the US Supreme Court struck down race-conscious college admissions in a landmark 6-3 ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts said that giving Black and Hispanic applicants an edge over white and Asian applicants in the name of diversity violated the equal protection clause of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment. |
A different India: India’s foreign policy has changed dramatically over the nine years that Narendra Modi has been prime minister. It has also acquired a combative edge since Subrahmanyam Jaishankar became India’s external affairs minister. In an interview with The Economist, Jaishankar says defence is not an important element of US-India relations; it is “crucial”. It leaves no doubt that India unreservedly expects the US to help it become militarily strong as India has shed all its ideological hesitations. The minister also concedes that the government downplays the close ties with the US in domestic communication and plays up India’s ability to play on the big stage. That is not surprising, as the Sangh Parivar, especially a significant section of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh—the ideological parent of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party—distrusts the US. Yet, one of the most significant statements in the interview is not about defence but business. “Imagine an India with much stronger human resources, with a much better infrastructure, with a much easier, friendlier business club, which has arrangements with a lot of major economies which make possible easier flows and greater confluence. It would be a very different India.” Wall Street should be elated. |
Today we learned…: …that Durex stands for durability, reliability, and excellence. We also learned that condom production caused factory explosions in the 19th century. No kidding. Back to the present day, Ben Wilson, the Sexual Wellbeing Global Category Director for Durex's parent company, Reckitt Benckiser, is in charge of making condoms sexy. It's a role he takes seriously—to the point of taste-testing the condoms he markets. Wilson is on a mission to convince consumers that condoms are key to human happiness. Today, Durex has signed on artists such as Lil Nas X and Sam Smith, and has an active presence on TikTok as part of its campaign to make sex safer for everyone. This delightful longread in The Guardian highlights the history of condoms, and the man behind Durex. |
Liquid peril: What do you do when floods drown farmlands? Farmers in Bangladesh’s vast delta begin growing crops on water by making floating seedbeds. When it rains heavily in the mountainous North-East of India the rivers that flow into Bangladesh swell before emptying into the sea. As the water rushes into the low-lying areas of the country, large swathes of paddy fields would be ready for harvest. The crop will be destroyed if farmers are not warned early enough. Yet these steps can only go thus far. Salinity is creeping further into inland water sources, forcing the setting up of expensive desalination plants. Rainwater harvesting is also spreading. But all of it costs money. And not only in Bangladesh. Its experience is a warning for many countries. Water will be a global problem, both in excess and scarcity, says this story from The New York Times. |
High valley: Psychedelic drugs have been the heavy fuel of the Californian mojo for decades. Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest began his famous “acid test” trip there. The California drug scene of the 1960s has been well-documented by writers such as Jack Kerouac, Tom Wolfe and Hunter Thompson. A revival is now happening in Silicon Valley but in a way that’ll make Kesey turn in his grave. Something akin to what Bradley Cooper portrays in Limitless. Unlike the carefree Beatniks, the new backers of LSD and ketamine are billionaires who appear to cultivate eccentricity as a habit and instrument of power. Silicon Valley tech tycoons Elon Musk and Sergey Brin are known to use drugs such as ketamine and psilocybin for anything from treating depression to igniting ideas. Research and advocacy nonprofit Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies even has a list of tasks that can be marked out when one is high. This in-depth story in The Wall Street Journal details the drug culture in the famed IT hub. If the sixties drug consumption was about love and enlightenment, the new high is all about work and money. |