iOS Dev Weekly - iOS Dev Weekly - Issue 667

No comment from me this week, but there are plenty of links! 🥂

iOS Dev Weekly

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ISSUE 667  June 28th 2024




Time got away from me so quickly today that by the time I would normally be pushing send, I had barely started writing! 😬

I guess we all occasionally have days like that, and I’ve included a few more community links below as compensation for the lack of writing up here. Enjoy the links and normal service will be resumed next week! ✨

Dave Verwer  Permalink


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Add paywalls in one line of code

Take the pain out of configuring and testing your app's paywalls. With RevenueCat Paywalls you can remotely configure and edit your entire paywall view without waiting on App Review. See how it works here.  Permalink




Attending the WWDC24 recap at Apple Paris

Remember I suggested attending one of Apple’s “Explore the biggest updates from WWDC24” events last week? Well, it looks like Thomas Durand took up Apple’s kind offer, attended the session in Paris, and wrote a blog post all about it! There are still more of these events scheduled all over the world, so it’s not too late to attend one if you haven’t already signed up for one!  Permalink




What’s new in SwiftUI for iOS 18

Paul Hudson brings us his annual summary of changes to SwiftUI. Covering everything from View now being on the @MainActor, through to tens of to-the-point blog posts covering the new APIs first, and smaller changes later. Thanks, Paul!  Permalink


Mixing colors in SwiftUI

I’ve always been a fan of some of the functions you can perform on colours in SASS like lightening, darkening, contrasting, and others. Well, new in this year’s releases, SwiftUI is getting colour manipulation, too! You can now mix any colour with another colour at any percentage, and Donny Wals is here to show us how.

Oh, and if you’re interested in this. I also talked about ContrastKit on the most recent episode of the Swift Package Indexing podcast, which would pair well with this. If you’re generating colours, make sure your contrasting colours are good!  Permalink


Using TextRenderer to create highlighted text

Custom string rendering is always a tricky thing to start digging into lest you find yourself tempted to jump into TextKit or Core Text. At the more approachable end of rich text, attributed strings can take you further than you might imagine, but their API is a little old-fashioned now. So, I was delighted to hear about TextRenderer, and I’m sure you will be too after you read Alexander Weiß’ write-up!  Permalink


The State Of Meridian

Soroush Khanlou with an update on his server-side Swift framework, Meridian. “Aren’t there enough server-side Swift frameworks?” I can hear you ask, but there’s always room for one more! I like how this one is being extracted from real-world project work. That’s always a good sign!  Permalink


Free, on-device translations with the Swift Translation API

If this year’s new Translation framework was dogfooded in Apple’s excellent Translation app, then it’ll be great. I love that app! If you were wondering how to use it, Pol Piella Abadia has a quick write-up.  Permalink




Create Custom SF Symbols in Sketch

What a great article from Danijela Vrzan about creating a custom glyph to be used with SFSymbols. I knew this was possible, but I had never seen the process end-to-end before reading this. SFSymbols truly is the gift that keeps on giving!  Permalink




WWDC '24 videos on YouTube

Remember the new YouTube channel Apple launched just a couple of weeks before WWDC? I wondered if Apple would upload all the session videos there in addition to on the Apple Developer site when I linked to it. I remembered to check if they had this week, and they have! 🎉 YouTube videos play everywhere, and that helps everyone!  Permalink




Software Engineer, iOS @ amo – Amo values speed, creativity, and high performance. Focused on meaningful social apps, they prioritize creation over consumption and simple, fun experiences. The diverse, skilled team uses a modular monorepo tech stack with Rust, Bazel, and RxSwift, leveraging efficient data processing on GCP. – On-site (France)

Senior iOS Engineer @ Leica Camera AG – We are looking for an experienced iOS developer to join our team. We are working as a small, fast-moving unit within Leica, so we are looking for team members who can take charge of projects and work independently. It’s a bonus (but not required) if you are passionate about photography! – Remote (within European timezones) or on-site (Germany)

Product Engineer (iOS, Full-Stack) @ Emerge Tools – Have a huge impact working with our small, technically elite team (just 8), build tools used some of the biggest & best mobile teams in the world (DoorDash, Square, Spotify, Duolingo, Tinder, Bumble) – Remote (within US timezones)

Senior iOS Developer @ Komoot – Your work will contribute to helping millions of people enjoy lovely outdoor experiences and you can work from wherever you want, be it a beach, the mountains, your house, or anywhere else that lies in any time zone between UTC-1 and UTC+3. – Remote (within European timezones)



  And finally...  


The best advice on adopting Swift 6 so far. 😑


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