PHP Weekly - PHPWeekly December 10th 2020

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PHP Weekly 10th December 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of

This week sees new releases from WordPress and Laravel.

Have a good week,

Stay safe and well.

All the best,

Ade and Katie

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Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.


PHP 8 Keeps Open-Source Programming Language Moving Forward
The first major update of the widely deployed PHP web programming language in years brings new features that could help expand its adoption and usage.

24 Days in December - Thoughts of the PHPamily
Handing Over The Baton - Some years back I was sad that PHPAdvent was not happening. And as the saying goes: If you are missing something, then you are the one responsible for it to happen. So I decided to make it happen. And I started this blog.

PHP 8: New Features and Updates
PHP 8 is now live - here's what's new.

Advent Of Code For Programmers
If you thought Advent Calendars were just for kids think again. It seems that there's a well-established tradition of programming-related advent calendars, including Advent of Code.

PHP 8.0 Adds Metadata To Classes
There's a major new release of PHP with improvements including a nullsafe operator and attributes enabling the use of structured metadata with PHP's native syntax.

Tutorials and Talks

How to get a Dynamic PHP Version Matrix in GitHub Actions
Do you want to run your tests on each PHP version you support? PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0? Instead of 3 workflows with copy-paste steps, you can define just one with a matrix for PHP versions. But PHP is released every year. The version constraints are already defined in composer.json. Hmm, how could we use this knowledge to provide a list of PHP version for a dynamic matrix?

How to Use the Modulo Operator in PHP
PHP has a total of eight arithmetic operators. The most common are addition ( +), subtraction ( -), multiplication ( *), and division ( /). A slightly lesser-known, though still very important operator is modulo ( %). In this tutorial, we'll focus on the modulo operator. We will discuss what it does and some of its practical uses.

Install PHP 8 on AWS Amazon Linux 2
PHP 8 is finally here, and it's time to upgrade our DEV environments to start resolving all those Warnings :)

How We Added a Favicons To Our Site List
Today we've added favicons to the site list you see when you log in to Oh Dear.

Development-Mode Modules for Mezzio
I fielded a question in the Laminas Slack yesterday that I realised should likely be a blog post. The question was: Is there a way to register development-mode-only modules in Mezzio? There's actually multiple ways to do it, though one that is probably more preferable to others.

How to Create a PHP Web Chat System to Interact with Telegram Users
Telegram is a popular chat application used by millions of users from around the world. This package can use the Telegram API to add a chat solution in Web page generated by your PHP application. This way you can easily interact with your site users via a Web page, thus without using the native Telegram applications.

React vs Vue – Which Framework You Should Choose in 2021
Web development is still Wild West for every one existing website owner as well as for many brick and mortar businesses who wish to create a benchmark in the digital space.

Application and Domain Service Naming Conventions
In which a correspondent asks about Application Services, Domain Services, and the interactions between them.

Using jenv To Select Java Version on macOS
When working on OpenWhisk, I discovered that it needed a different Java to the one I had installed. Looking around the Internet, I discovered jenv which shouldn’t have surprised me as I use pyenv and I’m aware of rbenv too.

Fake WordPress Functions Conceal assert() Backdoor
A few weeks ago, I was manually inspecting some files on a compromised website. While checking on a specific WooCommerce file, I noticed something interesting.
News and Announcements 

Laravel 8.17 Released
The Laravel team released 8.17 yesterday with the introduction of transaction-aware code execution, new dump() and dd() request methods, and the latest changes in the 8.x branch.

WordPress 5.6 “Simone”
Meet Simone, our latest and greatest WordPress release. Named for the legendary performer Nina Simone, who is known for tunes like “Feeling Good”, “Young, Gifted and Black”, and “Four Women”. Fire up a playlist with her best work and read on to discover what we have in store for you.

PhpStorm 2020.3 is Here 
PhpStorm 2020.3 is now available with full support for all new PHP 8 features, Psalm and PHPStan support, Xdebug 3, Code With Me and Tailwind CSS.

State of the Word 2020
State of the Word is an annual keynote address delivered by the project co-founder, Matt Mullenweg. This year’s keynote will be streamed on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter on Thursday, Dec 17th, 2020  at 1600 UTC. A Question and Answer period with pre-recorded videos will follow State of the Word. To take part, record a video of you asking your question to Matt.

PHP Online Conference Japan -12th December 2020
An online event will be held on December 12th 2020. Sign up for your tickets now.

The Online PHP Conference - January 18th-22nd 2021
What do you do as regular conference speakers when all the beautiful presentations and talks that you have prepared suddenly are swept down the pandemic drain? You go online! The main conference takes place from Tuesday to Thursday. We offer optional interactive workshops on Monday and Friday. Details on speakers, topics, and times will be announced soon. Expect a diverse selection of top-notch content, with a good mix of traditional presentations, discussions, live coding, a public code review, and lots of room for interaction, questions and discussion.

NomadPHP: The Laravel Core — Demystify The Beast
Presented by Christoph Rumpel, January 14th 2021 at 11:00am PST. This talk is for everyone who works with Laravel and is interested in learning more about this powerful PHP framework. You will come away with a better understanding of Laravel's core.

Podcasts and Vlogs

PHPUgly #215: PHP 8 Release
This week on the podcast, Eric, John, and Thomas talk about the release of PHP 8, XDebug 3, Salesforce buying Slack, and more...

Laravel Internals Podcast #2: 3rd Dec 2020
Laravel Internals: a live YouTube podcast with Laravel team members about Laravel, Forge, Vapor, Envoyer related news and more.

Laravel Podcast Series 4: Episode 19 - Storage, with Frank de Jonge
Laravel offers two systems for accessing the filesystem: the File facade and the Storage facade. The Storage facade wraps a package called "Flysystem", and in this episode Flysystem creator Frank de Jonge talks about how Laravel's storage and file systems work and talks about some best practices for working with them.

php[architect] Podcast - Interview with Beth Tucker Long
Beth Tucker Long chats with Eric Van Johnson and John Congdon about taking over the finally{} column and more.

Reading and Viewing

A Week of Symfony #727 (30 November - 6 December 2020)
This week, the SymfonyWorld Online 2020 conference took place with great success. If you want to replay all the talks, you can still buy a ticket. Meanwhile, Symfony unveiled the new Symfony UX initiative to create a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony. Finally, Titouan Galopin was appointed as a new Symfony Core Team member.

Xdebug Update: November 2020
Another monthly update where I explain what happened with Xdebug development in this past month. These will be published on the first Tuesday after the 5th of each month.

Isabelle Desouches Wordpress Interview
“Trust your guts”, Isabelle Desouches on How to Pick WordPress Development Projects.

SymfonyWorld 2020 Replay
The first edition of the SymfonyWorld conference took place last week, on December 3rd and 4th 2020. About 30 talks were scheduled, divided into 3 conference tracks. During 2 days, each talk was scheduled twice making sure anyone in the world can watch it! Book your ticket and enjoy the conference replay!

How & Why Did The PHP Mascot Come To Birth? The elePHPant Secret Story!
Welcome to the magical history of The elePHPant aka The Magical Elegant ‘PHP-Master’ that is beautifying the PHP-life of so many of us!

What You Need To Remember From SymfonyWorld 2020 2/2
The Symfony ecosystem's major event took place on Thursday December 3rd and Friday December 4th and we were there. Here's our look back on the second day - find our article on the first day here if you haven't seen it yet!


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Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Phony is a PHP library for creating various kinds of test doubles, including object mocks, function stubs and function spies.

Modular and most advanced open source classified platform build with Laravel.

Web-based tool providing services for accessing controlled vocabularies, which are used by indexers describing documents and searchers looking for suitable keywords.

Modern, crazy fast, ridiculously easy and amazingly powerful flat-file CMS.

A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.

Issue tracking application extending GitHub's issues and pull requests for the Joomla! project.

The spatial web mapping framework and core-module.

The Templating component provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system.

This is a repository of centralised management of all Swoft components.

EventSauce is a somewhat opinionated, no-nonsense and easy way to introduce event sourcing into PHP projects.

Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way.

A tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.

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Protect your PHP Code
Why not try SourceGuardian 11. Click here to download a 14 Day Trial copy. Protect your code using Windows, Linux or Mac and run everywhere with our free Loaders.

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