Hi there, and welcome to the latest issue of the Forbes CIO newsletter.
While we’re still in the midst of the pandemic, it might seem premature to start thinking about the lessons that IT teams should take away from coping with its impact. But some pretty big ones are already clear and Mark Settle, a Forbes CIO Network contributor and the former CIO of identity and access management company Okta, lays them out clearly in a recent post.
The first is the power of prioritization. The need to rethink business-as-usual strategies practically overnight was an incredibly powerful forcing function. IT teams got way more done in a very short span of time because the crisis highlighted must-dos versus might-like-to-dos on task lists. Saying “no” to non-essential requests from business units also became easier.
Another lesson is that the push for perfection that often characterizes IT planning can be counterproductive. Worried about criticism from other parts of businesses, tech teams often spend too much time trying to refine every single detail of project plans. The pandemic has shown clearly that perfectionism has a price in terms of lost speed and agility.
Settle cites the CEO of a large company who recalled that an entire Microsoft Teams implementation had been completed in just two weeks during the crisis. Although there were a few bumps in the process, he is already wondering out loud whether other IT projects could be completed faster too.
A third lesson is the primacy of people. In order to maintain morale and monitor progress, many CIOs held more meetings—virtual ones, of course—and the nature of video conferences from home helped staff see bosses in a new, more informal light. Even when the pandemic finally subsides, expectations for more frequent briefings and check-ins with leadership won’t.
Bonus comment: It would be remiss of me not to note that this has been a watershed week in U.S. politics, with the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Here’s a link to a story I wrote late last year that highlighted some of the potential implications of a Biden administration for CIOs.
Thanks for reading and please send me your tips, thoughts, questions and ideas for future issues. You can also follow me on Twitter and on LinkedIn. And if you enjoy reading the newsletter please recommend it to others who may find it useful.