IWillTeachYouToBeRich - How to email busy people

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Hey Reader,

Yesterday I asked you what email scripts you wanted me to send you. I got tons of great responses. Over 90% of you wanted the scripts I mentioned yesterday, so I’ve included them in a mini-course that’s available today, 50 Proven Email Scripts:

  • How to say “no” politely, without offending someone (page 112 of my "private vault" of scripts)
  • How to get a busy person to reply to your email (if they ignored your first one) (page 102)
  • How to memorably email someone after you meet them in person (page 92)

And I'm going to give you 47 more.

My mini-course on my best email scripts — 50 Proven Email Scripts: How to Reach the Unreachable, Get the Ungettable, and Send the Perfect Message...Every Time — is available.

This is my “grab bag” of email techniques — 50 proven email scripts that I use again and again to reach the right people, save time on back and forth, and boost the results I get from sending emails that incorporate powerful psychological elements.

But I don’t want to just sell you something. I want every one of my emails to earn their way into your inbox and be more valuable than anyone else’s material you’re getting — free or paid.

So in the next 60 seconds, learn about a technique I invented and tested to get more responses to my emails.

Did you ever wonder...why do you open my emails, even though you get tons of other newsletters?

How do I write emails that penetrate even the busiest people’s inboxes? 

Emails that have produced millions of dollars and have helped me build relationships in an authentic (not slimy) way?

Today, I want to give you the key to the kingdom. Check out 50 Proven Email Scripts.

When I was in college, I was writing my first book (on recruiting). I wanted to get the book proposal perfect, so I emailed 8 mentors and advisors to get their advice. These were people who liked me and wanted me to succeed.

I included a beautifully worded email, complete with deadlines, bold headers, and a clear CTA (call-to-action).

LOOK! See for yourself:

The email looked something like this. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY. (Click to enlarge.)

The result?


Remember, these were 8 of my closest mentors and advisors. And 0 of them responded.

When 1 person didn’t respond to me, I just thought oh well, that’s them. When EIGHT didn’t, I realized it’s probably my fault.

So I went back to the drawing board, and a week later, I sent an email that said this:


I’m working on a book proposal and I really want to make it great. Can I send over a few questions to see what you think?


That’s 7/8 people! And when I sent those 7 the SAME long email afterward, all 7 responded.

What’s going on here? And how can we use this lesson to write even better emails?

Think about it from the busy person’s perspective...

When you get a really long email with multiple questions, what do you do?

“I’ll do this later!” And you mark it unread...never to find it again.

Instead, I used a simple “pre-commitment” strategy — a short email — and once they responded yes, they all helped. 

Kind of like the email I sent you yesterday...

The key here is: They all WANTED to help. But my terrible first email made 0 of them respond. How many poor responses are you getting simply because your emails aren’t written the right way?

Imagine if you could peer inside the mind of a busy person and discover exactly what would make him or her respond to you.

You could leapfrog other people and get meetings with mentors and hiring managers.

You could connect with people and turn them from strangers or acquaintances to friends.

You could cut back and forth and spend time with the people who MATTER...not waste time on scheduling and “Did you get this?” People would actually WANT to respond to you.

There’s a way to do this.

Have you ever practiced writing emails?

Have you ever tested your most important emails?

That sounds crazy, right? But considering that most of us send 50+ emails/day...and that people know us and judge us by our emails...getting even a little better than everyone else can make a huge impact.

This isn’t about spell check. I’m talking about writing emails that WORK, using time-tested psychological principles and phrases that get results.

For example, could you email a busy CEO — who gets 500+ emails a day — and not only get his attention, but also a response and a coffee meeting?

You could sweat through this on your own and hope it’s good enough...or you could use one of my 50 proven email scripts

Here’s what’s included:

  • How to set up phone calls with "higher-status" people so they make time in their busy schedule to talk to you. (Page 49)
  • How to double the size and value of your network by asking for recommendations of people to talk to. This script is a lifesaver for people uncomfortable with networking. (Page 58)
  • Just because someone is a stranger doesn't mean you can't connect via email. Use this proven script for asking advice from a stranger via a cold email. (Page 59)
  • How do you ask someone to be a reference for you if you haven't spoken in a while, even years? Not a problem with my killer reference request email. (Page 71)
  • If you're focused on building relationships, you better get good at introducing two people over email. I introduce 10-15 pairs of people per week, so I know what works, what doesn't, and what mistakes aggravate VIPs. (Page 76)
  • The thank you email is crucial and often botched. Here's the best way to seal a great impression. (Page 89)
  • How do you keep a relationship warm after the initial meeting? With the Closing the Loop Technique. The three scripts in the Closing the Loop Technique are quite possibly the most powerful scripts in this ebook and worth the price alone. (Page 90)
  • How do you reconnect with an old contact who's gone cold? Learn how to remind them of your connection and use the wide/narrow technique to ensure you reconnect. (Page 103)
  • How to ask your boss for vacation time so he or she is happy to sign off on the request. (Page 115)
  • Email is a terrible time suck if you're not 100% clear and strategic about your messages. You can easily save HOURS a month with my scripts for reducing back-and-forth emails. (Page 131)
  • And lots more!

Each script includes the actual words, PLUS my commentary on why they work. 

Plus pages of details into understanding how to use psychological principles when writing effective emails.

Here’s just one page from the Table of Contents:

To get instant access to this mini-course — and for a full list of all the scripts I’m sharing from my personal vault — click here:



P.S. This is one of my most affordable courses, so I’m allowing everyone to join, even if you have credit card debt.

P.P.S. If you’ve ever used my scripts for negotiation (cable, gym, credit card) or networking, you know how powerful they are. Now you can get access to my email scripts...emails you write EVERY DAY that can be dramatically improved by copying/pasting my tested material into your messages. 

Here’s that link again:


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