Leaked Audio of Sen. Joe Manchin Call With Billionaire Donors Provides Rare Glimpse of Dealmaking on Filibuster and January 6 CommissionLee Fang, Ryan GrimManchin urged big-money donors with No Labels to talk to Sen. Roy Blunt about flipping his vote on the commission in order to save the filibuster.
School Privatization Lobby Places Fake News on Local StationsRachel M. CohenWith Ed Newsfeed, the Betsy DeVos-funded American Federation for Children distributes syndicated content to TV stations. They run it as news.
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Wall Street’s Candidate Gave Herself $8 Million for Manhattan District Attorney RaceAkela LacyWith one week to go, a millionaire backed by major Republican donors is leading the polls among likely Manhattan Democratic primary voters.
European Soccer Stars Refuse to Yield to Racist Fans Who Jeer Them for Taking a KneeRobert MackeyYoung athletes who represent increasingly multiracial European nations insist on taking a knee to protest racism.
Reality Winner, Whistleblower on Russian Hacking, Is Released From PrisonPeter MaassWinner, who received the longest-ever prison sentence for serving as a journalistic source, has moved to a federal halfway house in Texas.
Pentagon Audit Found Connection Between Mattis-Era Defense Department and Amazon-Linked British ConsultantSara SirotaAs the Defense Department eyed a $10 billion JEDI contract for tech giants, Mattis adviser Sally Donnelly hid financial ties to André Pienaar, whose firm has done business with Amazon.
As Salvadoran Leaders Tout a Safer Country, More People Are Going MissingAnna-Catherine BrigidaMore than three people disappeared each day in El Salvador during the first four months of this year, a marked increase over 2020.
Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the WorldJon SchwarzMonday’s summit showed how the “North Atlantic” Treaty Organization has decided it has an extremely expansive global mission.
Tools for Repression in Myanmar Expose Gap Between EU Tech Investment and RegulationZach Campbell, Caitlin L. ChandlerEurope is developing phone-cracking technology with a company that has exported to authoritarian regimes.
The Vaccine DividePaul Abowd“Why should the knowledge that is required to end the pandemic be kept secret?”
Israel’s New Leaders Won’t Stop “Death to Arabs” Chants, But They Will Feel Bad About ThemRobert MackeyIsrael’s “change coalition” facilitated, then criticized, a Jewish supremacist rally in East Jerusalem, where Palestinians were threatened by racists and assaulted by the police.
Join us Thursday, June 24, for a timely discussion with Daniel Ellsberg and others on the dangers of treating whistleblowers as spies and the future of the Espionage Act. The virtual event includes a Q&A with the audience.
Stealing Children to Steal the LandNaomi Klein, InterceptedNaomi Klein speaks to the legendary Manuel family about the uncovering of a mass grave of 215 Indigenous children.