A Nation Conceived in Liberty Confronts Its Queasiness With the “MILF Mobile”Nathan BernardA new law banning “vulgar” vanity plates sets the stage for a free speech showdown in the Pine Tree State.
The Rise and Fall of the Ultimate Doomsday PrepperSam BiddleNovelist Brad Thor thought he had found his doomsday-prepping soulmate, but then the End Times went bad.
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Indigenous Water Protectors Face Off With an Oil Company and Police Over a Minnesota PipelineAlleen BrownPipeline opponents say an oil company and police use surveillance and divide-and-conquer strategies — hallmarks of corporate counterinsurgency.
Pentagon Undercounts and Ignores Military Sexual Assault in AfricaNick TurseNew documents on sexual assault in the U.S. military reveal failures in leadership and accountability at bases in Africa.
Meet the Consulting Firm That’s Staffing the Biden AdministrationJonathan Guyer, Ryan GrimWestExec represented major corporations throughout the Trump years. Now it’s in the White House.
Health Officials Warn Historic Addiction Treatment Funding Burdened by Federal BureaucracySessi Kuwabara BlanchardThe Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s controversial questionnaire aims to assess addiction program performance. But many say it also re-traumatizes an already vulnerable population.
Corporate Counterinsurgency Against Line 3 Pipeline ResistanceInterceptedAlleen Brown reports on the latest oil company efforts to suppress water and land defense movements.