"Bond" by Juana de Ibarbourou, translated by Muna Lee

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October 3, 2021 


Juana de Ibarbourou
translated by Muna Lee

   I grew
   Only for you.
Cut the acacia boughs that demand
Only destruction at your hand!

   My blossom blew
   Only for you.
Uproot me—in its natal hour
My lily doubted were it candle or flower.

   My waters blue
   Flow for you.
Drink me—never crystal knows
So pure a tide as in this channel flows.

   Wings I knew
   Only for you.
Pursue me! (Quivering firefly,
Veil your flame from every eye!)

I shall suffer for you.
Blessed be the evil that your love will do!
Blessed be the blade, the net I shall feel!
Blessed be thirst and steel!

My heart’s blood will flow
That my love you may know.
What fairer gem, what rarer jewel could be found
Than this offering of a scarlet wound?

Instead of diadems in my hair,
Seven long thorns I shall wear.
Instead of ear-rings I shall don
Two burning coals of vermilion.

When you see me suffering
You will hear my laughter ring.
And you will weep and pity me:
Then more than ever mine you will be.





              Para tí.
        Tálame. Mi acacia
Implora a tus manos su golpe de gracia.

              Para tí.
        Córtame. Mi lirio
Al nacer dudaba ser flor o ser cirio.

              Para tí.
        Bébeme. El cristal
Envidia lo claro de mi manantial.

              Alas dí
              Por tí.
        Cázame. Falena,
Rodeo tu llama de impaciencia llena.

              Por tí sufriré.
¡Bendito sea el daño que tu amor me dé!
¡Bendita sea el hacha, bendita la red,
Y loadas sean tijeras y sed!

              Sangre del costado
              Manaré, mi amado.
¿Qué broche más bello, qué joya más grata,
Que por tí una llaga color escarlata?

En vez de abalorios para mis cabellos
Siete espinas largas hundiré entre ellos.
Y en vez de zarcillos pondré en mis orejas,
Como dos rubíes dos ascuas bermejas.

              Me verás reír
              Viéndome sufrir.

              Y tú llorarás.
Y entonces... ¡más mío que nunca serás!

This poem is in the public domain. Published in Poem-a-Day on October 3, 2021, by the Academy of American Poets.

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“Bond” appeared in the July 1925 issue of Poetry.

Juana Fernández Morales de Ibarbourou was an Uruguayan poet known also as “Juana de América.” She was the 1959 winner of the Premio Nacional de Literatura in Uruguay, and was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize in Literature during her lifetime. She authored many collections, including Lenguas de diamante (Cooperativa Editorial Limitada, 1919) and Oro y tormenta (Zig-Zag, 1956). She died on July 15, 1979.

Muna Lee was an American poet, writer, translator, and political activist. Along with a series of mystery novels published by Charles Scribner's Sons, she published one book of poetry, Sea-Change (The MacMillan Company, 1923), and served as the translator for the July 1925 issue of Poetry, which exclusively featured Latin American poets. She died on April 3, 1965.

(July, 1925)

“Love Song” by William Carlos Williams
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Thanks to Safiya Sinclair, author of Cannibal (University of Nebraska Press, 2016), who curated Poem-a-Day for this month’s weekdays. Listen to a Q&A about Sinclair’s curatorial approach and find out more about our guest editors for the year
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