Miriam Reads Tarot - Episode 009: The Hierophant Tarot Card
If you would like a tarot or astrology reading, get in touch with me at enneagramastrologytarot@gmail.com. Follow me on Medium as well! Episode 009: The Hierophant Tarot CardListen To The Experts But At The Same Time, Honor Your Individuality
Pixabay: Victoria Borodinova The Hierophant tarot card is the fifth card in the Major Arcana that symbolizes education and learning through experience. It is representative of morality issues derived from either socially acceptable or unacceptable behavior. It can also rule the law, traditions, and customs. Therefore, it usually indicates taboos of some sort but with positive connotations since it is categorized under Major Arcana of Tarot Cards. The term "hierophant" comes from the Greek hieros (priest or holy) and phainomenon (that which is shown). A religion teacher who explains the sacred mysteries is therefore called a hierophant. The Hierophant Plays Role In Beliefs Systems And Society As A WholeAnother thing that the Hierophant tarot card represents is an established religion or belief system. It stands for all faiths whose focus is on rules of behavior and conduct of people within society. If you believe that there is only one truth, then that truth must be followed by all who want peace and acceptance of others into their religious structures. The Hierophant tarot card represents conformity, not individuality, like its counterpart, the Lovers, as that is the next one. However, it tells us to conform to society, thinks in the same manner, and not deviate from the norm. The tarot card of Hierophant can represent any organization trying to convince its people of one way of thinking. It also means education. The Hierophant And EducationThe Hierophant also represents education. You learn how to think, act, dress, etc., by being around those older than you or having more knowledge on a particular subject than you do. By studying the tarot card meaning of the Hierophant, you will understand how important it is for you to follow wiser and more experienced others. That is because it helps you grow as individuals and in groups; if everyone were an individual in their own right, there would be chaos. The Hierophant also represents any person in authority, such as a police officer, a president, or even a teacher. The Hierophant Representing Institutions That Enforce Beliefs Onto YouHierophant tarot cards stand for institutions that enforce beliefs and rules onto you. For example, you may follow a religion with many regulations to follow to go to Heaven. This tarot card also means going with the flow instead of thinking for yourself reading because others around you feel differently, leading you down the wrong path in life. In short, if your everyday actions are being controlled by someone else, then it is likely the tarot card, meaning of the Hierophant tarot card, is affecting your life. When Does The Hierophant Show Up In Readings?The Hierophant usually shows up in tarot cards readings when people want to trust an authority figure or feel the need to follow all rules and regulations throughout society. He may represent what you think society should look like, but it is essential not to lose sight of your individuality while looking at him.
The Hierophant tarot card can remind tarot readers that they are individuals, not just group members. As a result, they have the power to decide what they want to do, rather than following other people's rules or living by society's standards. How does the Hierophant show up in Risa's life? You can say that the Hierophant plays a role, but not necessarily in a positive way. She firstly has never set boundaries which is why she does so many things for others, such as her neighbor and her parents. They do not appreciate her as they take advantage of her time and help. Risa does not even want to help, but she feels obliged to do it. And since she is so desperate for others to like her and to value her, that is why she never says "no." That part does not relate to the Hierophant much, but if she favors and cares for others because she knows that is what society will expect of her, then that relates to the Hierophant. But again, not in a positive way. She also never developed her own way of thinking and her own beliefs, which is how she relates to this card. She feels as if that was stolen from her from an early age. Risa would be right about that. However, she is an individual just like everyone else and has the power to develop her own beliefs and way of thinking. She follows the herd really because she doesn't know any better and does not have the confidence to know any better. Does the Hierophant reversed seem to fit Risa better? Let's see. Hierophant ReversedWhen the Hierophant card shows up in reverse, it can represent several signs. Firstly, it represents purposely rebelling against the rules that may bring in trouble with the law. It may also mean breaking away from family traditions and values. Another meaning could be poor counseling or abusing a higher position. However, the Hierophant reversed is not all bad. It can also mean that you are breaking away from traditions that no longer work for you, and you are honoring your individuality and creating your own. You find your own wisdom through within without listening to what others say. You have your truth and own it. It can also mean you are practicing a different religion or lifestyle than the one that you were raised in. If the Hierophant in reverse represents you finding your individuality and not caring what others think of you, then that is a good thing. That certainly does not represent Risa. The only time you could see the Hierophant in reverse in her case is when she quit going for therapy and quit taking her medication. Her doctor told her she needed to take the antidepressants, but she decided not to listen and did what she wanted by stopping. That is the Hierophant in reverse move right there. Now, let's talk about how you can utilize the Hierophant upright and reversed in your life. How Can You Apply The Hierophant Into Your Life?You have to be careful because it is best to apply the Hierophant in both positions. You have to admit that you do not have all of the answers and that you are not an expert in fields in which you have no experience. Think about the Dunning-Kruger effect. If you have limited experience or knowledge in something, you don't want to believe that you are an expert in the field. That means you have to listen to experts and those who have a lot more experience in something than you. That is why I do my best to be careful as I make myself clear that I am an advocate, not a professional, when I talk about mental health. I struggle with mental health issues, but at the same time, I have learned enough what tools to use that can help me manage them. I share them, but that is about it. For example, if there is a new depression treatment that sounds like it may be helpful, I will not be the one to tell people to try it because it is better than other treatments. I will talk to the experts and the scientists and look into giving it a try. I can always recommend the treatment if it helps, but I will not pretend I am an expert and tell people to take it. I always say talk to your doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist if you want to look into trying it. That is one way to apply the Hierophant into your life, which is quite essential. Now at the same token, there are a lot of bad mental health professionals out there that gaslight you. In that case, I will see through it and call them out. I already have. You also want to have mentors teachers and get any professional help you need if you are confused or want to learn something new. And when you want to apply the Hierophant in reverse, I mentioned it before. You want to explore your individuality.
Instead, choose a spiritual belief or another faith that resonates with you. If you don't want to upset your family by doing that, if you value their feelings, you don't even need to tell them if you feel this would upset them. You can always join them when it comes to traditions to celebrate together. However, that does not mean carrying it on your own. Remember that you are your own person. Listen to the experts, don't act as you know better than anyone else, and follow rules if they are for the greater good. You don't want to be reckless and irresponsible in any way. But never allow anyone to tell you what to do with your life and spiritual beliefs, and hobbies otherwise. The next card I will go over is Lovers. You’re a free subscriber to Miriam Reads Tarot . For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. |
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