Software Testing Weekly - Software Testing Weekly - Issue 117

10 Tips for Designing Better Test Cases

Software Testing Weekly


ISSUE 117  April 2nd 2022




Welcome to the 117th issue!

I hope you're enjoying April Fools' day.

Do you remember the brilliant StackOverflow copy-paste keyboard joke they made last year?

It generated such huge demand that they actually released it a few months later!

And it's still possible to buy, apparently.

Heard of other tech-related jokes this year? Let me know, I'd love to hear them, too. 🙂

And now, happy testing!

Dawid Dylowicz  Permalink




10 Tips for Designing Better Test Cases

Want to learn how to write good test cases? Mirza Šišić shares some useful tips and suggests a short book to read.

Similarly, Laval Magan wrote about the 5 Techniques I Use To Design Smarter Test Cases.  Permalink


QA Best Practices to Support Quality-Oriented Teams

Sometimes it might be challenging to maintain a quality-oriented team. But don't worry, Darlan Arruda wrote a story about how they solved this problem at their company.

Additionally, James Thomas got some interesting answers by asking testers: Why Do They Test Software?.

Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.  Permalink


Quality Assurance and Software Delivery Processes in Frontend Engineering

Mirek Stanek explains how they improved their QA and release processes thanks to consistency and learning from past mistakes.  Permalink


Quality Narratives Are a Better Form of Reporting

Communication is one of the key non-technical skills that testers should acquire. Here's some great advice from Callum Akehurst-Ryan about leveraging the quality narrative.

And if you want to read more, check out James Thomas's recent article on Testing and Semantics.  Permalink


Testing is an underrated skill in Testing (Test Automation isn’t everything)

Wait, that's an interesting statement! But Louise Gibbs has a good point. Have a read to find out why.

A great follow up to that is Amy Reichert's article on Why a successful software tester's skillset is more than just technical.  Permalink


What are the good KPI for QA Engineers in Agile Software Development?

Looking for quality metrics and KPIs? Someone asked about it on Reddit and people responded with a lot of examples. Interestingly, most of them around what not to measure.

Additionally, Robert Cui wrote about Value-Driven Software Performance Testing and suggests some metrics, too.  Permalink




21 Common Mistakes In Automation Testing & Their Mitigation

There are a lot of pitfalls that you may find in test automation. Laval Magan warns us about common mistakes and suggests how we can mitigate them.

Speaking of that, is singleton really an anti-pattern in test automation?.  Permalink


The Testing Pyramid: How to Structure Your Test Suite

Although the test pyramid has remained popular over the years, several new variants emerged. Tomas Fernandez describes some of them.

And since unit tests are usually the foundation, this Deep Dive into Unit Testing by Semyon Kirekov might come in handy.  Permalink


There is no "100% coverage" in Automated E2E Software Testing

Those who claim the achievement of full test coverage are usually wrong. Zhimin Zhan explains it well in terms of test execution and other parameters.

In this context, Laval Magan shares: How I prioritize automation testing scope.

Note: If you can't access the full article, simply open it in a private tab.  Permalink


Top 9 Tips to Increase UI Automation Speed

Do your tests run for too long? Julia Pottinger gives nine amazing tips for increasing the execution speed of automated tests.

Moreover, Pablo Curell Mompo wrote about Making a Ruby test suite faster with parallel tests, including a practical example.  Permalink


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VIP Invitation: Digital Assurance in the World of Cloud and Enterprise Apps — Salesforce Test Automation

Join us on Thu, 7 Apr, to learn strategies to ensure end-to-end Digital assurance and keep pace in multi-SaaS packaged app environments.

Get the first-time sneak peek at the most revolutionary product offering of the year that will transform Digital Assurance in Enterprise Apps. Reserve your free seat now.  Permalink




10 Best Bug Tracking Software in 2022

Looking for a bug tracking tool? Brittney Jubert prepared a great overview of some of them.

Additionally, you might also want to learn from Andreea Draniceanu about How to Build a Bug Tracking Report in JIRA.  Permalink


Check Your Site's Performance With Artillery and Playwright

There are many ways of measuring your website's performance. But the one you should care the most about is how long it takes a user to be able to interact with it. Dennis Martinez shows how you can combine Artillery with Playwright to find out.  Permalink


Learn security testing basics by exploring the Zap tool

Zap is one of the most popular tools for scanning web apps for security vulnerabilities. Rahul Bhave put together a solid, practical guide that can help you get started.  Permalink




Four insights from "a reference book for all who are involved with quality"

In this concise overview, Mike Harris points out four useful things he found in the classic Juran’s Quality Handbook which might inspire you to check it out.  Permalink




At every stand-up... 🤣



Thanks for reading!

If you like this newsletter and it helps you become a better tester, you can say thanks and buy me a coffee.

PS. I'll be transferring every donation to Nasz Wybór Foundation which supports Ukrainian migrants in Poland. 🇺🇦 🙏

Dawid Dylowicz  Permalink

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