I’m Isaac Saul, and this is Tangle. You are reading a preview of our Friday edition for paying subscribers only.

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Two weeks ago, a provocative headline ran in New York Magazine: "Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought a $6 Million House."

The piece was a classic bit of dogged journalism. The reporter who wrote it, Sean Campbell, was exercising strong instincts, sought out internal documents, tax filings, emails, and was reporting on an organization he knew intimately well (from covering them in the past).

But the response to the piece was almost more interesting than the piece itself. One of the former leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization called it "racist" and suggested that journalism is supposed to "mitigate harm." She panned reporters for "scrutinizing our every move publicly and privately in ways that are unfair and unjust."

Her response was not unfamiliar. In today's political climate, people on both sides of the aisle seem to loathe reporters and the media. They also seem to have strong feelings about what journalism is supposed to be.

So today, at 12 p.m. EST, Tangle is releasing a subscribers only newsletter exploring this question. What is the role of journalism in today's political landscape? What is journalism supposed to do? And what does good journalism actually look like? I'll be offering my answer to these questions, and looking a bit more closely at the controversy around the Black Lives Matter organization.

If you want to receive that email, you need to subscribe to Tangle. Tangle subscribers get Friday editions, access to interviews, updates on our business, offers from our partners, and you unlock 600+ posts in our archives. Plus, you get the ability to comment on posts.

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If you're not quite ready, or just joined Tangle, that's okay... we'll see you Monday.


Isaac & the Tangle team