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Weekend Reading — Department of weird
Dan Neuman “Nice one, IKEA” Tech Stuff ⌘K Fast, composable, unstyled command menu for React. Not to be confused with Paletro, a command palette for every macOS app. Remind Me Faster I think this is the
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Weekend Reading — Not like us
Baby koalas rescued in wake of storm Tech Stuff Here's how I use LLMs to help me write code The best way to learn LLMs is to play with them. Throwing absurd ideas at them and vibe-coding until they
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Weekend Reading — The Agentic AI revolution
Street Art Utopia “Darth Fisher sculpture by Frankey for Amsterdam Light Festival in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Photos by Janus van den Eijnden.” Tech Stuff Claude Code overview The Agentic AI
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Weekend Reading — 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini
Elise “periodic reminder that Barcelona has a supercomputer inside an old church and it's one of the most rad things you can see” Tech Stuff macOS Tips & Tricks It's going to take me
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Weekend Reading — I. Kant.
Terry Matz “Seems like a good time to share this free knitting pattern for the This Is Fine Sweater by Yu Jie 玉杰” Tech Stuff Ólafur Waage Databases are still using tables? Don't they know we've
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Weekend Reading — DOOM x 2
Andy P “But it is public domain” Tech Stuff Fish 4.0b1 I'm giving Fish a try. So far it's really amazing and a step up from ZSH, which itself was a step up from Bash. 4.0b1 is out, noted as “
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Weekend Reading — Happy New Year! 🥳
Vitalis 🇺🇦 The most original and unusual landmark in Odesa, which has become a symbol of the creativity of Odesa residents. Tech Stuff Cursor I really really like Cursor. I had a great time using VS
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Weekend Reading — Happy "That's a January Problem" week
Can Christmas season start a little earlier this year Tech Stuff Ramsey Nasser fuck it happened i am in a situation where i do actually need to reverse a linked list Atuin I just learned about Atuin
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Weekend Reading — Make Orwell Fiction Again
MostlyHarmless Tech Stuff colinaut/action-table A web component that allows users to sort/filter a table. Just wrap your table inside <action-table>. So simple and works like a charm. VineJS A
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Weekend Reading — Never
For Europeans...... Tech Stuff da_667 “people who write javascript don't make threats, they make promises” NumberFlow - Transition and format numbers An open source component to transition, format,
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Weekend Reading — More time to write
More Time to Write A fully functional clock that ticks backwards, giving you more time to write. Tech Stuff Martijn Faassen (FWIW I don't know how to use any debugger other than console.log) People
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Weekend Reading —
Sure is Tech Stuff What I Wish Someone Told Me About Postgres If you're just starting with Postgres, make sure to not repeat past mistakes. No GPS required: our app can now locate underground
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Weekend Reading — Voting time!
Halloween humor Hello and welcome back. If you missed me, I went on a trip for three weeks, so didn't have time to post. But I did enjoy delicious food, beautiful sites, and super fast trains. Now
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Weekend Reading — Concept of a plan
This week we play Tetris on our database server, learn BASIC again, upgrade to a Victorian iPad, avert the shoplifting crisis, turn HTML back to Markdown, replace the podcast bro with AI, get unlimited
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Weekend Reading — Human Slots Machine
This week we learn a new Postgres trick, write JavaScript for MS-DOS, we answer phone calls on our washer, go big on monospace fonts, we teach you how to market, Rickroll our customers, name our wifi
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Weekend Reading — Home office the way I like it
This week we run a search through Postgres, wear our Mac on our wrist, font with the Z80, hyperfocus through this post, remember Quiznos, close the circle of grift, watch Cybertruck in its habitat, lay
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Weekend Reading — Florida clown
This week we learn how to Zod, we draggy and swappy, we interview our internal customers, don't get anything completed on time, lay off our energy healer, decode the ToS, guard our headphones, walk
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Weekend Reading — Very demure, very mindful
This week we get our dev docs offline, color the windows, guesstimate our credit score, sue an ice cream, honk like a self-driving car, experiment on a lion, cancel our Disney+ account, and reuse our
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Weekend Reading — Momala and Popala
This week we do a screen recording, restart WordStar, take our printer to space, play medieval tunes, sample the LLM, and watch out for the blow-nado. 😎 Labnotes (by Assaf Arkin) Weekend Reading —
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Weekend Reading — Emotional support billionaires
This week we watch the olympics, make a todo list, propose new password rules, purchase a domain for > $1M, get an AI massage, shot with hand in pocket, save 100% by not buying anything, and measure