Sticky Notes

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You should probably read this if that subject line triggered you. Read this, from top to bottom, if you're notorious for not finishing the things that you've started. The TL;DR... Last night, I
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I'm no Hemingway.

Says the ass who clearly thinks he's the reincarnation of Hemingway. The party must go on. I have so much to tell you and so little time. So, let's not waste much of the latter and just jump
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Let's play ball.

Sales lessons I'm learning as I hunt for my next whip. "It's a clusterfuck." If you missed last week's edition of Sticky Notes about my beloved Army Green '89 Range Rover
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Quick, fast and in a hurry.

Yet another argument for moving quickly in work and life. Speed is of the essence. At 106 mph, the fastest pitch ever thrown is faster than a human eye can blink... which means that if you blink, you