Marketing Junto

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Take off the passion glasses

June sucked. I watched 5 years of my passion, hard work, and sheer willpower crash into one sentence... "People don't like to write scripts". It's true. And I knew it. When I first
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Mental Health Is Extremely Important

As I write this I'm thinking of a recent Zoom hangout where one of my favorite podcast journalist Skye Pillsbury talked about how she needed to step back from writing her newsletter because of
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What's the big idea anyway?

“Does that kind of make sense?” My mentor asked. I sat there thinking over what he said. It seemed simple enough. So it's just like a theme? Like in a movie” I asked. “Well yes and no. It's
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Reach... How You Get To It Isn't As Important As How You Use It

Editor's Note: If you enjoy Marketing Junto and want to show your support, I have a special offer. I'm offering 25% off yearly subscriptions. You'll be showing your support of the work I do
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Journalism Isn't Dead... It's Different

Editor's Note: If you enjoy Marketing Junto and want to show your support, I have a special offer. I'm offering 25% off yearly subscriptions. You'll be showing your support of the work I do
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Give Waldo his shirt back

"Got him!" I said to my friend. I pointed to Waldo on the page. "Yeah, I think you're right." She said. I put my face closer to the page. "Oh yeah, it's definitely him.
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With Bad Customer Service It Doesn't Matter How Good Your Marketing Or Product Is.

Editor's Note: If you enjoy Marketing Junto and want to show your support, I have a special offer. I'm offering 25% off yearly subscriptions. You'll be showing your support of the work I do
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Don’t skip a step

Copy is a fraction of what makes people want to buy. Don't get me wrong–it matters… But the copy on your landing page, in your video, or sales email isn't a magic button. It's more like a
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AI Journalists... Disconcerting Or Just Plain Yuck?

In a recent article in the New York Times, it's reported that Google is working on an artificial intelligence system called Genesis to help write the news. As many of you know, I'm a former/
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In Person Networking Is Back

This past week I went to more networking in person than I have in quite a while. I have to say, I missed it. That being said, I was way more hyper-aware of crowds and groups. Yes, this is because of
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When Is It Too Much Social Media?

Meta just released, out of beta, Threads by Instagram. I have to say it's pretty well made and sticky. But then again it's just another micro-blogging platform. But what's most interesting
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Landing pages and emails-the dynamic duo

Your landing page worked. People hit the call to action button... Pulled out their card… And (actually) gave you money. The sale isn't over yet though. They believed in you enough to hand over
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Who are you (really)?

🎵 Tell me why Ain't nothing but a heartache… Tell me why… Ain't nothing but a mistake… Tell me why I never want to hear you sayyyyy… I don't need an about me page. 🎵 (Couldn't have done
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Newsletters Are A Thing

I've had a version of this newsletter for several years. Initially, it was part of my main Goldstein Media website. However, over time, it has evolved into its own entity with a dedicated website
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Where does this puzzle piece go?

Video is not the ultimate marketing hack. On it's own, it won't make you millions of dollars... It won't skyrocket you to industry fame... And it (probably) won't go viral. Video is a
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Podcasting Can't Be Corralled It Needs To Stay Open

I was never a fan of Spotify's play to lock up podcasting to their platform. I'm not a fan of Joe Rogan, but their plan with making him exclusive worked. But everything else they've tried
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Make an ad in an hour

-Time -Resources -Budget These are the top 3 reasons why small businesses say they don't use video in their marketing. But there is a deeper issue– People don't know where to start. So they end
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AI Is Here To Stay. How We Use It Matters.

You know, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is definitely here to stay. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. And you know what? It's bound to make some jobs obsolete, no doubt about it. But
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Big Tech Is In For A Reckoning

With Big Tech cracking down on APIs and 3rd party apps there is a whole world of open source and federated alternatives that people can turn to. Here's a few: Alternative to Reddit: Lemmy
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You've got a problem

(we all do). 2 things stop a message from being “good”: * It's not relevant * it's not clear Copywriting has a solution for that. Cue Pain, Agitate, Solution (PAS) This copywriting formula