Best newsletters and posts about Social Media Marketing Tools tag


6/20/2023 5:55:07 AM

Story in marketing: theory and practice…

It's World 🌊 Sea Turtle Day, Reader... Koo-koo-ka-choo! This newsletter is brought to you by the Marketing Agency Show. In today's edition: Using AI tech in agencies Story in marketing The
6/23/2023 2:06:22 PM

Using AI for business...

It's National Hydration Day, Reader... Did you know your 🧠 brain works better when you're properly hydrated? Why not treat yourself to a glass of H2O... with or without 🧊 ice. This newsletter
6/12/2023 2:04:27 PM

Advanced social marketing...

It's International Falafel Day, Reader! 🧆 Nutritious and delicious... I like mine with 🍋 lemon tahini or tzatziki. This newsletter is brought to you by the Marketing Agency Show. In today's