SEO Chatter - H1 tag best practices for SEO
A lot of people underestimate the power of the H1 tag for SEO Reader.
Yet, this one small HTML element can have a huge impact on your keyword rankings.
Not to mention, if you get things wrong with the H1, Google will now completely rewrite your page title as it appears in the SERPs. Which can ultimately affect the number of people who click on your website listings versus the competition.
So here's the thing...
If you’re serious about increasing your website traffic, then you can’t afford not to optimize your H1 tags the right way.
And today's post teaches you everything you need to know maximize the power of your H1 tags by giving you a list of SEO best practices you can follow for perfect on-page optimization.
Enjoy it here:
How to Optimize H1 Tags for Higher Rankings
Your SEO Mentor,
Stephen Hockman
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