Passive Income Unlocked - Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Back when we started site #1, I was like a lot of you. I’d read all these stories and watched all these videos of people making a fortune from an online business, and I wanted in.
This was after spending a year trying my hand at dropshipping, which proved to be unsuccessful and left a bad taste in my mouth (a story for another time).
Nonetheless, when I started learning about building affiliate sites (which is how site #1 started), my drive and energy came back. I was eager to get started and couldn’t wait to see the dollars rolling in.
Of course, most internet marketers have no problem telling you how quick and easy it is to make money online by following their methods. And as a result, I was hooked and had high expectations.
It didn’t take long to figure out that these expectations were unrealistic. Night after night of writing blog posts with nothing to show for it.
After being denied by Amazon Associates for the second time, I was definitely getting discouraged. My stubbornness persevered, but even after finally getting accepted, we were making practically nothing on the site.
I think by this point, many months in, most people would have already given up. I know that I definitely considered it.
Now, the site itself wasn’t perfect, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was my unrealistic expectations.
I was expecting quick wins, but in reality, building a niche site takes a lot of time. Not only that, but you’re bound to make mistakes on your first site, which will slow the process even further.
Luckily for us, we stuck it out and did eventually see success on that site and the ones that followed. It was a long journey with a lot of lessons, but well worth the wait.
If your goal is to make a significant amount of income from your site, you have to be realistic with yourself. Building a new site from scratch to the point that it generates a sizable income can take years.
We have four sites bringing in close to, or over, $10,000/month, and even the quickest of those took roughly a year to start generating a good income stream.
Take a look at this video if you want to see what that path looked like for each of our sites.
The beauty of this is that most people will give up far before they reach that point. In fact, most people give up before they write their first blog post.
If you can push through and keep writing and building your site, you will gain a serious competitive edge over most others looking to do the same thing.
What’s ironic is that once your site starts generating some income, everything becomes easier. Not only will the mental hurdles be gone, but you’ll be able to scale your site more quickly by outsourcing some of the work.
Getting to that point is the tough part. It takes a ton of patience, commitment, and consistency. Once you hit that sweet spot though, you’ll look back and realize that it was well worth the wait.
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