
Not all marketing strategies work for every company; strategies need to be tailored to your target audience. Social media can bring customers back to your website, where chatbots can assist them in finding what they’re looking for. Videos create excitement among users allowing them to showcase their creativity, and email can open a means for customer feedback.

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Examples Of Brand Engagement Marketing Tactics
.....Social Media Brand Engagement
..........A few examples include
.....Email Brand Engagement
.....Video Brand Engagement

Examples Of Brand Engagement Marketing Tactics

Listed below are a few sample strategies of brand engagement marketing tactics using various channels to connect with customers and prospects.

Social Media Brand Engagement

Social media is one of the most popular tools for customer engagement. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are among the most popular sites for posting and tweets. Don’t underestimate the power of using social media to interact with customers as well. Companies can put out a request for user-generated content. Contests, surveys and polls can be used to get feedback allowing you to implement new marketing strategiesto drive sales. Use social media to direct customers to visit your business, whether on-line or in person, making use of omnichannel marketing.

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A few examples include:

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Email Brand Engagement

Creating a personalized message using email to welcome customers to your business is an excellent way to build a relationship with a customer. It gives you the opportunity to introduce new products or services, make offers, or let customers know about premiums they might not remember they had. Email can also remind customers about an abandoned shopping cart which may prompt them to go back to the card and order. identifying customers who haven’t opened an email in a while (open rates are an excellent brand engagement metric) is an excellent tool which will allow you to send another email to re-engage their interest.

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Video Brand Engagement

An excellent way to get exciting content in front of customers and prospects is through video. Create video stories that highlight employees and the work they do. Take advantage of influencers in both the B2C and B2B market segments to provide exciting information to customers. Note that video brand engagement is different from advertising - it tells a story that invites customers to interact with the product or service.

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Looking for tools to implement brand engagement? Maryville University’s in-depth guide, Brand Engagement Guide for Your Business, provides detailed insights and resources on the following areas:

  • A Look At Brand Engagement
  • Brand Engagement Examples That Help Promote Businesses
  • Top Brand Engagement Examples
  • How to Bring Brand Engagement
  • Brand Engagement Marketing Tactics
  • 4 Key Brand Engagement Metrics
  • And much more!

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Barbara Ferrigno, Concept Marketing Group. With 44 years of experience and over 8,000 clients nationwide and internationally, Barbara has the knowledge and expertise in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies through targeted, managed, strategic campaigns. Our main focus: putting you in front of your target audience and taking your company to the next level. Growing a business can be challenging but well worth the rewards.

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