Unredacted NIH Emails Show Efforts to Rule Out Lab Origin of CovidJimmy TobiasVirologists close to the NIH initially believed the Covid virus could be genetically engineered. Unredacted emails show how their thinking evolved.
Covid-19 Drugmakers Pressured Twitter to Censor Activists Pushing for Generic VaccineLee FangThe social media pressure campaign was just a part of the pharmaceutical industry’s successful lobbying blitz to retain patents — and make record profits.
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Mexico’s Former Top Cop Is on Trial in New York. Will the U.S. Be Implicated?José OlivaresGenaro García Luna, a drug war insider facing charges of colluding with two major cartels, was in a position to collect dirt on officials on both sides of the border.
LAPD Held Down Keenan Anderson, Repeatedly Tased Him — Then Suggested His Death Was His Own FaultNatasha LennardThat the LAPD is confidently deploying this public relations tactic nearly three years after George Floyd’s death is a grim reflection of how little has changed.
California Police Are Buying Guns From Dealers With Troubling RecordsJordan SmithLaw enforcement agencies spent millions in taxpayer funds buying weapons from vendors cited for gun safety violations, a new analysis reveals.
Empire by InvitationSamar Al-BulushiAfrican leaders are asking for more U.S. counterterrorism support. They should be careful what they wish for.
Dissent Episode One: Tipping the BalanceInterceptedIn the first episode of Dissent, host Jordan Smith and legal analyst Jordan Rubin discuss the Supreme Court docket and what’s at stake.