Niche Twins - One niche to rule them all.
The average person has 100,000 of me.
But they lose about 50-100 of me every single day.
Luckily, it doesn't become noticeable to others until 50% or more of me is gone.
Some people are willing to bleed in order to keep me.
Others just let me go.
What am I?
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Edgar Cut
I first discovered this monster of a niche in August last year.
Somehow (don't ask how) I found myself reading an article about "Edgar haircuts".
What the hell is an "Edgar haircut"?
Alrighttttty then.
My first thought - "Not really my style".
My second thought (naturally) - "I wonder how many people are typing this into Google every month?"
I type "Edgar cut" into Ahrefs.
I hit enter.
136,000 monthly searches.
280,000 monthly searches globally!?!
What in the hell.
Time to dig deeper...
Hair Me Out
I jump back over to Google again, this time to analyze the page 1 results.
I want to see what kinds of websites are ranking.
One-by-one I plug them into Ahrefs site explorer.
A handful of low DR sites crushing it...
And even a few big dogs.
Doing BIG numbers.
Like 3MM pageviews a month big...
Ok, further down the rabbit hole I go...
Keyword Heaven
I start honing in on individual sites in this niche and looking closely at the organic keywords they're ranking for.
The results are unlike anything I've ever seen.
Look, I'm well aware Keyword Difficulty (KD) is a made up metric, and often wildly wrong.
You should always go the SERPs and determine how competitive a keyword is for yourself.
But it's undeniable that this niche (hair, hair styles, hair cuts, etc) is a MASSIVE opportunity.
And if you need proof - look no further than all the low DR sites in this niche doing big numbers.
They're not hard to find.
The craziest part is the keywords above are from a site about men's haircuts/styles ONLY.
Here's some keywords from a site geared more towards women's haircuts/styles.
Opportunities everywhere.
And we haven't even looked at the keywords getting "just" 5,000 pageviews a month.
Here's the organic keyword results of a site in this niche with a filter on to only show keywords with a Keyword Difficulty of 25 or less.
I'm on page 25 of the results.
Page 25!
25 pages of low competition keywords before I even get to keywords with a "measly" 5k pageviews a month.
Truly insane.
So the good news is there's plenty of ranking opportunities.
The less than good news is that ad rates are probably very low for this niche.
Although it's possible the sheer volume of traffic you get will negate this some.
This niche is also extremely reliant on images - you'll need a TON of pictures.
People want to SEE the different hairstyles.
They don't really want to just read about them.
Many of the sites ranking now just take photos from Instagram and embed them in their posts.
You could probably do something similar.
Or maybe try using AI to generate some of the images for you?
Speaking of AI...
How cool would it be if your site had a tool that allowed a user to upload 10-15 images of themselves and then it generated 100 realistic images of them with different haircuts, styles and colors?
Think of how many backlinks a tool like that would get.
You could probably even charge people to use it.
Final Words
I believe you could win in this niche even if you didn't establish a brand.
Hell, the majority of the sites that I shared traffic charts of above aren't brands.
But if you did spend the time to establish yourself and become one of the few real brands in this niche, the possibilities are endless.
You could sell your own products.
Take for example.
Not hair on your head, but still hair nonetheless.
300,000+ monthly visitors.
They're probably killing it!
That's all for now.
You take the weekend off.
Relax some.
Enjoy yourself.
But come Monday I want to know if you're starting a site in this niche, because I want a cut!
Niche Twins newsletter sent weekly on Fridays at 8:30 AM ET
PS. If this email landed in your promotions folder, move it to primary to make sure you actually see the next one!
PPS: If you are interested in sponsoring these newsletters, you can check availability here.
PPPS: If you haven’t checked out Niche Twins in a while, go take a peak. We’ve been slowly making improvements over time.
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