Niche Twins - Great is just good, repeatably.
The hardest thing to do after achieving any amount of success, is doubling down on the mostly boring, monotonous things that got you there in the first place.
Even a small win can trick you into thinking you're special.
It can make you believe you've got things all "figured out" now.
It might even tempt you to go try your hand at something entirely new.
A new challenge.
A shiny new opportunity.
After all, you're a "winner" now.
You win, that's just what you do!
Ignore that.
Ignore all of it.
Do this instead...
I owe a ton of my success blogging to great keyword research.
It's how I was able to generate over 9MM pageviews with just 320 posts.
If you're going to invest the time it takes to generate great content, make sure you're writing for the right topics.
I use Semrush. And you should too.
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After you've had some success, go back, and do the very same things you've been doing all along.
Just do them better, and for longer.
Strap in.
Bear down.
Start executing again.
And then repeat.
That's how you win.
That's how you become great - "just be good, repeatably".
But lately I've found myself easily distracted.
Just earlier this month I was deep down the "kids play space" rabbit hole.
At one point I even told my wife I was going to park outside the "Simply Play" down the street from us and count all the kids coming and going to try and get an estimate of daily revenue.
Fortunately, I was talked out of that idea.
Folks have been arrested for less...
Before "kid play spaces" took over my mind, I was convincing myself I should try to buy the company I had recently bought a shed from.
I spoke to the owner for well over an hour.
The man takes home high six - to low seven figures a year working one day a week.
He has a summer home on Lake Winnipesaukee.
He has a great business, but he's getting older and his kids have no interest in taking things over.
Then that got me thinking, how cool would it be if I went around town and interviewed all these local brick-and-mortar business owners and talked numbers with them?
I really think that format would kill on YouTube, for example.
People would love hearing the numbers behind every-day businesses.
So which one of these ideas am I'm going to end up pursuing?
For now, none of them.
Not a single one.
Instead, I'm going to get back to basics.
Back to blogging.
To the thing that got me here.
The thing I'm good at.
And if I can just be good repeatably then...well you know the rest.
Next week I'm going to share the travel blog my wife and I have been working on publicly.
But in the meantime, have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Take a moment to think of, and appreciate all the men and women who have died while serving in the US Armed Forces, keeping us all safe.
We'll talk soon.
P.S. If you haven't read "How to Be Great? Just Be Good, Repeatably", you really should.
Niche Twins newsletter sent weekly on Fridays at 8:30 AM ET
If you are interested in sponsoring these newsletters, you can check availability here.
(currently booked out until July)
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Nobody who wins, is afraid of losing.
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Don't forget about Uncle Sam!
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