Longevity Minded - Planning Your Centenarian Decathlon
Planning Your Centenarian DecathlonRedefining exercise, killing false beliefs, and preparing for a kick ass final decade.
The Centenarian Decathlon: What is it?Centenarian: a person who is one hundred or more years old. Decathlon: an athletic contest that consists of ten events. The Centenarian Decathlon is a mental model Dr. Peter Attia created to visualize the most important physical tasks we want to be able to do until our final day. Longevity consists of two components: lifespan and healthspan. A longer lifespan is fantastic, but it doesn’t mean much if your quality of life (healthspan) is severely restricted. While healthspan has physical and cognitive components, the Centenarian Decathlon is concerned with our physical capabilities. So, what are the ten or so types of movement, whether it be activities of daily living, exercise, sports, or hobbies, you want to be able to do until you die? Once you know what those things are, you can optimize your exercise routine today to enable you to be able to do those things in your final decade. The catch is that we naturally lose strength and aerobic capacity as we age. So whatever it is you want to be able to do at age 80, you need to be doing much more now. For example, if you’re fifty now and want to be able to drop down and scoop up your 60 lb granddaughter at age eighty, you need to be able to goblet squat much more than 60 lbs today. Killing False BeliefsMost people believe that they will eventually become weak, immobile, and incapable in old age. And they’re right. The people who hold that belief will fulfill their expectations for old age. But if you decide to wipe away that default belief, view yourself as an athlete of life, and modify your daily habits to prepare you for old age, then you can determine what your final decade will look like. The cherry on top? Implementing the kind of practices that will benefit you in your final decade will also massively enhance every single day of your life starting right now — physically, mentally, and emotionally. From having more energy and reducing your risk of injury to feeling stronger and more stable, gearing your exercise towards the Centenarian Decathlon will improve your lifespan and boost your healthspan. Case Study in Movement: The JapaneseAlthough chairs are gaining popularity, sitting on the floor is still common practice for meals and tea ceremony in Japan. Because of this practice, many elderly Japanese folks are able to get up and down off the floor with ease — a capability we automatically dismiss as impossible for elderly Western people. You don’t need to throw out your dining room table in exchange for a tatami mat and low table. But it’s worth thinking about how you might modify your environment in order to maintain movements you don’t want to lose with age so you don’t have to carve out additional exercise time to keep them. Use it or lose it. Setting Targets for Your Centenarian DecathlonYour Centenarian Decathlon will be unique to your goals, but should revolve around two key aims for which there is substantial overlap:
Once you understand the types of activities you want to be able to do in old age to maintain a high-quality life, whatever that looks like for you, the question becomes what combination of exercise will help you achieve these two goals? With exercise, we have four areas of focus:
(I’ve written extensively on each of these topics, so I won’t go into detail here. See Annex A: Exercise Resources below.) Reframing ExerciseThe point of the Centenarian Decathlon is to fundamentally reframe how we think about exercise. Exercise should not be seen as a way to lose weight or to look more muscular or toned in the mirror. Yes, it can do both of those things. But more importantly, it can enable you to live independently and to play on the floor with your grandchildren at age eighty. It can give you the energy and strength to engage in your favourite sports and hobbies from now until your final days. And it can delay disease and extend the number of healthy years you have. Exercise is not a chore, it’s a privilege and a gift to yourself — both today and in the decades to come. Thinking about exercise through the Centenarian Decathlon means moving and exercising with maximal intention. It means making a list of the specific things you want to be able to do in your final decade of life and then backcasting to determine what you have to do on a daily basis now to achieve those goals. It means learning, planning diligently, and being disciplined day in and day out to make those goals pop out of the paper and emerge into your reality. And ultimately, it means redefining what you thought possible for your life and setting the right example for others. Please see The Annex below for actionable information on planning your Centenarian Decathlon. That’s all, folks. Thanks for reading! Help a friend—If you found this article valuable, please share it with a friend who would benefit from reading it. Let’s connect—If you have a question or just want to chat, I’d love to hear from you! Reply to this email, leave a comment, or ping me on Twitter. Much love to you and yours, Jack Dixon The AnnexAnnex A: Exercise ResourcesAerobic and Anaerobic
Strength and Muscle
Stability, Flexibility, and Mobility
GeneralThe Longevity Combine (Fitness Testing)Annex B: Examples of Centenarian Decathlon ActivitiesBelow is a list of activities that, if one is able to do in their final decade, would equate to a strong quality of life. As you read through these examples, consider what combination of strength, stability, mobility, flexibility, and endurance each activity requires:
Annex C: Centenarian Decathlon StandardsLong Duration Aerobic Endurance: Zone 2
Max Aerobic Endurance: VO2 Max
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