from "Everything Shimmers" by Naja Marie Aidt, translated by Susanna Nied

September 30, 2023 

from “Everything Shimmers”

Naja Marie Aidt
translated from the Danish by Susanna Nied

Then suddenly beech woods, all green behind the dozing eyes
a deer leaps across the forest road
scents of acid and moss and cheek against bark, sunrain
between trunks, I’m home and hear the Baltic Sea
crash against big rocks far away and I rest like a
fairy or a witch in the sweet smells of the forest floor
we can so easily forget what we are who we are
that we are, but it takes only a little call
to waken the sleepers, as now, in the forest, for
LISTEN, isn’t that song and the chiming of goblets
sounding in the green chambers? YES by golly, a celebration
for the child in his seventeenth year, who never has
been happier and never will be happier; the world shimmers
everything unimaginably possible while a handspring
and a new but not disturbing sensitivity have settled
in the middle of his irresistibly marzipanescent



Alting Blinker


Så pludselig bøgeskov, helt grønt bag de blundende øjne
en hind springer over den stampede jordvej
her lugter af syre og mos og kinden mod bark, solregn
mellem stammer, jeg er hjemme og hører Østersøen
slå mod store sten langt borte er jeg hvilende som en
fe eller en heks i skovbundens dufte
vi kan så let glemme at vi er dem vi er
at vi er, men der skal bare et lille signal til
at vække den slumrende, som nu, i skoven, for
HØR NU er det ikke sang og bægerklang
der lyder i de grønne sale? JO, et gilde sørme
for barnet i sit syttende år, der aldrig har
haft det bedre og aldrig får det bedre; verden blinker
alting ufatteligt muligt mens et kraftspring
og en ny men ikke forstyrrende følsomhed har slået sig ned
midt i den uimodståeligt marcipanemmende

From Alting Blinker. © Naja Marie Aidt. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2015 by Susanna Nied. All rights reserved.

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“In Naja Marie Aidt’s excerpt from Everything Shimmers, a whirlwind of a moment unfurls, and a reader/listener experiences a conflation of color and image with smell and sound, and the ‘little call / to waken the sleepers,’ is also a call to awaken and see the world with fresh eyes. In Suzanna Nied’s energetic translation that embodies shifting modes of diction, this experience culminates in the startling ‘marzipanescent body’ at the end.”
—Arthur Sze

Naja Marie Aidt
Originally from Greenland, Naja Marie Aidt is a Danish poet and author with nearly thirty works to her name. She has received numerous honors, including the Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize, the Danish Critics’ Choice Award, the Danish Art Foundation’s Award for Lifelong Service, and the 2008 Nordic Council’s Literature Prize for Bavian (Gyldendal, 2006).

Susanna Nied
Susanna Nied is an American writer and translator. She has been honored with a 2007 Landon Translation Award from the Academy of American Poets and has twice been named a finalist for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Her translations of Danish poet Inger Christensen are published by New Directions.
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Thanks to Eunsong Kim, author of Gospel of Regicide (Noemi Press, 2017), who curated Poem-a-Day for this month’s weekdays. Read or listen to a Q&A about Kim’s curatorial approach and find out more about our guest editors for the year.
“Poem-a-Day is brilliant because it makes space in the everyday racket for something as meaningful as a poem.” —Tracy K. Smith

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