On Tuesday, I was at the printers as BLAG 04 came off the press. It's always a special day, and this time there was even more to see with the new, bigger 80-page format.

Here's a sneak preview of what's coming soon to Blaggers around the world; sign up today to get yours, and a copy of Issue 03 straight away—it's members keep this show on the road, and free of advertising and annoying pop-ups.

Now over to this week's bl.ag online post, and the latest instalment in our Chain Letter series...

Chain Letter invites a sign painter or lettering artist to share a piece of lettering that has influenced or inspired them, before passing the baton to someone else, in a never-ending chain.

In the last one, Nicolai Sclater, aka Ornamental Conifer, nominated Serge Nidegger at Lowrider Sign Co. (@sergelowrider), a sign painter and screen printer in Fribourg, Switzerland.

What have you selected?

Vertical hand-painted sign which has various graffiti tags in marker pen written over it.
The mixture of traditional sign painting and graffiti which caught the attention of Serge Nidegger in Paris.

I found this sign discarded in Paris, so kept it; I must have had it for over 20 years now.

How did it inspire you?

I was first drawn to the panel by the juxtaposition of the two worlds: sign painting and graffiti. But, soon after, I started to appreciate the quality of the letters and the layout.

I was struck by its simplicity, and the efficiency of the work from that period. There are so many little details that have inspired me in my work, from the variety of lettering styles to the brushstrokes that can be seen close-up, and which are absolutely incredible.

The sign painter who lettered this simple panel had years of experience and the Sans Cesse [incessantly] headline chimes with what we're trying to convey with sign painting.

Who would you like to see next in the Chain Letter?

I'd like to pass the chain to Marie Pressmar (@mariepressmar) in Hossegor, France.

Serge Nidegger, Lowrider Sign Co. / @sergelowrider

Past Chain Letters

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