Now I Know: The Now I Know Holiday Gift Guide

The Now I Know Holiday Gift Guide


Over the last few weeks, my friends at Media Mobilize and I have been working on putting together a holiday gift guide, and I'm thrilled to be able to share it with you today! It took a good deal of effort and time -- the latter should be evident by the fact that even though I'm Jewish, I'm sharing this just as Hanukkah comes to a close (what can you do!). I hope you find something good for yourself or a loved one.

All of these suggestions are sponsored and thank you in advance for supporting Now I Know through your gift purchases. For those of you who support Now I Know via Patreon, I (almost) always give you an ad-free experience as a thank you. I can't quite do that today -- you'd basically be getting a blank email if I did! I promise not to make exceptions like this often, but I do feel a little bad about it.

Onto the guide!

The Smartest Gift Ever?


"Brain time” meets “game time” with fun, bite-sized learning on Brilliant. For lifelong learners of every age, Brilliant is the best way to sharpen your mind and build knowledge about cutting-edge topics in minutes a day. Each quick, interactive lesson helps you master concepts in everything from AI and data science to math, logic, and beyond.

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UGG Classic Mini: The Perfect Gift

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Why do we love the UGG Classic Mini? Unlike the more trendy styles, the Classic Mini Boot is a timeless option that is both fashionable and functional, making it the perfect Christmas gift for the woman who appreciates quality and style. This holiday season, elevate her winter wardrobe with the cozy warmth and comfort of genuine sheepskin, all wrapped up in a chic, versatile boot.
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Start Speaking a New Language in 3 Weeks

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Interested in seeing the world through a whole new language? Whether you're embarking on a trip or looking to up your resume, Babbel will have you starting to speak a new language by the new year. Get 55% off if you sign up today!
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Give the Gift of Cozy this Holiday Season

MATE’s clean essentials make an amazing gift for everyone on your list. They have everything from 100% Organic Cotton Sweat Sets for him and her, Non-Toxic Activewear, Sleepwear, and even sets for your little ones. 

Use code NOWIKNOW for 20% off at MATE The Label, valid through 12/21

Shop MATE The Label

Give the Gift of Parks

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Shop national park-inspired stocking stuffers and more! Use code: BIGIMPACT for 20% off sitewide! Join our mission to leave it better than you found it™️ Together, we've given back over $2,500,000 to U.S. parklands!
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A Great Gift for Someone Special on Your Holiday List

Celebrate Excellence With Wove’s Stunning Customizable Diamond Jewelry

LPGA golf star Michelle Wie West partnered with Wove to create this limited-edition collection that includes a tennis-style friendship bracelet, huggie earrings, and an initial necklace. You can customize these great pieces for anyone on your list – or keep it for yourself!
Explore Collection

More Now I Know -- and Tangible!

I wrote these. They're good gifts. 😊

Three books. More than 1,000 Amazon ratings. And 4.4 stars across all three! You love the newsletter (I hope!), so share that love with someone in your circle. 
Buy the Books Here!

The Now I Know Week in Review

Monday: The Silent, Stickless Award Show Protest: This one starts with a brief anecdote about my high school career.

Tuesday: There Weren’t Skeletons In His Closet: Or mice, for that matter, but someone was eating his food.

Wednesday: How Liquid Hand Soap Pumped Itself Up: Liquid soap isn't patentable any more, so how did the first pump soap company corner the market? By buying the right parts.

Thursday: The Nazis of New York: The title is literal.

And some other things you should check out:

Some long reads (and a short podcast) for the weekend.

1) "Why this widespread form of homelessness is often overlooked and unsupported" (PBS Newshour, 11 minutes, November 2023). Tuesday's newsletter was about a homeless person who found a home in, let's say, a unique way. Coincidentally, I came across this story after sharing that one; it's about “doubled-up homelessness" -- when people "live in temporary situations in the homes of friends or family when they would otherwise choose not to." It's often ignored but it probably shouldn't be: According to the article, per one study, " at least 3.7 million people experienced doubled-up homelessness on any night in 2019 — more than 1 percent of the entire U.S. population. That’s substantially more than the estimated 580,000 people living on the street or in shelters reported by the latest point-in-time count."

2) "Podcast: Darién Gap" (Atlas Obscura, 12-minute podcast episode, July 2023). I wrote about the Darién Gap way back in 2010. It's best known for what's not there: there's no road. Here's what I wrote way back then: "As you leave Panama and try to enter Colombia, you’ll hit the Darien Gap, a 100-mile-long swath of undeveloped swampland and forest.  It’s the only break in the Pan-American Highway that otherwise connects Alaska's outer reaches to the tip of South America." This is a deeper look into this odd part of the world.
2) "Why do ‘gate lice’ line up early for a flight? Psychologists explain." (Washington Post, 7 minutes, December 2023). If you're flying this holiday season, you'll almost certainly see a bunch of people line up at the gate to board their flight before they are called to do so, even though every passenger is well through security at that point and the plane isn't likely to leave without them. This article tries to explain why this happens.

Have a great weekend!

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