LANCE - Don't ask me what I write about
You’ve Got A-Mail! This is another edition of Relevant to Your Interests, an email just like the lord intended – full of great links and deep thoughts. Keep reading! I was at a family event recently and the person sitting opposite me at the table asked me what I do. You’d think work is safe and acceptable small talk. Not with me! You’re gonna inadvertently set off an existential crisis over my warm goats’ cheese salad. After attempting to fob them off by saying I was a writer they asked the crassest, most intimate possible question one human being could ever ask of another: “What do you write about?” What am I supposed to say to that?? Surely not the truth which is that because it’s so tough to make it work as a writer, i only have the wearwithall to write about things that really, deeply matter to me which at the moment are stories about fear, misunderstandings and disappointment. You know, the emotions that all of us have but none of us want. But i don’t get to do that too much because a) there’s a media apocalypse happening right now and publications are shutting down all around me b) i’m terrible at pitching c) i have self-doubt and don’t pitch my ideas so therefore eliminate any and all chance of getting said ideas published d) it’s hard. So i try to write my sad little stories in my sad little newsletter but that’s tricky too because i originally built an audience writing about how to freelance but now i’m worried that freelance writing isn’t a viable career so i feel reckless advising others on it. Ok, no here’s a simple explanation: i write about completely unrelated things because i’m a multifaceted human with a range of interests. i’m an artist ! Oh and sometimes I write about work but not like the ~economics~ of it, more like how it makes us feel, which i guess can be summarised as afraid, misunderstood and disappointed. “I write about business, culture and technology,” I said.
✨ sOmE pErSoNaL nEwS ✨
Money memos for the A-Mail ProsEvery month I publish a money memo exclusively for my A-Mail Pros. March’s edition has already dropped and in it, I detail exactly how much money I made from commercial work in 2023 (yes I share profit, not just revenue). This is what one of my Pros has to say about my income reports:
If you’re interested in the business side of my writing, these posts are for you (plus they support A-Mail overall). A list of things I’ve read/watched/listened to to soothe my existential crisis and/or distract me from it:
That’s it for this week! If you got to the bottom then I really think you should consider becoming an A-Mail Pro: |
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