🎤 SWIPES Email (Friday April 5th, 2024)

The SWIPES Email

Edition: Friday, April 5th, 2024
An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


🎀 Listen to this email here:




When you go through a car wash with different pricing options, do you think selecting a more expensive option ACTUALLY make a difference?

I'll usually select "The Works" for $17, but I'm not sure it does anything different than Basic or Deluxe πŸ€”

I have a hunch it's mainly a marketing/pricing trick.





Instead of hiring agencies for work, l've had more success hiring people whose work I like, then offering whatever amount of money to hop on a call for 1 or 2 hours to work together. It almost always pays off 10x each time.

For example if I need some help going over a webpage, I'll reach out to someone whose work I like, and say "Can I get you on a video call for an hour to help? I can pay $300."

Pretty much works every time!




This is cool, Google Meet now has live captions as you talk!


This is a neat feature, but what I'm most excited about live transcription is it moves us closer to having a universal language translator.

This could unlock untold amounts of productivity in the world-wide economy.

Imagine having a conversation with a freelancer in China who doesn't speak English, but we can communicate just fine because we can real-time communicate.

This would be pretty cool and seems to be coming fast.




Friendly PSA that your local public library is better to work at than a coffee shop!
- Fast WiFi
- Totally Free
- Tables, Desks, Workspaces
- Free Magazines, Books, Newspapers

I use the public library 3 blocks from my house several times a week, it’s like having a free WeWork.




I love writing out goals.

For example here's my April 2024 goals:

I don't always finish every goal, but these written goals are helpful for days I'm not sure what to work on.

I can just look up from my desk see these goals, which helps get back on track!

I've kept a running log of my monthly goals for years here.




I'm currently working my way through the Three Body Problem book trilogy, I'm currently on book #2, and I just saw there’s a NetFlix series released on it!

Now desperately trying to finish the trilogy before hearing any spoilers about the show!


Hope you enjoyed these Friday tid-bits!​
Neville Medhora

P.S. Checkout some wins from copywriting Course

"Q1 has been great for us. We're gone from strength to strength with subject lines and CTAs. Just one example: now at 4,000 new YouTube subscribers a month because of it. Your advice has been, as always, phenomenal. -CJ


"This course material is the best I've seen so far compared to other copywriting courses." -ER


"This course and the mentors here are helping me rebuild my medical practice with better copy and more effective marketing." -MT

"The LinkedIn post we made in Office Hours was our best performing ever. Let's do more!" -CH


"The rewrites and critiques on my copy are pure gold!" -DV


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