This is the online digest email, exclusive to paid members. Read on for a preview of BLAG 05, an opportunity to work with Collosal Media, all the latest online adventures in sign painting, and upgrade today to get even more from BLAG.

BLAG 05 is Coming...

We're in the final stages of laying out Issue 05 of BLAG, and I can't wait to share more from inside, including this issue's different take on the limited edition gift...

Coming in hot: bits and pieces from BLAG 05, which is packed from cover to cover with 80 advertising-free pages of our worldwide adventures in sign painting.

BLAG 05 will be shipping worldwide from mid to late June. You can get this, and a copy of BLAG 04 straight away, by becoming a Blagger today. (Or join as a Patron to get two copies of each issue, plus your name/website/instagram credited inside.)

What's New Online?

Arthur Gill's Memoires

I have now uploaded the final audio files from the recordings of Arthur Gill's memoires. These total about 90 minutes, and offer a wonderful glimpse into a life on the brush in the British sign trade during the first half of the twentieth century.

Arthur Gill's signature on the final page of his handwritten memoires that include his experience working as a signwriter and, before that, a gold beater.

Ye Olde Sign Shoppe: Gran Canaria’s Tomás Prieto Gálvez

In this second piece from the Canary Islands, we learn from Tomás Prieto Gálvez's adventures in life, family, and sign painting.

Bringing a Gilded Victorian Transom Window Back to Life

A project from Dorset provided an opportunity to learn more about the techniques of acid etching and reverse-glass gilding.

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