5 ways to make changes without disrupting your team

How to bounce back when trauma affects your workplace | practice (split each time) | 5 ways to make changes without disrupting your team
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May 23, 2024
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How to bounce back when trauma affects your workplace
(VectorMine/Getty Images)
A traumatic experience, such as a shooting on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, campus in 2023, can affect everyone within an organization, but as UNLV assistant professor Payal Sharma writes, it is also an opportunity to experience post-traumatic growth. Sharma outlines the process they used to help those affected by the event rebuild their basic assumptions around safety "that integrates the trauma, including an accompanying collective sense of vulnerability and disillusionment -- but allows the group to move forward and cease fully defining itself by the trauma."
Full Story: MIT Sloan Management Review (tiered subscription model) (5/21) 
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Put it into practice: Post-traumatic growth can be accomplished by showing people they are strong enough to get through the pain, helping them build the capacity to face future challenges and teaching them to not take important things for granted, writes Sharma. "This all speaks to the importance of leaders proactively managing expectations around the reality of trauma at work."
SmartBrief on Leadership
5 ways to make changes without disrupting your team
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Keep employee engagement high during organizational change by clearly communicating the changes, explaining how employees will be affected and preparing managers to deal with any backlash, writes Shane McFeely, the lead researcher at Quantum Workplace. Rely on those who embrace the change to show others opportunities they may have missed and listen to the critics to improve direction and implementation, McFeely advises.
Full Story: SmartBrief/Leadership (5/22) 
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Put it into practice: Give your employees context for the change by telling them why it's necessary and how it will align with the company's goals and mission, McFeely writes. "Leaders must show authenticity, transparency and honesty in communicating their reasoning."
Demystifying private equity valuations
Most private equity managers rely on three common approaches to valuation: publicly traded comps, transaction comps, and discounted cash flow models. Find out more.
Smarter Communication
Those around us have much wisdom they could share, but they may not want to hurt our feelings, so Jeff Wetzler, the co-CEO of Transcend, recommends creating connection, assuring others it's safe to be honest, asking quality questions from genuine curiosity and listening to learn instead of react. "This kind of vulnerability can feel scary but often generates the most valuable information, especially when it comes to relationships," Wetzler writes.
Full Story: Next Big Idea Club Magazine (5/21) 
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Put it into practice: After you've heard what others have to say, take time to reflect on how they've challenged your worldview or assumptions and what changes, if any, you may need to make, Wetzler advises. "Once you've reflected, reconnect with that person and let them know the meaning and impact that their sharing had on your life."
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In Their Own Words
Netflix co-founder: Treat employees like adults
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Being unprepared for a sudden rainstorm during a leadership camp taught Netflix co-founder and former CEO Marc Randolph to always plan for the unexpected and to use your best judgment, rules he used to create a culture of responsibility. "We believed that what makes someone want to work at a company is being treated like an adult -- being given the opportunity to have an impact," Randolph says.
Full Story: Chief Executive (5/22) 
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Daily Diversion
Eighteen dogs looked fetching as they modeled high fashion on the catwalk during New York's American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog's Pet Gala. The dogs recreated the styles worn by the stars from the recent Met Gala including Miley-Jo the Chorkie wearing Cardi B's outfit and Daffodil the Pomeranian paying homage to Jennifer Lopez.
Full Story: The Associated Press (5/21) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
Maybe you're reading this from a smartphone; remember personal digital assistants? Which of these PDAs came out first?
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About The Editor
Which jargon words irritate you the most?
Boil the ocean
COP -- close of play
The strategic staircase
Bleeding edge
Idea shower
Other (share in email)
Candace Chellew
Candace Chellew

Nearly half of you found "idea shower" and "boil the ocean" to be the most irritating jargon being used in the office these days. The rest were not fond of "bleeding edge," "COP" and "strategic staircase."

My former colleague Tim Welsh says he was confused about the use of "EOM," which he saw at the end of email messages. He thought it meant "Every Other Month" and was surprised to learn it meant "End of Message." I suppose it's like saying "over and out" when using a walkie-talkie to let people know you're finished talking.

Ellie E. wrote to say the word "unpack" got on her nerves, and Linda F.-E. noted that in the medical profession, jargon and abbreviations "facilitate written communication and decrease time in documentation."

That's a great point. You want your doctor to be able to say "CABG" and be understood by those around them quickly instead of them taking time actually to say, "cardiac arterial bypass graft." In this case, jargon can save lives!

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What topics do you see in your daily work that I should know about? Do you have praise? Criticism? Drop me a note. And don't forget to send me photos of your pets, your office and where you spend your time off.
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We evolved, moved around and had success. Success gave us the confidence to push on.
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