Python 3.9 Release Schedule, Documenting Tests, RegExes, Pythonic Lightsabers, and More

#419 – MAY 5, 2020
The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo
Python 3.9 Release Schedule
In last week’s episode we had the dates mixed up, here are the correct ones: 3.9.0 final is expected to be released on October 5, 2020. On May 18, 2020 3.9.0 beta 1 is going to be released, marking the start of the feature freeze phase.

Why You Should Document Your Tests
Have you ever looked at a test you wrote six months or a year ago and thought, “I know what this test does but why did I test this?” Maybe you should document your tests.

Python Developers Are in Demand on Vettery
Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that’s changing the way people hire and get hired. Ready for a bold career move? Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today →

The 2020 Python Language Summit
This year’s Python Language Summit was held over videoconference. The PSF is posting summaries of the presentations as they become available.

Regular Expressions: Regexes in Python
In previous tutorials in this series, you’ve seen several different ways to compare string values with direct character-by-character comparison. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to perform more complex string pattern matching using regular expressions, or regexes, in Python.

Using Python to Generate Over 10,000 Unique 8-Bit Lightsabers
May the Fourth be with you! And also some Python! Adam McKerlie shows us how he used Pillow and Tweepy to make a Twitter bot that tweets a unique lightsaber every day.
ADAM MCKERLIE • Shared by Adam McKerlie

Exploring an Alternative to Jupyter Notebooks for Python Development
For many people, the Jupyter Notebook has become the de facto tool for exploratory data analysis. But is it really the bee’s knees?

Python 3.9.0a6 Is Now Available for Testing

Django Bugfix Release: 3.0.6

The Real Python Podcast: Interview With Łukasz Langa
Łukasz is the release manager for CPython and the creator of the Black code formatter.


Why Doesn’t [1] += {'a': 2} Raise a TypeError?
Wait… you can do that?

Why Does True == False Is False Evaluate to False in Python? (2013)
A real brainteaser if you don’t know about chained comparisons.

Python Jobs

Senior Python Engineer (Remote - US East Coast Only)

Python's Migration to GitHub: Request for Project Manager Resumes (Remote)

Fullstack Software Engineer ML, Python (Remote)

Principal Python/AWS Engineer in Health Analytics (Remote)

More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Tonks: Building One (Multi-Task) Model to Rule Them All!
Michael Sugimura and Nicole Carlson were tasked with developing Tonks, a multi-tasking deep learning library, for ShopRunner. In this collaborative article, they talk about the decisions they made while engineering Tonks. They also discuss how they overcame some initial friction and learned to lean into each other’s strengths.

Using Python datetime to Work With Dates and Times
Have you ever wondered about working with dates and times in Python? In this tutorial, you’ll learn all about the built-in Python datetime library. You’ll also learn about how to manage time zones and daylight saving time, and how to do accurate arithmetic on dates and times.

Become a Python Guru With PyCharm
PyCharm is the Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains providing a complete set of tools for productive Python, Web and scientific development. Be more productive and save time while PyCharm takes care of the routine →

The Python print() Function: Go Beyond the Basics
In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn about the print() function in Python and discover some of its lesser-known features. Avoid common mistakes, take your “hello world” to the next level, and know when to use a better alternative.

Understand Django: User Interaction With Forms
“How do users provide data to your website so you can interact with them?  We can answer that question by exploring Django’s form system, and the tools that Django provides to simplify your site as you engage with your users.”
MATT LAYMAN • Shared by Matt Layman

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to CLIs in Python
Command-line interfaces—a developer’s best friend. (Or foe?) Explore the history of the CLI and some Python packages for creating CLIs in this extensive four-part guide.
VINAYAK MEHTA • Shared by Vinayak Mehta

Introduction to Python’s functools Module
Take a guided tour through the functools module. Not to be confused with “funk tools,” like the flashlight.
FLORIAN DAHLITZ • Shared by Florian Dahlitz

Hacking Together an E-Ink Dashboard
Who doesn’t need more dashboards in their life? Check out this fun little Raspberry Pi project using the Waveshare 2.7inch e-Paper HAT e-ink display.

What Is Python Redis? Enhance Python With Redis – the Fastest In-Memory Cloud Database
Install redis-py & Python Redis Client. Explore how Redis can enhance Python capabilities. Learn how to use Connection Pooling, SSL, Reading & Writing, & Opening a Connection with redis-py. →

Using Webpack With Django: No Plugins Required!
Webpack is a popular JavaScript module bundler. Django is a popular web framework. Can the two play nicely together?
PASCAL WIDDERSHOVEN • Shared by Pascal Widdershoven

Caching in Django
Caching is a common technique for improving web app performance, and Django has a robust-built-in caching system.
J-O ERIKSSON • Shared by J-O Eriksson

PyBoy: GameBoy Emulator Written in Python
An interview with one of the creators of PyBoy, Mads Ynddal.

TLDR Newsletter: Byte Sized News for Techies
TLDR is a daily, curated newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech, science, and programming.

Projects & Code

interrogate: Checks Your Code Base for Missing Docstrings

rich: Rich Text and Beautiful Formatting in the Terminal

Background-Matting: The World Is Your Green Screen

pyslam: Monocular Visual Odometry (VO) Pipeline in Python

vidgear: High-Performance Cross-Platform Video Processing

alembic_utils: Sqlalchemy/Alembic Extension for Migrating Procedures and Views
GITHUB.COM/OLIRICE • Shared by Oliver Rice

Happy Pythoning!
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