LED candles are everything that's wrong with society
This is the Rubesletter from Matt Ruby. I’m a comedian, writer, and the creator of Vooza. Every Tuesday, I send essays, jokes, and videos to your inbox. You’re on the free plan, for the full experience, sign up for a paid subscription. LED candles are everything that's wrong with societyYou gotta fight / for your right / to not be surrounded by fake BS constantly.
🚨 My new standup special “Bolo” is available to stream now for only $4. Don’t wanna pay? It’ll be coming to YouTube in a few weeks for free. MisLEDI get it. LED candles are more convenient. They’re safer. You don’t have to find a lighter or clean up wax. I understand why they now dominate at comedy clubs, yoga studios, and bedside tables. The only problem: They ain’t f*cking fire. And I want fire. Fire is cool. I’ll go get the wood. I’ll crumple up the newspaper. Real candles? Don’t sweat it, I’ll clean up the wax. Bring on the drip. It’s goddamn absurd that I need to defend fire, yet here we are… Fire delivers randomness instead of mechanical predictability. It snaps and cracks at you. I don’t even know why, but I can stare at one for an hour without getting bored. I don’t know how/why, but some part of my reptile brain lights up when a fire’s lit. It’s an ancestral activation. “But it’s dangerous.” So’s love. Besides, I like knowing fire can burn the house down or cook a meal. A reasonable amount of danger is part of what life’s about.
Mindfulness-disguised-as-productivity guru Oliver Burkeman recently mentioned fire while arguing now is the time to double down on reality:
I crave creatures in the real world. Gimme standup comedians over TikTok influencers. Journalists who knock on doors over (lapt)op-ed warriors. Escorts over OnlyFans. Engage me with reality. I can take it. It's like the Modern Lovers sang: Also: Eyeballs over VR goggles. IRL talent over algorithmic slop. Psychedelic hallucinations over AI hallucinations. Humanity over pixels. Oof, these pixels. Everywhere. We ride the subway staring at a 5” screen to go to work all day on a 15” screen so we can come home and watch a movie on a 50” screen. We’ve got screens at the gyms, screens in the elevators, screens on the dashboards, screens at the bars, screens on the buildings, and screens in the taxis. If aliens came down to Earth, they’d be certain screens are what we worship. We can’t even take a 💩 without swiping anymore. Pixels are like ivy. You have to decide to fight back or else they will grow all over you. All this “disruption” killed actual disruption. New music sounds like it comes off a laptop conveyor belt. I don’t want quantized drums, I want John Bonham. I don’t want Antonoff compression, I want loud-soft-loud Pixies dynamics. I don’t want plug-ins and autotune, I want three chords and the truth. “But convenience!” The convenience is the problem. We keep trading quality for efficiency. Gimme friction.
“But it scales!” So what? They’d serve us all baby food and tell us it “solves” chewing if we let ‘em. (Oh wait, they already tried that.) Technology has become a boa constrictor, squeezing everything until its safe, efficient, scalable, and devoid of life. To hell with that. I don’t want plastic roses that last forever, I want real ones that give up the ghost. BBLs and lip injections creep me out, I want natural 🍑 and 👄. I want the scenic route. I want the hard way if it’s right. There’s no point racing to get somewhere no one wants to be. Let the rest of them enjoy a "flame-like element that moves from side-to-side." I wanna stare into the fire. Subscribe‘Tis the season. Sign up for the Rubesletter NOW and you’ll 1) support, 2) get bonus content, and 3) get 20% off forever. What a steal. Quickies🎯 Thanksgiving tip: There's a reason they call it a nuclear family. It’s ‘cuz they're the ones who know best how to make you go nuclear. 🎯 I would be an amazing landlord because nothing ever lives rent free in my head...I always pay the price. 🎯 Subletting is just apartment polyamory. 🎯 Sports betting is consistently done by the most broke a** people I know. "Wait, you bet how much on this game? Damn, I had 3:1 odds on you having zero disposable income.” 🎯 We need a word for people who don't actually watch sporting events yet consume sports documentaries voraciously. A peeping tom (brady)? 🎯 Sunday Night Football showed Kevin Hart in the stands…because if there’s one thing people watching sports on TV think, it’s “I wish I could see more of Kevin Hart.” 🎯 Her: "It was a rough childbirth. They had to give me a caesarean." 🎯 Pretty wild the people who hate cultural appropriation the most are white ladies who do yoga, use chopsticks, and wear keffiyehs. 🎯 Rolexes are blue checks for capitalism. 🎯 I think a lot about how both David Bowie and Leonard Cohen knew exactly how and when to check out. The lesson: Make great art about your own mortality and then leave this mortal coil right before the tackiness takeover. 🎯 Server: “Do you know how the menu works here?” 🎯 The last acceptable form of discrimination in this country is Basic Economy. If they treated people like this on a bus in Selma in the 60's, we'd all be outraged. But somehow, since it's a 2024 Delta flight, it's fine. 🎯 If “face blindness” is real then I want to sell “name blindness” as a thing. That way, I can tell people I forgot their names because I have a disorder and not because I’m rude. Dating, love, and gender❤️🩹 Wild that sex leads to parenthood because it's a weak correlation of skills. Someone who's good in bed probably isn't a good parent. And someone who's a good parent is probably too tired to screw. ❤️🩹 My answer to Hinge prompt “Why you should date me”: “Society doesn’t talk enough about how pleasant it is to date someone with low self-esteem. It provides a lovely break from people who know their worth.” ❤️🩹 Crazy how much undateable people love telling you about their icks. It’s like listening to starving people discuss their food allergies. ❤️🩹 Somehow the male gaze is toxic yet women constantly comment like this when their friend posts a selfie: ❤️🩹 Let's admit it: Men are better than women at hoarding cables. ❤️🩹 We should start referring to the 9 months of pregnancy as Pregoland. Tech📡 People were so rarely eviscerated before the internet. 📡 Podcasting is easy to monetize. The unfortunate result: Talking fast is the new being an expert. 📡 Work from home is generational warfare. It's Millennials and Gen X benefitting at the expense of Gen Z since it's great for, say, parents of toddlers yet crappy for kids just entering the workforce. Water cooler convos/happy hour drinks are lame AF for 40 year olds but kinda essential networking opps in your twenties. 📡 Amazing thing about social media is everyone is either on vacation or a victim. The reality is most of us are neither. In truth, everything's kinda fine. Boring, mundane, fine. But that doesn't make for good content so... 📡 If Bluesky was really so great, I feel like folks wouldn't be showing up at Threads/X all the time to talk about it. That's like commenting constantly on your ex's IG posts in order to prove you're so over them. (Anyway, I’m @mattruby on Bluesky.) 📡 Social networks should be like nightclubs. A new one pops up, it's hot for about 18 months, and then slowly degrades until all the cool kids pivot to some new spot. Entropy is a fact of life...might as well roll with it. 📡 "This form could have been an email." 📡 We spend all day listening to true crime podcasts, watching serial killer documentaries, and doomscrolling...and then we wonder why we're feeling so anxious. 📡 There also seems to be a Trans Derangement Syndrome – main symptoms are using the phrase "woke mind virus" incessantly and owning X. Politics🇺🇸 That politician with the eye patch is really committed to his shtick. 🇺🇸 The country is too big to be ruled over by one leader. My proposed solution: Every time zone gets its own President. We'll never agree on all these other issues when we can't even agree on what time it is. So let the mountains mountain and the coasts coast. 🇺🇸 A thing that saddens me is how little empathy I see from pro-Israel folks about what's happening in Gaza. You can argue the IDF’s actions are right/necessary while still showing a little heart. A Jewish faith completely detached from any sense of compassion doesn’t feel all that spiritual to me. 🇺🇸 What this election taught us: patriarchy > ethnic identity. For a lot of men, it had little/nothing to do with issues and everything to do with 🍊 being, in their eyes, the last man who acts like a man. More at this post about the UFC at MSG I attended. 🇺🇸 Ironically, wearing camouflage does a terrible job of hiding your political views. 🇺🇸 Every barista in Brooklyn looks like they're auditioning to be on LibsOfTikTok. Trumpland🍊 We just traded democracy for cheaper eggs and if you thought vegans were annoying and condescending before…oh boy. 🍊 Trump team doing a poor job of vetting. Somehow, they've managed to let through a couple of cabinet nominees that aren't tied to sexual assault allegations. 🍊 When you prioritize loyalty, you deprioritize competence. 🍊 These cabinet picks make perfect sense if you think the government doesn't actually do anything. 🍊 I get it, Trump is "alpha." But all the men who kiss his ass, betray their values for a seat at the table (see: RFK's Big Mac), wear his face on a t-shirt, and tell him he won an election he lost? They're the biggest bunch of betas I've ever seen. He just keeps moving on 'em like a b*tch ‘cuz when you're a star, they let you do it. 🍊 No, Trump is not "good for comedy." Comedy heightens. It's tough to heighten when reality is already absurd. "They're eating the dogs and cats." Where do you go from there? It's already a punchline. "Mexico will pay for the wall" is already a joke. It's all lame and tired. 🍊 A big lesson from this election is how much we are all incapable of remembering anything anymore. We are all Tom Hanks in that Mr. Short-Term Memory SNL sketch now. The past is memory holed instantly and thus we are doomed to repeat it in increasingly rapid cycles. 🍊 Matt Gaetz is “unemployed,” eh? I prefer to say "between indictments." 👇 🍊 Did ya hear? Billionaires are the new counter-elites! Also, Brazilian butt lifts are the new feminism! 😂 Working MethodsGet creative inspiration from art legends at Working Methods. Coming soon: Zadie Smith, Ray Bradbury, George Carlin, and more. Sign up here... And I deep dive on standup at Funny How… 5-spotted🗯️ The difference between lies and bullshit.
🗯️ Kat Rosenfield: Stop Saying Dating Is Terrible.
🗯️ Taylor Lorenz: Why Democrats won't build their own Joe Rogan.
🗯️ NY Mag: Can Journalism Survive? The Media Elite on Its Future.
🗯️ Brené Brown on men and vulnerability in her book “Daring Greatly”:
You’re doing a great job. Keep it up. -Matt You’re on the free list for The Rubesletter by Matt Ruby. For bonus content, become a paying subscriber. Check out Matt’s other newsletter: Funny How: Letters to a Young Comedian. Follow Matt elsewhere: Instagram • YouTube • Threads • Twitter • TikTok • Facebook |
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