PHP Weekly - PHPWeekly January 7th 2021

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PHP Weekly 7th January 2021

Welcome to 2021 and to our 400th issue! 

The first edition went out in April 2013 to a subscriber list of 7. 

Today that number has grown to over 16,000 ðŸ˜ƒ

Thank you to everyone that has helped, advised, submitted and subscribed.

It means so much to us.

Cheers and Happy New Year!

Ade and Katie

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2020 in Pictures
As we reach the end of 2020, I continue my tradition of looking back at my year through the photos that I took as I have done every year since 2009. I have been doing a Project 365 for a good few years which acts as a diary too, so I have the opportunity to appreciate what happened this year in my life.

A Happy New Year 2021
We wish everybody a Happy New Year! We have a strong feeling that the year 2021 will be a lot better than 2020. After all, in some respects things really cannot get any worse than they were in 2020 ...

GeneratePress vs Astra: Which WordPress Theme Should You Use in 2021?
Trying to decide between GeneratePress vs Astra as your WordPress site’s theme? By the numbers, these are two of the most popular WordPress themes. They also have the same basic approach, which makes it tough to choose between them.

How To Be Right On The Internet
The internet is a wonderful place. It's full of knowledge, it enables us to stay close to family and friends, and sometimes there are people who get under your skin and cause an immense amount of frustration. I've been on both sides: the one dealing with troublemakers, but also the troublemaker himself.

PHP Open Source Projects To Contribute To
One of my 2021 programming goals is to contribute to open-source projects. I had no idea where to start, or what projects would be welcoming to new contributors.

Tutorials and Talks

PHP Integers, Floats and Number Strings
Working with numbers in PHP seems to be a trivial concept, but it can be quite confusing. It looks easy at first because PHP provides automatic type conversion. For example, you can assign an integer value to a variable, and the type of that variable will be an integer. On the next line, you can assign a string to the same variable, and the type will change to a string. Unfortunately, this automatic conversion can sometimes break your code.

New in Symplify 9: More than 110 PHPStan Rules
In Symplify 8, a bunch of PHP rules was part of the symplify/coding-standard package. It was a mix of too many tools, so we decided to decouple a new package - symplify/phpstan-rules. During summer 2020, our Rector team grew from 1 member to 4. To keep onboarding smooth, we started to use PHPStan to help with code-reviews in Rector. We got obsessed with moving human code-reviews to CI. Was it worth it? Hell yeah!

Object Properties and Immutability
There has been much discussion in recent weeks in PHP circles about how to make objects more immutable. I figure I'll offer another summary of the problem space in the hopes of a deeper analysis suggesting a unified way forward.

Testing Mailable Content in Laravel 8
Laravel 8.18.0 added methods to test HTML and plain-text email bodies for mailables. These methods are documented, but I’d like to walk through a simple example to illustrate how useful these can be.

Writable Getters
A pattern that has come up a few times in my code is the following: an object has a property which defaults to an expression based on its other properties unless it’s explicitly set, in which case it functions like a normal property. Essentially, the expression functions as a default value.

An Authentication Provider For Laravel
Like a lot of PHP and JavaScript developers, I started web development by learning enough PHP and then jQuery to customise a WordPress theme and then got carried away from there. Along the way, I learned what WordPress is a good solution for and what it is not a great fit for. This has led to learning Angular, Vue, React and Laravel.

Getting Started With Redis and PHP for Quick Data Storage
Learn how to increase the speed of your online software using the popular and open-source redis data storage engine, allowing for blazingly fast speeds of up to 32 million queries per-second.

PHP Queue Jobs Piping Package Blog
Sometimes PHP scripts need to execute several tasks that are defined dynamically only when a given script is run.

Login with Twitter using OAuth1.0a Protocol via API in PHP
Almost all Internet giants (in good sense) like Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn support OAuth login. They provide API with detailed documentation to help developers integrate OAuth authentication. There are many client libraries available to implement Twitter OAuth login. But we will do with just plain core PHP. Yes, actually it is sufficient, lightweight and better.

Event Calendar Example In Laravel
FullCalendar is a JavaScript library which uses for displays calendar on the website with the scheduled event. It is used for managing events. We can add, modify and delete the event very easily. Here user can only give the title for a particular date. It is easier to manage than form based event management. In form based event management the user has to enter a title, from-date and to-date.

A New Major Version of Flysystem
For those who missed it, a new major version of Flysystem was released on the 24th of November. A new major version allows you break with the past for the sake of the future, which is exactly what I've done.

Online Student Result Management System in PHP with Mysql
This is PHP and Mysql Project on Online Student Result Management System using PHP and it is web based PHP project and by using this system we can manage Student result online. With this system we not only manage student result but also we can manage exam data, subject data, student data and classes data. The main purpose of developing this Student Result Management System in PHP is to reduce the manual errors and convert result system into computerised system.

JSON:API Resources is Drupal 9.1 Compatible
JSON:API Resources is now Drupal 9.0 and 9.1 compatible with the 8.x-1.0-beta4 release! If you are not familiar with this module, it is essentially the sandbox contributed project for building the extensibility layer for Drupal's JSON:API implementation. That is a fancy way of saying it lets you define custom endpoints that leverage the JSON:API specification.
News and Announcements 

PhpStorm 2020.3.1 is Available with Support for Apple Silicon
The first bug-fix update for PhpStorm 2020.3 is now available!

Laracon EU Online - 18th-22nd January 2021
A full week for Laravel developers with a series of cutting edge presentations, webinars and networking events. Tickets are on sale now.

The Online PHP Conference - January 18th-22nd 2021
What do you do as regular conference speakers when all the beautiful presentations and talks that you have prepared suddenly are swept down the pandemic drain? You go online! The main conference takes place from Tuesday to Thursday. We offer optional interactive workshops on Monday and Friday. Details on speakers, topics, and times will be announced soon. Expect a diverse selection of top-notch content, with a good mix of traditional presentations, discussions, live coding, a public code review, and lots of room for interaction, questions and discussion.

NomadPHP: The Laravel Core — Demystify The Beast
Presented by Christoph Rumpel, January 14th 2021 at 11:00am PST. This talk is for everyone who works with Laravel and is interested in learning more about this powerful PHP framework. You will come away with a better understanding of Laravel's core.

NomadPHP: Cooking with Credentials
Presented by Eric Mann, January 14th 2021 at 6:00pm PST.

Podcasts and Vlogs

Laravel Podcast Series 4: Episode 21 - Mail and Notifications, with Wilbur Powery
Laravel has two primary notification systems: Mail and Notifications. What do each do? How do you use them? When should you use one or the other? Active community member and Wilbur group programmer WIlbur Powery joins us to talk about these two key systems.

Reading and Viewing

Ivan Pylypchuk Talks About WordPress Development Workflow, Techniques and Much More!
This time we have invited Ivan Pylypchuk to our interview series. He is a WordPress developer, expert, and most importantly, an entrepreneur who has more than 16 years of experience in web development.

Get 7 of The Best Digital Skills Courses of 2020 For Up to 98% Off Right Now
What better way to round out the old year and kick-start the new one than by learning a new skill from home, in your own time? From Google Analytics to coding and app development, we selected some of the top-rated online courses of 2020 to level up your personal and professional skills.

A Week of Symfony #731 (28 December 2020 - 3 January 2021)
This week, Symfony development activity focused on fixing some small issues. In addition, we published the Symfony 2020 Year in Review to summarise the Symfony activity during the past year.

21 Laravel Tutorials for Learning Laravel in 2021
2021 is a great time to learn Laravel and improve your knowledge if you’ve been using it. To start the year off we’ve made a list of 21 tutorials on everything from getting started to going deeper with the framework.


Do you have a position that you would like to fill? PHP Weekly is ideal for targeting developers and the cost is only $50/week for an advert.  Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

Opensource ISP billing system based on stargazer.

User friendly and very flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs.

An Object-Oriented PHP library for Telegram Bots. Full support to Bot Api 5.0.

This is the official PHP SDK v3 for the CloudConvert API v2. For API v1, please use v2 branch of this repository.

Software for an e-book library, in Bulgarian only. Based on Symfony3 and Doctrine 2.

MeiliSearch is a powerful, fast, open-source, easy to use and deploy search engine. Both searching and indexing are highly customisable.

The next generation game CMS, it's free and open-source, and is a modern, reliable, fast and secure alternative to existing CMS so you can have the best web experience possible.

Formcreator is a plugin which allow creation of custom forms of easy access. At the same time, the plugin allow the creation of one or more tickets when the form is filled.

This package provides some basic methods to implement a self updating functionality for your Laravel application. Already bundled are some methods to provide a self-update mechanism via Github or some private repository via http.

A simple and lightweight WordPress option framework for themes and plugins.

Your private self hosted composer repository with user management.

Deployer based deployment for WordPress with media and database synchronisation.

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So, how did you like this issue?

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