How to find an amazing job (step by step)

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Hey Reader,

Quick quiz:

  • If I dropped you into an interview right now with your dream company, would you know exactly what to say to impress them?
  • Would you know how to negotiate $5,000 — or even $15,000! — more than what they had planned to offer?
  • Would you know exactly how to talk about your skills and experience, even though you may be interviewing for a job in a completely different industry?
  • If you wanted or needed to find a new job tomorrow, would you even know where to start? (Please don't say job boards or updating your resume…)

If your answer to any of these was “no” or “...maybe,” that’s normal. This is why the Dream Job System is going to dramatically change the way you find your Dream Job. (Did you sign up for my free workshop on the Dream Job System, next Monday 1/25?)

In this email, I will show you why the Dream Job System is a completely different way to land your Dream Job.

First, remember our Average Applicant and the Spiral of Doom?

Most people think finding a job means going on a job board and blasting their resume to “anything that looks good”...then waiting up to two weeks before realizing it’s not going anywhere.

Cue sad music.

By now, if you've been paying attention, you've learned the pointlessness of this approach. 

Most people sell themselves short by outsourcing their job search to a computer. Say this with me: Finding your Dream Job shouldn’t be passive! Would you ever expect to master playing the guitar passively? Or find your life partner passively? Of course not. You can try...but deep down, we know that success takes active work. 

The good news is that with the Dream Job System, you can take back control of your Dream Job search. 

The Dream Job System

This is the Dream Job System that thousands of students have followed. 

Notice that it appears DECEPTIVELY simple. But beneath the surface, there are some unexpected steps and deeply powerful strategies that have helped thousands of other people find their Dream Jobs. 

These steps provide structure. They let you home in on the specific levers that will give you huge results. This means getting SURGICAL in knowing exactly where to focus your time and effort. 

Let me be specific on exactly how using the Dream Job System differs from the conventional approach to finding a job:

  • When you create your resumes and cover letters, you'll model them after actual resumes that have secured job offers from the world's top companies. 

    We include winning 6-figure resumes so you can study what actually works — not just “sample resumes” from Google. You'll learn the subtle writing techniques to “control” the attention of your reader, including how to highlight your experience in the best possible way — completely ethically. The very same techniques I used to land jobs at companies like Google.
  • Instead of submitting your resume into the Black Hole of Doom, your resume will be “automatically funneled in” through your new personal contacts.

    In many cases, you'll already know the hiring manager, instantly separating you from other candidates! 
  • When you meet high-level experts, you'll use word-for-word scripts to instantly stand out and stay at the TOP of their minds.

    You'll learn how to identify people ALREADY in your network (yes, they exist…even if you're not sure who they are, yet) and learn exactly what to say to get their attention. Don't worry about being nervous. You'll be armed with tested scripts at every step of the process, including reaching out, the actual conversation, and the often-ignored (yet critical) follow-ups.
  • Instead of fumbling through tough interview questions, you'll always know the exact words to say — and HOW to say them — for a perfect answer, every time.

    When an interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself,” you’ll know exactly what to say. Same for “Why should we hire you?” or “What did you do at your last job?” You'll learn the deep strategy of creating a perfect, genuine answer. Whether you're socially fluent or shy, you'll become masterful at communicating your key messages — even when you're put on the spot. You'll have access to hours of real, before-and-after interviews.
  • Instead of just “trying harder,” you'll crack the code behind your psychological barriers and unlock your potential.

    Beyond the powerful tactics, you'll discover the “invisible anchors” that have been holding you back …then you'll see exactly how to tweak your Dream Job System to automatically address and overcome them.
  • When you're feeling paralyzed with too many options, too many passions, too many choices — you'll have a proven system for quickly identifying the best option for you.

    You will NOT close any doors, but you will begin a rapid “testing system” — using the Window Shopping Test — to quickly determine which idea is worth pursuing. You'll use our systems and tools to develop a list of potential Dream Jobs…then ruthlessly eliminate one idea after another — until you've found 3-5 that you would love.
  • You’ll know when you’re done with one step and can move onto another...and what to do if you run into challenges. 

    For example, if you send your resume over and over and never hear anything back...or you get job interviews but no callbacks. Find Your Dream Job shows you exactly what the problem is — and the solution. Think of this like a GPS that’ll tell you exactly where to go, where to turn — every step of the way.
  • Instead of having to take whatever you get, you'll learn how to negotiate better offers and start bidding wars.

    How do you engineer a bidding war so you start your new job at the top end of the pay scale? How do you negotiate your salary so you're paid thousands more than someone who didn't know how to ask? How do you turn down an offer without burning bridges? You'll have access to step-by-step guides and the scripts to use so you're never confused about the next step.

Now, how did I come up with the Dream Job System? 

Here’s the backstory...

Years ago, I remember hearing a few common pieces of advice in the career industry: 

  • “Just follow your passion!” (ugh)
  • “Just be grateful you have a job” (ugh x2)

Career experts still emphasize these today! And after talking to so many readers and students, I discovered we’ve been led astray by BAD career advice. 

(If you’re wondering, YES — this is the same reason I wrote a book on personal finance. Once I finally figured out how money worked, I saw so much bad advice about cutting back on lattes and investing in random stocks that I took great JOY in writing how personal finance actually works.)

Same for careers. Once you understand the system, you can sail past people who follow the usual advice. 

Take one of my students, Chelsie:

Chelsie went from $15/hour to negotiating a $10,000 raise
+ a $5,000 signing bonus

She felt awkward about negotiating and was making $15 per hour at a part-time job that felt like a “hobby.” After applying the material, she raised her hourly rate by $4 an hour. And later she learned to use advanced techniques included in Find Your Dream Job to negotiate $10,000 more than the job description (plus a $5,000 sign-on bonus!), saying “I’m so awkward about these kinds of things, but going through your course gave me confidence in my own value and I felt like I knew just what to say.

THIS is why I created Find Your Dream Job

To most people — people who don't know the Dream Job System — results like Chelsie’s wouldn’t seem real. But they are.

I’ve helped thousands of students just like her find their Dream Jobs. People of all ages. From different cities. Different industries and roles. The result is the Dream Job System, built from years of research and thousands of data points on what really works. 

So, if you are confused about "where to start" when it comes to finding your Dream Job, making more, and finally loving what you do, here's the answer: Pick a proven system and follow it.

If that's not the Dream Job System, what will it be?

Whatever approach you select, be intentional about it. The winners take action.

P.S. If you want an inside tour of the Dream Job System, I'm hosting a free workshop on Monday, January 25. 

This system works...

  • Even if you don’t know what your Dream Job is yet (or if it even exists)
  • Even if you don’t want to spend 60 hours/week at work
  • Even if you don’t have the “right” experience on paper
  • And especially if you don’t feel respected at work...your boss doesn’t listen when you feel worried about the future, and worst of all, you feel STUCK and HELPLESS to do something about it

If you want to feel fulfilled, secure, inspired, and most of all, valued at work, you should attend.

Click here to reserve your spot

This is the exact system Top Talent uses to find and land the best jobs...often before they're even made public.

You can email me questions at (subject: Workshop Question). I'll answer the best ones live, and I'll do some live Q&A.

This is a one-time-only event and there won't be a recording.

Here are the details again for the upcoming live workshop:

EVENT: "How to find your Dream Job" workshop

DATE: Monday, January 25. One night only.

TIME: 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific (see your time zone)

COST: Free, but do need to register

Here's the link to sign up.

See you then!

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