The Mental Health Digest - I really need your help.

I really need your help.
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I’m breaking from my Tuesday and Thursday emails to send you a rare Friday email.
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Thank you for your support.
I stand by my commitment to protect your mental health by never spamming you with unwanted emails.
And now here’s yesterday’s issue that many of you missed
One minute you’re paying attention to what’s going on around you.
The next minute, you realize more than a minute has actually passed.
And you have no idea what happened.
Maybe you were watching tv.
Maybe you were trying to focus on a work presentation.
All you know is that your mind suddenly left your body.
And you have no idea what happened to it during the time that it was gone.
It’s not a great feeling.
You were zoning out.
But what does that actually mean?
And what can you do about it so that it doesn’t happen again?

What is Zoning Out? (Tasks, Time, and Lack of Memory)
Zoning out is a strange phenomenon.
It’s when your brain causes you to be lulled into a state of temporary stupor, leading you to miss what happened for a period of seconds to minutes.
Zoning out should not be confused with meditation or prayer.
When you’re doing one of those activities, the goal is to be present and fully engaged in the world around you–to become one with the world, so to speak.
Being zoned out feels different.
There’s a clear “lack.” A feeling that you missed something important. That your mind wasn’t focused on the task in front of you.
And there’s another important type of zoning out that we should consider, one that can have a very serious starting point.
Zoned Out or Dissociating? (The Difference Between Zoning out and Dissociation)
If you spend even a small amount of time learning about mental health, you’re bound to hear the term “dissociation” being used in conversations about “zoning out.”
Some will use the words as if they’re the same thing, but I think dissociating more commonly comes up surrounding “trauma” and one’s response to it.
There are some events so horrible that the brain learns to shut itself down and remove you from whatever is going on.
Memories of terrible events can also cause this to happen.
You’ve probably read or heard about people saying that there are times when they’ve been “floating above their body” and looking down at themselves.
This happened to me once when my brain couldn’t make sense of something that, in my mind, was awful and unreal.
It only lasted for a few seconds, but I recognize that it was now, most definitely, a period of dissociation. It was my brain’s attempt to remove me from an insane situation.
So, you can see that being zoned out is different from being dissociated from what’s going on around you.
Zoning out is what happens when you’re driving a car and you look up and realize you’ve suddenly missed your exit on the highway.
It’s the “anxiety stare” that happens when you’re watching TV.
Sometimes I catch myself picking at my skin and looking off into the distance when I’m supposed to be reading a book.
It happens to the best of us.
And whatever task you might be trying to focus on, it’s clear that zoning out can be a frustrating experience.
Because it takes you away from what you want to be doing.
It removes you from your own life.
"I would tell you what's out there, but I just zoned out."
"I would tell you what's out there, but I just zoned out."
How to Zone Back into Your Life (Sustained Attention and How to Train Your Mind)
If you’ve gotten down here, you know that being zoned out isn’t the most pleasant feeling in the world.
And you’re reading to do something about it.
The question remains:
What do you do when the task in front of you is removed from your recent memory?
Because that is what feeling zoned out is–a removal of yourself and your task from your recent memory.
Develop Mindfulness
You’re going to see this world all over the Internet. It’s a bit of a buzzword these days.
But there’s a reason that mindfulness has been practiced for thousands of years.
Becoming more mindful is all about noticing. It’s about being aware of your surroundings. It’s also about being more accepting, of yourself and of what is happening to you.
I’ll tell you what.
My life changed forever when I started to read about mindfulness and meditation. And it changed even more when I started to practice it.
Start very small.
Download a free meditation app. I prefer Insight Timer, although Headspace is the app that got me to start a meditation habit years ago. Both are good options.
Schedule 1 to 5 minutes in your day to develop this new habit.
Studies have shown that even a few minutes of meditation a day can rewire your brain in positive ways.
If you’re struggling to get this new habit going, stack it on top of another habit.
Habit stacking is when you take something you already do, and then you tether a new habit to it.
For instance, this is probably TMI, but I learned about neck stretches that really help my flexibility and ease my tension. I’ve been doing them while I wash my hair in the shower. I know I’m going to wash my hair, and now I know I’m also going to do this.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up Over It
This is not really a tactic per se, but it kind of is.
If you catch yourself zoning out, do NOT beat yourself up over it.
This will only associate the experience with negative feelings. And negative feelings drain you of your time and energy.
I started with mindfulness because being mindful helps you accept what is and not judge it. It’s about controlling your response to what happens to you.
You don’t have to get mad at yourself for zoning out.
Instead, practice smiling the next time it happens. Practice using a goofy phrase such as “You zoned-out zooper, you’re so good at that, buddy boy!”
It’s hard to feel bad when you’re using silly words and phrases to talk to yourself.
Repetition is the Key
The final key in this formula is repetition.
Just like a child must receive hundreds of consistent responses before he or she learns good behaviors and habits, you too must practice new skills before they become ingrained in your life.
Each time you catch yourself zoning out, practice your new skills, whether that’s meditation, saying a phrase to yourself, or simply taking a moment to pause and collect your thoughts.
Do this over and over.
What gets repeated gets reinforced.
As they say in psychology and neuroscience, “neurons that fire together wire together.”
When to Seek Help
But we must return to one very important thing: the matter of “dissociation.”
If you feel like you are losing very long periods of time, such as 15 minutes or more, then something else might be going on, especially if you are leaving your body due to horrible events in the past or present.
This might be a trauma response, and you should seek help for it.
In Conclusion - You Can Overcome Temporary Memory Loss and Zone Back In
Zoning out is a part of life.
It happens from time to time.
What’s important is that you catch it when it’s happening to you–and then choose to do something about it.
How you respond is always more important than what happens to you.
Practicing the above strategies will improve your quality of life by helping you regain the power of your mind and complete more tasks in less time.
You’re not a bad person if you lose your focus.
What you need to remember is that you have the power to get it back.
You can go from being “zoned out” to being “in the zone.”
Start with awareness.
Build with repeated periods of focus.
And sustain with kindness for yourself.
You didn’t zone out! Nice! This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my life, but I can tell you that it’s rarely an issue these days. I practice what I preach, and I would LOVE to know if you have any thoughts on this.
Send me an email. Just tap or click reply. You can also leave a thumbs up or thumbs down at the bottom of each issue if you’re feeling shy and just want to give me some feedback.
Until next week, be well, my friend,
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Jordan Brown - Mental Health Newsletter Writer, Poet, Social Worker, and Advocate

The Mental Health Update Mental Health Newsletter provides you with authentic mental health articles that make mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and OCD meaningful AND accessible.

This is different from typical mental health newsletters and articles about mental health challenges.

It's not just an Anxiety Email Newsletter or a Depression Email Newsletter - It's two weekly articles packed with timeless mental health wisdom and inspiration to start your day in a thoughtful, uplifting way.

I was tired of other "mental health care" newsletters blasting out generic lists of links and depression articles.

And I was especially tired of them not focusing on the everyday reality of mental health issues.

So I decided to come up with something I wanted to read.

This health newsletter is like a caring friend that just wants you to feel better.

Mental health awareness articles don't need to be all doom and gloom and filled with jargon.

With The Mental Health Update, you'll get practical mental health information, tips, and new ways to view the world. Especially now, with people reeling from the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic, we need trusted voices telling it like it is.

We discuss topics like anxiety, depression, OCD, the mental health to mental illness spectrum, social and communication skills, and much, much more.

This is what a few subscribers had to say about The Mental Health Update:

"If you haven't yet subscribed to Jordan's mental health newsletter, you absolutely should. It's chock full of good stuff to read and will help make your day better. Not unlike a daily vitamin for your mental health and soul..." - JR

"Encouragement from someone who has “been there” when it comes to mental health struggles. Comes in the form of stories and simple, actionable tips for reframing and working with - and through - your issues. One of the few newsletters that has survived my ruthless inbox decluttering sprees. Highly recommended!" - Kelila

"Jordan's mental health update is a welcomed email in my inbox. It often provides me with a chance to break from the mundane tasks of working in an office and take a moment for myself to hear his thoughtful and well put together thoughts on many aspects of mental health. As someone who works in the psychology field it's often a nice reminder and way of grounding myself to all the great work that's going on and the journey we all must take in supporting mental health. Thank you Jordan!" - Rob

I take my no-spam policy very seriously. I consider it a mental health obligation to not abuse your trust or raise your anxiety.

Newsletter articles sent on Tuesday and Thursday.

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