Azure Weekly - ☁️ Azure Weekly #354 - 9th January 2022
Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #354
powered by endjin
Happy New Year & welcome to issue 353 of Azure Weekly! This is an epic edition, covering most of December. I've highlighted a few articles I found interesting, but I'd strongly suggest making a cup of your favourite beverage and work your way through the newsletter.
From my perspective, the most important new Azure Service in 2021 was Azure Container Apps; we've been doing a number of experiments to kick the tires, and we've started a new blog series covering our journey: Adventures in Dapr: Episode 0 and Episode 1.John Reilly has published a number of posts around DevOps for ACA: Azure Container Apps, Bicep and GitHub Actions, and Azure
Container Apps: build and deploy with Bicep and GitHub Actions. The second most important service is Static Web Apps, and there's a good post covering how to Build A Recipe Blog with Azure Static Web Apps & Hugo.
If the CLI is your preferred way of interacting with Azure these articles might be for you: Query deployment outputs with the Azure CLI, Oh My Azure Cloud Shell, and Why is Az 7 an important release for Azure PowerShell
Two features that caught my attention: CosmosDB change feed is supported in ADF now and Automated key rotation in Azure Key Vault is now in public preview.
Finally, there have been a number of storage related features released: Attribute-based Access Control (ABAC) conditions with principal attributes now in public preview, immutable storage with versioning for Blob Storage is now generally available, Soft delete for blobs capability for Azure Data Lake Storage is now generally available, and a how to configure SFTP natively in Azure
Storage guide.
If you have any content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, please tweet @AzureWeekly or ping an email to
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AI + Machine Learning
Covering: Anomaly detector, Azure Bot Service, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Open Datasets, Bing APIs, Cognitive Services, Computer Vision, Content moderator, Custom vision, Data Science Virtual Machines, Face, Form Recogniser, Immersive Reader, Ink Recogniser, Language Understanding (LUIS), Machine Learning Studio, Microsoft Genomics, ML.NET, Personaliser, Project Cortex, QnA Maker, Speaker Recognition, Speech-to-Text, Speech translation, Text Analytics, Text to Speech , Translator Speech, Translator Text
- Ali Dalloul describes how to Accelerate the in-vehicle digital experience with Azure Cognitive Services
- Derek Legenzoff writes about Flexible filtering, faceting, and sorting in Azure Cognitive Search
- The Azure Updates Team announces Public preview: Semantic Search update
- Foteini Savvidou covers Saving Santa Claus with Azure Custom Vision and Python
- On the MSSQL Tips site, Rajendra Gupta (@rajendragupta16) provides An Overview of Azure Cognitive Search Service
- Donna Forlin discusses Azure Machine Learning is now integrated with Seeq Workbench
- Tom Keane (@tomwkeane) announces that Geospatial imagery unlocks new cloud computing scenarios on Azure and writes about New satellite connectivity and geospatial capabilities with Azure Space
- Zachary Cavanell discusses Contact Space Satellites to Access Data — Azure Orbital
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Machine Learning – December 2021 general availability
- Balamurugan Balakreshnan discusses Azure Machine learning Service Designer - Data Engineering and writes about Simple Application to summarize data using GPT-3 Openai model
Covering: Apache Spark for HDInsight, Apache Storm for HDInsight, Azure Analysis Services, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Data Share, Azure Databricks, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Catalog, Data Factory, Data Lake Analytics, Event Hubs, HDInsight, .NET for Apache Spark, R Server for HDInsight, Azure Purview
- James Serra (@JamesSerra) talks about Azure Synapse Analytics November updates
- Mark Kromer (@kromerbigdata) blogs about Introducing the Flowlets preview for ADF and Synapse
- Fikrat Azizov covers Data Engineering with Microsoft Azure Databricks, Synapse and Apache Spark, explains how to Implement Data Enrichment in Lakehouse using Synapse Analytics Mapping Data Flow, and discusses Implementing Deduplication Logic in the Lakehouse using Synapse Analytics Mapping Data Flow, writes about Raw Data Ingestion into Delta Lake Bronze tables using Azure Synapse Mapping Data Flow and explains how to Handle Missing Values in Lakehouse using Azure Synapse Mapping Data Flow.
- Daniel Perlovsky writes about Easier filtering and improved PowerBI integration in Azure Purview search
- Dave Ruijter (@daveruijter) describes How to prevent concurrent pipeline execution in Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Analytics design 1
- Koen Verbeeck (@Ko_Ver) describes Choosing Between SQL Server Integration Services and Azure Data Factory
- Jose M Jurado (@jmjuradodiaz) discusses Lesson Learned 181: Reading a JSON compressed file from OPENROWSET function from Azure SQL Database
- Suraj Thakur explains how to Transform Your Data with Azure Data Factory
- Meagan Longoria (@mmarie) writes about When You Can't Change the Connected Git Repo on ADF
- Meagan Longoria (@mmarie) discusses Looking at Activity Queue Times from Azure Data Factory with Log Analytics
- Balasubramaniam Murugesan explains how to Get the best out of Azure Data Factory – Part 2
- Hristo Hristov writes about Why use Python
- Dany Hoter writes about Direct Query from Excel to Azure Data Explorer aka Kusto
- Michal Bar talks about Help us shape Kusto data exploration experience
- Jeremy Tan explains how to Advanced KQL Framework Workbook - Empowering you to become KQL-savvy
- Marisa Brasile talks about KQL - The Next Query Language You Need to Learn Data Exposed: MVP Edition
- Gabi Lehner writes about Automatically stop unused Azure Data Explorer Clusters
- Deepak Agrawal covers Azure Data Explorer offers on AMD SKUs
- Mohammed Moinudheen writes about Popular extensions available on Azure Data Studio
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) discusses Monitor Power BI Queries And Refreshes With DirectQuery On Log Analytics, Part 1: Creating A Dataset
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure HDInsight 2018-06-01 preview API will be retired on 30 November 2024
Covering: Azure CycleCloud, Azure Dedicated Host, Azure Functions, Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple, Batch, Cloud Services, Linux Virtual Machines, SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances, Service Fabric, Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Rahul Nath (@rahulpnath) describes How To Setup Dependency Injection With Azure Functions
- Justin Yoo (@justinchronicle) blogs about Migrating Azure Functions OpenAPI Extension to V4
- Thorsten Hans explains how to Automate Azure with Azure Functions and Go
- Juan Manuel Rey explains how to Terraform integration with Azure VMware Solution
- Mo Shi explains how to Create Azure Batch Pool with PowerShell
- On episode 111 of Ctrl+Alt+Azure, Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine talk about How do you choose the correct Azure compute service?
- Braja Rakhal Das discusses Monitoring Service Fabric Services CPU and Memory utilization with Log Analytics
- Dinesh Reddy explains how to Protect Azure Virtual Machines from failure and data loss using multi-disk consistent restore points
- Reshma Vishwanath explains How to set up Alert notification on Service Fabric Cluster state to receive an email notification
Covering: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Red Hat OpenShift, CNAB, CNCF, Container Instances, Container Registry, Porter, WSL, Web App for Containers
- On the endjin blog, James Dawson (@James_Dawson) continues his series about Adventures in Dapr: Episode 1 - updating a Dapr sample application to use Azure PaaS services and be hosted in Azure Container Apps.
- John Reilly (@johnny_reilly) talks about Azure Container Apps: build and deploy with Bicep and GitHub Actions and blogs about Azure Container Apps, Bicep and GitHub Actions
- Paolo Salvatori, Microsoft Open Source explain how to Create an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster with the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller - Code Samples
- Microsoft Docs publishes an article about how to Build ASP.NET Core applications deployed as Linux containers into AKS/Kubernetes clusters
Episode 114 of the Ctrl+Alt+Azure Podcast covers Options for running containers in Azure
- Hanli Ren blogs about Azure Container Apps Dapr Binding Example
- Shreya R. Aithal writes about AKS + Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server: Deploy applications in 5 easy steps
- Sonalika Roy explains how to Restrict Application Access in AKS Cluster and describes How client source IP preservation works for loadbalancer services in AKS
- Fabien Dibot (@fdibot) explains How to run kubeflow on AKS
- Sam Cogan (@samcogan) explains how to Get to Grips with Azure AD and AKS
- Daniel Neumann (@neumanndaniel) discusses Run the Istio ingress gateway with TLS termination and TLS passthrough
- Antti K. Koskela (@koskila) describes How to solve Vmmem consuming ungodly amounts of RAM when running Docker on WSL
Covering: Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for MariaDB, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Edge, Azure Cache for Redis, SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server on virtual machines, SQL Server Stretch Database, Table storage
- The Azure Updates Team announce AzureSQL - General availability updates for December 2021
- The Azure Updates Team announce Azure SQL - Public preview updates for early January 2022
- Rajendra Gupta (@rajendragupta16) explains how to Create Index for Full Text Search using Azure Cognitive Service and Azure SQL Database
- Aaron Bertrand describes Using GREATEST and LEAST functions in Azure SQL Database
- Ahmed Mahmoud discusses Learning from Expertise 6: Where is my server storage taken - Azure MySQL and covers Learning from Expertise 7: Where is my server storage taken - Azure PostgreSQL
- Diego Nieto-Arroyo blogs about Learnings from the Trenches - Unable to query sys table via Linked Server
- Emily Lisa talks about Auto-failover groups for Azure SQL Hyperscale now in preview
- Jose M Jurado (@jmjuradodiaz) blogs about Lesson Learned 180: Creating a retry-logic for TSQL command execution. and blogs about Lesson Learned 182: The server name provided doesn't match the server name on the SQL Server SSL
- Madhumita Tripathy describes How to create Linked server from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database
- At Data Exposed LIve Marisa Brasile talks about Azure SQL & SQL Server 2022: Intelligent Database Futures Data Exposed Live
- Paloma Garcia Martin explains how to Imported database is smaller than original database
- Sergiu Ernu explains how to Create a Connectivity Dashboard for Postgres Single Server in Azure and explains how to Deploy a connectivity dashboard for PostgreSQL Flexible Server
- Ye Xu covers CosmosDB change feed is supported in ADF now
- On Code Project, Glenn Prince (@Glenn_Prince) blogs about Creating a Python Cloud-Native Webapp, Part 2: Adding an Azure Cosmos DB Database
- Joe Gavin walks through Adding Users to Azure SQL Databases
- Geert van Teylingen talks about Deploying SQL Server on Azure using Azure NetApp Files
- Kevin Li describes How to connect Azure SQL database from Python Function App using managed identity or access token
- Marisa Brasile covers Data Exposed Live Azure SQL News Update: Year in Review, covers Azure SQL VM: Best Price-Performance with Ebdsv5 Series Ep.6 Data Exposed and covers KQL - The Next Query Language You Need to Learn Data Exposed: MVP Edition
- Daniel Calbimonte discusses Introduction to SQL Jobs in Azure Data Studio and asks Is SQL Server Profiler in Azure Data Studio?
- Shoham Dasgupta writes about User-Assigned Managed Identity support for TDE BYOK for Azure SQL is in preview
- Ahmed Mahmoud shares Learning from Expertise 5: Ops What should I do after accidentally deleted SQL DB Server
Developer Tools
Covering: App Configuration, Azure Lab Services, CLIs, Developer tool integrations, SDKs, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Online
- John Reilly (@johnny_reilly) discusses Query deployment outputs with the Azure CLI
- On the Visual Studio blog, Jordan Matthiesen (@JMatthiesen) writes about Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 4
- Dominic Nahous (@DomsterFire) writes that Visual Studio 17.1 Preview 2 is now available
- Kendra Havens talks about Test tools for .NET and cross-platform apps
- Mika Dumont discusses Whats new in .NET Productivity with Visual Studio 2022
- Taysser Gherfal (@taysser) describes Introducing new Git features to Visual Studio 2022
- Bala Venkataraman explains how to Updated CLI and ARM REST APIs for Azure Machine Learning
- Chandani Prajapati explains How to convert HTML content or file to PDF using the Muhimbi API
- Chase Wilson explains how to Streamline configuring Azure CLI with az init
- Florian Eiden explains how to Send data to live outputs in VS Code with the Azure Stream Analytics Tools latest release
- Marc Goodner writes about Embedded Software Development in Visual Studio
- On Code Project, Espen Harlinn blogs about Harlinn.Windows - A Visual Studio 2022 Solution
- Gino Messmer describes Design and Implement Complex Business Scenarios using Low Code Tools
- Barbara Kess, Saisang Cai, Josh Duffney explain how to Choose the right Azure command-line tool
- Justin Yoo (@justinchronicle) writes about Oh My Azure Cloud Shell
- Damien Caro writes about Why is Az 7 an important release for Azure PowerShell
- Bill Baer discusses Connecting networks of information with Microsoft Graph connector partners
- Melanie Hall blogs about Microsoft Graph Authentication in Python
Covering: Azure Artifacts, Azure Boards, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, Azure Repos, Azure Test Plans, Azure DevTest Labs, DevOps tool integrations
- On the DEV site, Nitya Narasimhan (@ntiya) writes about 003 Let's Automate Playwright Testing With GitHub Actions
- On the Microsoft DevOps blog, Devops Dojo blogs about DevOps Dojo – Culture and Mindset
- Gloridel Morales blogs about Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server and the log4j vulnerability and discusses December patches for Azure DevOps Server
- Jay Gordon (@jaydestro) lists the Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.12.10, explains how to Deploy Bicep files by using GitHub Actions, lists the Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.12.17, lists the Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.12.31 and discusses AzureFunBytes Episode 63 – Getting Started with Azure and WebAssembly with StevenMurawski
- Buck Woody (@BuckWoodyMSFT) provides A Data Science Process, Documentation, and Project Template You Can Use in Your Solutions
- Jerry Zhang describes How to update/change certificate used in Cloud Service Extended Support
- Thomas Thornton (@tamstar1234) explains how to Build and push Docker Images to Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps Pipelines and provides A DevOps journey using Azure DevOps
- Radu Vunvulea (@RaduVunvulea) writes about At a glance: Azure Load Tests Service
- Aidan Finn (@joe_elway) covers Azure Firewall DevSecOps in Azure DevOps and writes about Az Module Scripts in DevOps Pipelines
- Kevin Chant blogs about Azure DevOps based Training Day at SQLBits 2022 and describes Version control for SQL Server Management Studio templates using Azure Repos
- Antti K. Koskela (@koskila) explains How to authenticate against npm registries in Azure DevOps
- Praful Itankar explains how to Maintain your Azure Infrastructure with Terraform
- Jay Gordon explains how to Deploy Bicep files by using GitHub Actions
- Travis Roberts (@Ciraltos) describes Input Variables with Terraform and Azure, describes Modules and Outputs with Terraform and Azure, discusses Use ForEach in a Terraform Module with Azure VNets and Bastion Host and blogs about Use Existing Resources with Data Sources in Terraform and Azure
- Episode 115 of Ctrl+Alt+Azure Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine talk about taking the Azure Load Testing service for a spin!
- Gary Mullen-Schultz covers Creating a Custom and Secure Azure Portal Offering
Covering: Azure Arc, Azure Stack
- Tracie Zenti explains how to Expand hybrid management tools with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform on Azure
- Mohammed Moinudheen describes Azure Data Studio SQL Server Profiler Extension
- Yasmeen Jassim describes Introducing the all-new azure stack HCI sizing tool preview
- Thomas Maurer (@thomasmaurer) explains how to Extended Security Updates for Windows Server and SQL Server in Azure and Azure Stack, and How to Harden Windows Server 2022, describes Azure Arc Jumpstart Lightning Azure Arc-enabled servers metadata tags with Thomas Maurer, discusses Speaking at Microsoft Cloud Adoption Summit 2022 and Book: Azure Arc-Enabled Kubernetes and Servers: Extending Hyperscale Cloud Management to Your Datacenter
Covering: Azure Active Directory (AD), Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory Domain Services
- Jeff Sanders (@jsandersrocks) writes about Open a support case for an Azure AD Tenant app under a subscription
- Thuan Nguyen describes Script to audit managed identities on VM and their role assignment
- Elena Neroslavskaya explains how to Connect Azure Kubernetes Java Applications to SQL with Kerberos Integrated Authentication
- Alex Simons (@Alex_A_Simons) blogs about End of support for Azure AD Graph permission sign up through portal UX
Covering: Azure API for FHIR, Event Grid, Logic Apps, Service Bus
- Alan Kinane (@Azure_Alan) says Don't use user accounts for your Logic App connections
- Pedro Almeida blogs about Logic Apps: Sending Files Dynamically – A little Christmas gift
- Pim Simons discusses Logic App Exception Handling With The Result Function
- Jay Gong explains How to verify if Azure Event Hub partition is working by using Azure Service Bus Explorer tool
- Umar Mohamed Usman covers Deploying API Management in an Internal mode
- Joo Dinis covers Using API Management WebSockets
- Thomas Thornton (@tamstar1234) discusses Integrating Azure Application Gateway with multiple custom domains with Azure APIM
Internet of Things
Covering: Azure Digital Twins, Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Edge, Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT solution accelerators, Azure Maps, Azure Sphere, Azure Time Series Insights, IoT DevKit, WildernessLabs, Windows 10 IoT Core Services
- Amira Youssef explains how to Solve common challenges with Azure Percept: Inspirations from Microsoft Hackathon
- Juha Luoto blogs about Azure Percept DK brings 5G, Edge and AI together
- The Azure Updates Team blogs about Public preview: Azure Percept DK November 2111 software update is available
- Michael C. Bazarewsky talks about IoT: Scaling Out an Azure IoT Solution to Support Millions of Devices
- Shane Baldacchino covers Bridge Building – Mosquitto MQTT to Azure IOT Using Paho MQTT and the Azure IoT Device SDKs
- Wellington Duraes discusses Arduino library for Azure IoT
- Antti K. Koskela (@koskila) describes How to fix Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage: Server encountered an internal error. Please try again after some time. when using IoTHub trigger for Azure Functions
Covering: Microsoft Certifications, Azure Certifications, Microsoft Learning Paths, Certification Pathway Information
- Jen Looper explains how to Get ahead in 2022: Developer learning opportunities from Microsoft
- Sandeep Bhanot explains how to Choose curiosity, embrace challenges: A learning culture prepares Unit4 for the future
- Laura Redfern discusses Azure CycleCloud Learning Circle Series for Academic and Industry Customers
- Liberty Munson writes about Available now: Exam AZ-800 beta and Exam AZ-801 beta
Management and Governance
Covering: Automation, Azure Advisor, Azure Backup, Azure Blueprints, Azure Lighthouse, Azure Managed Applications, Azure mobile app, Azure Monitor, Azure Policy, Azure Resource Manager, Azure Service Health, Azure Site Recovery, Cloud Shell, Cost Management, Microsoft Azure portal, Scheduler, Azure Purview
- Thuan Nguyen blogs about Notes on Azure Policy Exemption
- Sonia Cuff (@soniacuff) describes How to update Azure Policy parameters in Azure Blueprints
- The Azure Updates Team announces Public preview of Snowflake connector for Azure Purview
- Linda Wang discusses Azure Purview advances support for SaaS applications – Salesforce scan, describes Azure Purview expands relational database support - IBM DB2, MySQL and PostgreSQL and Azure Purview adds support for SAP HANA
- Naga Yenamandra covers Overlay business context using Business Glossary in Azure Purview
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) explains how to Integrate Azure Purview with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- Daniel Perlovsky explains how to use Advanced resource sets in Azure Purview
- Snaheth Thumathy announces Azure Resource Manager metrics in Azure Monitor
- Tobias Zimmergren (@zimmergren) explains how to Create Azure Monitor Alert Rules with Azure Bicep
- On SQL Server Central, Mike Wood (@mikewo) describes Azure Policies and Management Groups
- Claudia Zhou describes AD Joined Hybrid Windows 365 management in Intune
- Thuan Nguyen talks about Play with Tag on Azure Subscriptions
- Also on Tech Community blog, Roshna Nazir explains how to Get creation dates of all Azure resources under an Azure subscription
- Thomas Maurer (@thomasmaurer) writes about An introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Manage methodology and An introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology
Covering: Azure Media Player, Content Protection, Encoding, Live and On-Demand Streaming, Media Analytics, Media Services, Video Indexer
- On Microsoft Docs, new Azure Media Services v3 Node.js TypeScript Code Samples are available.
- The Azure Updates Team announces General availability: UI Library for Azure Communication Services
Covering: Azure Database Migration Service, Azure Migrate, Data Box
- Zachary Cavanell talks about Cloud Migration - Options for virtual machines, databases, web apps and containers explained
- Mark Brimble (@BrimbleMark) explains How do you use New-AzIntegrationAccountCertificate
- On Microsoft Docs, a new article explaining how to Migrate databases to SQL Managed Instance using Log Replay Service - Azure SQL Managed Instance
- Mohammed Moinudheen covers Options to migrate on-premises SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database
Covering: App Service (Mobile), Mobile apps, Notification Hubs, Visual Studio App Centre, Xamarin
- Thuan Nguyen blogs about Acquire Access Token from Azure App Service Linux System-Assigned Managed Identity
- The Azure Updates Team announces General availability: Azure Communication Services interoperability with Microsoft Teams
- On the Microsoft Open Technologies site, Scott McKay And Guoyu Wang explains how to Add AI to mobile applications with Xamarin and ONNX Runtime
- On the Trailhead blog, Rodrigo Juarez covers Control Templates in Xamarin.Forms
- On the Xamarin blog, Mike Parker describes Machine Learning in Xamarin.Forms with ONNX Runtime
Covering: Application Gateway, Azure Bastion, Azure DNS, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Firewall, Azure Firewall Manager, Azure Front Door, Azure Internet Analyzer, Azure Private Link, Content Delivery Network, Load Balancer, Network Watcher, Traffic Manager, Virtual Network, Virtual WAN, VPN Gateway, Web Application Firewall
- Thuan Nguyen explains how to Detect NSG inbound rule updated to allow All
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Storage: Secure access to storage account from a virtual network/subnet in any region now in public preview and discusses Azure Traffic Manager: Additional IP addresses for endpoint monitoring service.
- Richard M. Hicks (@richardhicks) writes about Always On VPN and TLS 1.3
- Tao Yang (@MrTaoYang) describes Azure Resource Graph Query For Network Security Group Rules
- Aidan Finn (@joe_elway) discusses Enabling DevSecOps with Azure Firewall
- Bankim Patel writes about Zero Trust Networking and the Cloud heavy ConfigMgr – Part 1
- Jose Moreno (@erjosito) describes ExpressRoute Global Reach under the covers
- Thuan Nguyen explains how to Scan Azure VMs in the same subnet with Nmap
- Thuan Nguyen explains how to Detect Azure VM with a Public IP associated
- The Azure Updates Team announces India Central Availability Zones now generally available
- The Azure Updates Team announces Placement polices now generally available for Azure VMware Solution
- On The Azure Podcast, Isabelle Morris and Tanu Balla talk about Episode 406 - Azure Bastion
- Sander van de Velde talks about Jump box part 1: Secure access to private cloud VM using Azure Bastion and discusses Jump box part 2: Azure VNet connection with a point-to-site VPN Gateway
Covering: Azure DDoS Protection, Azure Information Protection, Azure Sentinel, Key Vault, Security Center
- Thuan Nguyen discusses Query vulnerable VMs against Log4Shell vulnerability and blogs about Bulk upload Log4Shell IoC to Microsoft Sentinel Threat Intelligence
- Sarah Young (@_sarahyo) asks Whats New: Detecting Apache Log4j vulnerabilities with Microsoft Sentinel
- Andreas Wolter (@AndreasWolter) blogs about Guidance on Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
- Thuan Nguyen discusses Query vulnerable VMs against Log4Shell vulnerability in Azure
- Aurelia Arnett presents Ask the product experts live: Azure Confidential Computing Inside Azure for IT
- Chris Hallum explains how to Protect printers, cameras and the rest of your IoT devices with Microsoft 365 Defender
- Microsoft Detection and Response Team talks about Leveraging the Power of KQL in Incident Response
- Georgiana Gainariu Pache writes about Cannot enable Advanced Threat Protection on Managed Instance server
- The Azure Updates Team announces Automated key rotation in Azure Key Vault is now in public preview
- Sonia Cuff (@soniacuff) explains How to configure automatic key rotation preview in Azure Key Vault
- Shoham Dasgupta covers Azure Key Vault Managed HSM support for TDE BYOK now available for Azure SQL
- Radu Vunvulea (@RaduVunvulea) writes 'COVID-19 is a cloud security catalyst'
- Andy Jaw describes how to Block USB in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and Intune
- Paul Bergson describes how to Forward On-Premises Windows Security Event Logs to Microsoft Sentinel
Covering: Archive Storage, Avere vFXT for Azure, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure FXT Edge Filer, Azure HPC Cache, Azure NetApp Files, Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, Managed Disks, Queue Storage, Storage Accounts, Storage Explorer, StorSimple
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Storage: Attribute-based Access Control ABAC conditions with principal attributes now in public preview
- The Azure Updates Team announces Immutable storage with versioning for Blob Storage is now generally available, and Azure HPC Cache now generally available in Germany West Central and US West 3 and Soft delete for blobs capability for Azure Data Lake Storage is now generally available
- Rena Shah (@renamshah) blogs about Updates to Azure Files: NFS v4.1, higher performance limits, and reserved instance pricing
- Praveen Kumar Sreeram (@PrawinSreeram) describes how to Configure SFTP natively in Azure Storage
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) explains how to Enable Diagnostic Settings for Storage Accounts to Event Hub
- Amrinder Singh walks through Analyzing Storage Account Capacity
- Niko Neugebauer writes about How-to find out addressable Disk Space & Files Number on General Purpose service tier on SQL MI
- Silvio Di Benedetto blogs about Azure File Sync v14.1
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) explains how to Protect an Azure Trusted Launch VM with Azure Backup and explains how to Enable Multiple Backups Per Day for Azure VM
Covering: API apps, API Management, App Service (Web), Azure Cognitive Search, Azure SignalR Service, Azure Spring Cloud, Web apps
- Thuan Nguyen discusses Audit Azure Web App against NotLegit vulnerability
- On the DEV site, Nitya Narasimhan (@ntiya) explains how to Let's Build A Recipe Blog with Azure Static Web Apps & Hugo
- Liangying Wei explains how to Expand your application with real-time messaging API capability with Web PubSub and API Management
- Shefali Birla explains how to Visualize your team structure with org charts in Microsoft Visio for the web
- Glenn Prince (@Glenn_Prince) blogs about Creating a Python Cloud-Native Webapp, Part 1: Deploying to Azure App Service
Azure Virtual Desktop
Covering: Azure Virtual Desktop
- Daniel Carroll covers Azure Virtual Desktop, ADFS SSO The Case of the Trailing Slash
Thought Leadership from endjin
- 📃 Flex Your DevSecOps Muscles With Bicep - FREE cheat sheet.
- 📺 How to safely reference a nullable activity output in Azure Synapse Pipelines and Azure Data Factory.
- 📺 Building a secure data solution using Azure Data Lake Store.
- 📺 Navigating the Bewildering Array of Data Services in Azure.
- 📺 Data Exploration & Experimentation with Notebooks in Azure.
- 📺 Detecting Anomalies in IoT Telemetry with Azure Synapse Analytics.
- 📺 Azure Synapse - On-Demand Serverless Compute and Querying.
- 📺 Custom C# Spark Jobs in Azure Synapse.
- 📺 Custom Scala Spark Jobs in Azure Synapse.
- 📺 Unlocking Digital Transformation with Azure API Management - a training session from endjin, explaining what Digital Transformation is, and how to use Azure API Management to take your first steps. Three versions are available: 5 minute exec summary, 20 minute overview or 50 minute deep dive.
- How to plan your cloud transformation journey - an article explaining how you should use the various bits of thought leadership content from endjin to plan your cloud journey.
- API Maturity Matrix - a spreadsheet to help you assess your organization's ability to build, test, deploy, manage and monetize an API Platform.
- Azure Technology Selector - a flowchart which guides you through the process of chosing the best Azure service for your needs.
- Cloud Comparison Poster - a free poster, comparing the three major cloud platforms - Azure, AWS & Google Cloud Platform. For more information, see the accompanying blog series.
- Cloud Migration Process - a free poster, outlining our process for cloud adoption.
- Cloud Adoption: Risk & Mitigations - The Swiss Cheese Model - a free poster from endjin & Hymans Robertson outlining the risk and mitigations of adopting public cloud.
- Embracing Disruption: Financial Services & the Microsoft Cloud - a free ebooklet from endjin describing how companies in FS can take advantage of Azure.
Useful Links
- Azure Resource Inventory - Azure Resource Inventory is a powerful script written in PowerShell to generate an Excel report of any Azure Environment you have read access
- Azure Quickstart Templates - Learn how to deploy to Azure using ARM Templates. Over 850 examples in this repo.
- Azure CNAB Quickstarts Library - You can deploy to the Cloud, on Prem and on the Edge using CNAB & Porter. This library provides a number of quickstart templates to help you get started, fast!
- Power BI Weekly - Interested in Power BI? Sign up to our sister newsletter Power BI Weekly to receive all the week's Power BI news.
- Azure Resources - A fantastic collection of resources contained in this repo. Issue a PR if you have resources to share. Managed by Azure MVP Gregor Suttie.
- Azure Charts - Azure Charts is a set of auto-rebuilt charts to keep you updated on Azure changes, news, stats. Public updates, RSS channels and web pages are used as data sources
- The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure (2nd Edition) - ebook from Microsoft showcasing architectural approaches and common design patterns you face when building modern applications.
- Azure Virtual Datacenter - ebook from Microsoft highlighting an approach to isolation, security, and trust in the Microsoft cloud.
- Cyber Security Demystified - ebook from Microsoft describing how to keep your organisation safe.
- Microsoft's What is Azure poster - a visual overview of Azure's services and features.
- Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure - a free ebook from Microsoft Press, by Michael S. Collier and Robin E. Shahan.
- Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R - a free ebook on Azure Machine Learning, by Stephen F. Elston.
- Protecting Data in Microsoft Azure - a whitepaper that describes the various mechanism you can you can leverage for managing sensitive data in the Azure platform.
- Azure Architecture Center - guidance from the Patterns & Practices team covering API Design, API implementation, Autoscaling, Background jobs, CDN, Caching, Data partitioning, Monitoring and diagnostics, Retry, Scalability and availability.
- Azure Architect's Reference - if you are an architect responsible for building an application on Azure, or are trying to figure out how you could migrate an application and need to dig deep into the workload, cost, security, capacity, availability, deployment and operational modelling this invaluable resource should be your first stop. An open source project, with contributions from several experienced architects, it gathers data from many different references into a single, useful guide that is constantly updated by the community.
- Azure Table Storage Design Guide - a guide from the storage team.
- Azure infrastructure services implementation guidelines - key design and implementation guidelines for deploying an IT workload in Azure infrastructure services.
- Azure Speed Test - a simple web tool that measures the latency between you and Azure Datacenters to suggest which might be fastest for you location.
- Azure Websites Cheatsheet - everything you need to know about configuring & managing Azure Websites on a single page.
- Data Migration Assistant - enables you to upgrade to a modern data platform by detecting compatibility issues that can impact database functionality on your new version of SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. It recommends performance and reliability improvements for your target environment.
- Azure SQL DTU Calculator - a tool to help you determine the number of DTUs for your existing SQL Server database(s) as well as a recommendation of the minimum performance level and service tier that you need before you migrate to Azure SQL Database.
- Microsoft Azure Symbol/Icon Set - a set of Visio and PowerPoint shapes for use in architecture diagrams / presentations.
- Service Bus Explorer - a free and open source tool for managing and exploring Azure Service Bus(including Event Hubs).
- Best practices for designing Azure Resource Manager Templates - guidance based on the whitepaper 'World Class ARM Templates Considerations and Proven Practices'.
- Microsoft Cloud Networking for Enterprise Architects - a downloadable guide to Azure networking, covering topics such as cloud migration and networking for PaaS and SaaS services
- Whitepapers for Power BI - numerous whitepapers ranging various Power BI topics
- Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook - ebook from Microsoft, including use cases, hands-on steps, and tutorials for quickly configuring your own serverless environments.
- Executive Summary: Enterprise Cloud Strategy - executive summary of the 140-page e-book from Microsoft. Learn about the basics of adopting a cloud computing strategy for your enterprise.
- Migrating SQL Server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance—A Step-by-Step Guide - ebook from Microsoft providing breakdown of tactical steps for implementing a quick, simple, and low-impact data migration with Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.
- Azure Backup Deep Dive Whitepaper - a deep dive by Adin Ermie and Charbel Nemnom describing Azure Backup
- Azure Stack: An extension of Azure - whitepaper from Microsoft detailing how you can extend Azure Stack to make Azure services available on-premises
- Azure Strategy and Implementation Guide - For Azure users - ebook from Microsoft outlining recommended general architecture and cloud design principles, DevOps, approaches to service management, and overall governance.
- Azure Data Factory: SSIS in the Cloud - eBook from Microsoft explaining why you would want to migrate your existing SSIS workloads to Azure Data Factory and addressing common considerations and concerns. Includes technical details of creating an Azure-SSIS IR and then walk-throughs of how to upload, execute, and monitor your packages through Azure Data Factory
- Parallel Virtual File Systems on Microsoft Azure - ebook from Microsoft documenting the results of a series of performance tests on Azure to see how scalable Lustre, GlusterFS, and BeeGFS are
- Build and deploy a multi-container application in Azure Service Fabric - ebook from Microsoft which shows how to create a sample multi-container application using ASP.NET Core and Docker and deploy it on an Azure Service Fabric cluster.
- Azure ebook/whitepaper resources - White papers, analyst reports, and e-books landing page with an abundance of extra resources.
- Farmer - This is a DSL for ARM template creation - "Making repeatable Azure deployments easy"!
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