How to Make $10k a Month from a Site with 20k Visitors

Discover how to grow and make the most out of a mailing list, automate dozens of manual tasks with just 1-click, get a list of buying words that work, and more...

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Have you ever heard the phrase, the money is in the list?

Well today's guest on the Niche Pursuits podcast is going to show you why.

His name is John Ainsworth and he's had quite the journey.

He's turned his background in mathematics, marketing, and sales into a very profitable business helping course creators sell more!

But that's only half the story.

Because it's not only course creators who can benefit from his expertise.

And while everyone knows email lists are important, it isn't always obvious how to go about growing one.

That's why in today's episode, John deep-dives into a lot of the tips and tricks website owners of all kinds can start doing today to maximize profits.

John helps host Jarod brainstorm lead magnet ideas, plus:

  • What he does to make $10,000 a month from 20k visitors a month and an email list
  • An email framework for selling courses
  • How to vet your content to see what type of courses would be suitable to create
  • Advanced tips for course creators
  • The three things you need to convert your audience to purchase your products (or affiliate products)
  • Why people are leaving so much money on the table
  • Why he laughed at someone who said they wanted to earn $10,000 per month
  • How having traffic and the right system can make you money
  • What to send to your email list
  • Email opt-in conversion rates
  • Growing your email list through social media
  • How a client went from 100 opt-ins to 800 per week
  • Examples of lead magnets
  • How many email promotions to send each month
  • Using order bumps and upsells to increase your revenue with courses

It's an awesome interview and includes a lot of valuable information to any site or online business owner hoping to grow their profits.

So be sure to take notes!

And check out the full Niche Pursuits interview with John Ainsworth here!

Link Whisper is $20 Off + Free Lifetime License Giveaway!

I'm probably making a mistake by combining a giveaway and a discount at the same time.

However, hear me out.

I'm currently running a contest, where a random winner will be selected to win a LIFETIME copy of Link Whisper - my internal link building WordPress plugin.

You can enter the contest and increase odds of winning right here.

Not feeling lucky?

Well, I'm also running a special $20 off discount (started today) through the end of the month.

Just use discount code "MaySpecial" at checkout.

You can grab Link Whisper for $20 off for a limited time right here.

So, what happens if you buy Link Whisper for $20 off today...and then you win the Lifetime license giveaway later?

Well, I'll refund your purchase and turn your license into a LIFETIME license!

So, if you are on the fence about picking up a copy of Link Whisper, I think now is a great time to both join the giveaway AND get your copy at a discounted price.

Check out Link Whisper right here.

Sponsored Ad: Written by Wordable

Affiliate marketers! 👋

Want to spend more time generating clicks & commissions, instead of tedious, low-skilled tasks?

After exporting 10,000+ docs/year, we found that overpriced people always get bogged down with the same redundant tasks like cleaning HTML or compressing images. 🙈

Then we started using Wordable to automate 90% of these tasks and that changed everything. 💡

✅ You will immediately add ~6-12 hours/week back to your top people

✅ You will save at least ~30-min formatting and optimizing each piece of content

✅ You will delegate $50/hour work down to $10/hour people on your team

✅ You will automate dozens of manual tasks into just 1-click

✅ You will cut the number of missed deadlines overnight

Wordable allows you to customize exactly how you want content formatted and optimized, for every site you publish to. Then, you can save these recurring settings to export in seconds with just 1-click. 🚀

Affiliate Marketing Industry Expected to Reach $36.9 Billion in Revenue by 2030

There’s never been a better time to get into the affiliate marketing industry. Why?

Well, one of the reasons is that a recent study by market research firm Astute Analytica forecasts that the global affiliate marketing platform market will reach $36,902,100,000 USD by 2030.

Find out more about this exciting affiliate marketing forecast here!

101 Buying Words: Power Words to Use If You Want to Sell More

Everywhere you have copy on your site is an opportunity to convert regular traffic into happy customers. In particular, your landing page, product page, and even checkout page are all places where you can boost your sales by using keywords to entice consumers.

With this in mind, we've rounded up a list of some of the best keywords to use around your site if you're looking to drive up sales, without having to get out your thesaurus.

Get the complete list of buying words here!

Kickstarter Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

Your Kickstarter marketing campaign is incredibly important if you want to succeed in attracting crowdfunding. You never know; your product could land up in the Kickstarter hall of fame!

In this article, we'll share some of the essential steps you should try and take to get your project funded.

Get the full guide to Kickstarter Marketing

Thanks again for reading!


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