Imposter Syndrome: 15 Symptoms & Solutions
Is this you? Have you ever felt like a fraud at work? That you did not really belong? That one day you would be “found out” as a fake by your colleagues because you really did not know what you were doing? We have! And guess what, you are in good company — it’s called “Imposter Syndrome” and it’s a very common condition experienced by many successful professionals in the world. Haven’t we all had it? It’s that feeling that we have misled others about our abilities and don’t deserve to be here. Perhaps it’s not so much what we said about our degree of talent but what we didn’t. And today, we’re talking about the ways you can tackle your imposter syndrome. Personal Note: We suggest taking notes of at least 1 (or more) points which you think gave you that aha moment. By doing this, not only you’ll not forget it, but there’ll be 90%+ chance of you taking it into action. But before we get into the free article, here’s what you missed this week from a paid-subscription: What You Missed
To make sure you’re not missing any of these updates in the upcoming week, start your 7-day free trial now — you’ll get exclusive excess to all the amazing paid content for absolutely free for a week (and cancel it anytime if you don’t wish to proceed). 1. Get busyThere’s a popular saying that —
You will no sooner forget your problems if you are fully immersed in a task. You should also actively try to re-skill yourself at every opportunity you get. By doing this, you’re able to dismiss the thoughts that whisper you aren’t good enough anytime they pop up. 2. Imagine yourself succeedingEverything starts in the mind. When amazon’s business model was just entering the market, people said Jeff Bezos was crazy, and it was better for him to sell off with meager profits than hold on to a company that was doomed to fail. And well, you know how the rest of the story played out. We can only achieve what we dream about and this is evident in the biggest business people of our time. One of the most important traits of successful company owners and entrepreneurs is the ability to visualize success. No one is resistant to imposter syndrome, but just like successful people, you can tune out the noise of self-doubt by focusing on the image of success that you have. 3. Avoid social media oppressionIt’s very common to see someone sharing their success story on social media. In fact, on apps like LinkedIn, these posts can be so overwhelming that you forget how much distortion of self-image happens on the net. Should you be sad when you see a stranger celebrating a promotion or showing off their newly purchased asset? No, definitely not! So, tune out the noise knowing that you are talented enough to eventually be in the position that they are, and don’t question your skill by comparing yourself to internet strangers you know nothing about. 4. Recognize imposter feelings when they come upAwareness is the first step to dealing with imposter syndrome. Like they say —
So, you have to understand yourself and track your thoughts so you can discern when you’re having those imposter feelings. Imposter syndrome is the inability to believe you deserve your success. No matter how much hard work you put in, it just doesn’t feel enough. Your shortcomings are still too obvious or so you think. 5. Rewire your brain and how you process thingsAnd all that starts with how you define things. Just like a cup of water halfway could be half full or half empty. The way you process things decides whether you will suffer from imposter syndrome or not. You don’t know something? Well, then tell yourself —
Develop a positive outlook on everything. Yes, you’ve got to be careful not to be overly positive or toxically positive, but sometimes being realistic about everything can make you harsh in your judgment of your own abilities. Instead of worrying about your co-workers finding out stuff about you, remind yourself that you’re only human and it’s normal to not know everything at once. 6. MeditateThe emotional quagmire of self-doubt can be damning. It can be easy to get sucked in and feel trapped. In some cases, struggling only makes it worse just like quicksand. Sometimes you might feel this way because you’ve been overworking yourself and your mind is screaming for a rest. Meditation has been used for ages as a means to relax and train the mind. You should spare a few minutes to meditate every day whenever the clouds of self-doubt begin to gather (or you can simply start reading our Saturday Insights which contains 1-min mindfulness session before the actual article). 7. Consider the contextThe majority of people will occasionally have moments where they don’t feel completely assured. Self-doubt can be a common response when you feel uncomfortable or out of your zone.
This phrase might help you to change your perspective if you catch yourself believing that you’re worthless. It’s normal to not feel completely confident in your abilities all the time. For instance: When taking on a new position for the first time even though you have years of experience in a function that’s comparable, rather than dismissing those ideas, you can embrace them with the justification that you’re still getting the hang of it. Time is your friend here and you will get a grip. 8. Learn lessons from your failureThey say experience is the best teacher. When you fail to get something the first time, it can be easy to slip into depression especially if you don’t get why you failed. We’ve all made mistakes at work at some point, and at these times, imposter syndrome can strike us hard — but recognize that failure is a necessary component of development and that all of these experiences will teach us the most. Attaching lessons to your failures gives you clarity regarding the causes of your situation. When you learn from experience, you can put the lessons to good use by utilizing what you’ve learned to reduce any future self-doubt you may experience. 9. Anticipate it and learn your triggersImpostor syndrome will happen at some point in your life, but if it gets to be serious — it could interfere with your well-being. So, if you notice that you get triggered when certain things happen, prepare in advance for those situations so you can combat their effect. 10. Talk about your feelingsThe thought of being an imposter is incredibly alienating. However, these emotions are rather common. The imposter syndrome has been reported by 62% of workers globally. It’s preferable to have an open conversation rather than to keep bad views to oneself since there could be others who feel the same way — and the problem shared is half solved! When you’re able to discuss with people, they’ll give you a different perspective other than your own negative thoughts. And obviously, spending a few moments opening up your mind to other people’s opinions can also change your entire outlook on things. 11. Keep score of your accomplishmentsIt might be difficult to realize how much of a part you had in your own triumphs when you feel like an imposter. You could attribute your success to chance or the labor of others, when in reality, it was mostly the result of your own efforts, knowledge, and planning. Keeping records of your victories helps to convince yourself that you’re genuinely succeeding. Consider all the methods in which you have previously achieved success by looking at your track record. Sometimes all it takes is a little prod to remind you that you are, in fact , every bit as wonderful as your record of success would suggest. 12. Show yourself compassionWe can’t be in our element all of the time. So, in our fu*k-up situations, we shouldn’t be too strict and beat ourselves up for our own mistakes. Always forgive yourself and keep in mind that you have the right to make errors from time to time — and this also goes for when you get things right. Remember to celebrate yourself! We often will hear that voice in our mind telling us we’re not clever enough or we’re frauds when imposter syndrome is present. Negative self-talk is a nasty habit that may considerably raise our feelings of tension and worry. Being nice to oneself means changing the way you see yourself by utilizing positive self-talk. It may ease your stress and worry as well as offer you the assurance to take chances that will yield greater rewards. 13. Seek supportDon’t shy away from asking for help. Other than maybe an inflated ego, you stand to lose nothing here. Like being in quicksand, you sometimes need someone to pull you out. You can seek support from friends and family or also visit a therapist to address your problems. 14. Let go of perfectionismWhile useful in some situations, perfectionism may seriously hinder productivity — and it turns out that it can be a significant reason for suffering from imposter syndrome as well. High achievers who have very high expectations for themselves and are dedicated to giving their all and being the greatest frequently experienced imposter syndrome. When you feel like a fake, it’s typically because you’re holding yourself accountable for an impossible flawless result. Rather than striving for perfection, you should focus on development. Progress over perfection! You may get rid of perfectionism by practicing self-compassion and utilizing mindfulness to understand that the little mistakes are fine and your self-worth is your most important asset. 15. Seek out a mentorMentors play a crucial role in our growth and development. So, why wouldn’t they be important for something like this? Finding a mentor is a terrific approach to growing your career while also keeping imposter syndrome feelings in-check. You should seek out a person who can offer you assistance and some useful advice. This might be a senior, leader, or a boss at another organization who you like. And make sure you hold your mentors in high esteem. So, if push comes to shove, you can talk to them about your imposter syndrome. P.S. If today’s article added value to you, we’re sure that our paid content will spark x100 thoughts and increase your x100 productivity. A free subscription only gets you (occasional) updates like this one. Not the aha moment right? Here’s what paid subscribers are getting: Wednesday StoriesWednesday Stories — a short 2 min story that aims to spark some interesting ideas in your brain. Every Wednesday, we send a new one to our paid subscribers only. Here’s a sample: Wednesday Stories — Your Personal Hell Saturday InsightsSaturday Insights — a 5-10 min article that simply aims to improve at least one aspect of your life. It’s a combination between constant flow of motivation and distilled wisdom that compounds over time. Here’s a sample: Saturday Insights — Being Right Isn’t The Point Sunday DigestsSunday Digests — a collection of 7 articles covering business, entrepreneurship, startup, finance, investment, technology, and of course, thoughts & productivity. Every Sunday, paid subscribers will get an exclusive secret-link access to 7 drafts. Here’s a sample: Sunday Digests To make sure you’re not missing any of these updates in the upcoming week, start your 7-day free trial now — you’ll get exclusive excess to all the amazing paid content for absolutely free for a week (and cancel it anytime if you don’t wish to proceed). |
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